from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~


I reached out and caught Cyrus' arm before he could do anything. "Don't, Cyrus. You'll only get us thrown out. We can go somewhere else." If anyone was going to hit this man, it was going to be me. I didn't spend all day trying to restrain disorderly patients for nothing. I knew was stronger than him.

((sorry, got real busy getting ready to leave. I've got 30 minutes before I disappear, so how bout we not start rec time yet?))

I could've glared or shouted, or hit, but I didn't. I just looked at him, and gave an almost flirty smile. "What's the matter? Afraid I'll rub off on you? Oh, that's a double entendre if I've ever heard one." I tried not to laugh at the look that made him get. "But don't you worry one little bit. I don't go for arrogant little douchebags who have to spend their time tormenting others just because they can't get a date of their own."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, if you could see some of the women I've been with. When's the last time you had anyone that gave a s*** about you? I'm going to guess never. And, Mommy dearest doesn't count."

I just smiled. "That wasn't what I asked, dear. I asked if any of them gave a s*** about you. Based on your answer, I'm going to say that's a whopping None whatsoever."

I was used to the asylum, used to having quick reflexes to avoid injury by thrashing patients, so it wasn't difficult to lean back and away from his fist when it came at me. I turned to the side, grabbing his arm and throwing him down to the ground but didn't follow just yet, stearing clear of his feet so he couldn't knock me down. "What's the matter? You think only straight men can fight? If you dealt with what I do every day, you'd've p***ed your pants by now, sweetheart."
((gtg! Back in a few hours, probably right when you guys are going to sleep lol))


I took a step back, scooting Cyrus back a bit as well, to let him get up. "I intend to." I said, just to provoke him, and grinned when it worked. "Oh, look! Restaurant security! I guess we are going somewhere else."
"You don't TOUCH my boyfriend EVER AGAIN. DO YOU HEAR ME?!?, NEVER!!!!" I screamed, grabbing him and slamming his stupid little head on the table..
"Oh god.." I whispered.. Putting my hand oever my mouth.. Cyrus.. What have you done?!.. Oh god oh god oh god... This was too much, I dropped him and ran out of the resturant, I sat down on the asphalt outside.. Rocking back and forth.. What had I done?!.. Why had I done it?!, I knew why.. He would have hurt nic.. But I hurt him back.. And oh god.. The police would come for me.. I'd be put in prison, I'd never see nic, or crane, or list or katie again!!, tears began to run down my face, I pressed my back up against the wall.. Crying my eyes out.. This had all gone so wrong! 
(Gtg, night

I wasn't sure why, but I couldn't move, couldn't get up in time to stop him. When Laurence was lying on the ground and Cyrus was running out, the doctor in me won and I ended up hurrying over to his side to check his pulse and his head. "I'm a doctor, I'm a doctor," I said quickly when security approached. "It's just a bad hit. Call him an ambulance and he'll be fine." It would all be fine. There were a lot of witnesses here that had seen that I hadn't once hit the man, just shoved him a little, and that Cyrus had been acting in my defense. It would be fine.
My breaths were quick and sharp. I would get Cyrus back for this... I listened to them talking. If anyone, it would be me in trouble- I started it.. (Sorry for the short reply, getting ready for school)
((I was passing out right around when you posted that. And now I woke up and I'm sick and my voice is gone D:))


I sied and shook my head, using one of the cloth napkins to stem the blood flow. "Just lie still and you'll be fine, all right, Laurence?" I said soothingly. "An ambulance is on its way and they'll get you fixed up in no time. You'll probably be out of the hospital by tomorrow, even." And then possibly put in jail or community service a while. But I didn't say that.
(if i suddenly dissapear, ill be back, problems with mum and dad. And, sorry for the short replys, )

I just closed my eyes. I just wanted to run. I knew i was going to be in quiet abit of trouble....
I stayed where I was, I'd managed to stop shaking, that was good.. And I wasn't crying as much now.. I buried my head inbetween my knees, so ashamed of what I had done.. But was I?!, I'd been protecting nico..

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