from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~


"I don't think you are." I said, snickering a little before I could stop myself again. "If you laugh, I'll laugh, and then we'll both look like idiots."

"Hey!" I complained, batting once at his head and then sitting back and laughing with him. Oh, god, we had to stop. We were going to be called insane.

I covered my own mouth and stopped looking at him long enough to stop, then reached over the table to cover his mouth instead. "St-Stop, Cyrus. If you keep going, I will too." When he finally managed to calm down I shook my head and let him go. "We are officially the crazy table."

I glanced around, then just grinned at him. "Our waitress said we're adorable."

((brb gotta walk the dog))

"No, no, no!" I waved a hand at him. "Stop - not again." I glanced back and tried to make a straight face. "Shh! She's coming!"
((Okay. Not sure what we'll do but have random conversation lol))


We managed to calm down enough to order our food, and I looked at Cyrus when our waitress walked away. "Well I'm designated driver, but you can have something to drink if you want. I don't mind. The wine here is pretty good, actually."
I shook my head "no no, seriously, its fine" I smiled at him.. Taking his hands from across the table.. Hoping he wouldn't mind, praying he wouldn't mind

"All right, all right," I said, smiling a little. "Guess you're really not a recreational drinker." I shook my head, just let him keep my hands and tapped my fingers idly against his hands. "Just soda then."

"What?" I said, after he'd just looked at me for a minute or so. "You know, if you took a picture, I wouldn't have to try holding a smile for so long." I'd be smiling anyway, because I couldn't stop, but the point still stood/

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