from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~

"Don't worry nic, I've never crashed, in all my years of speeding, I still know what a junction is" I smiled a little, just to let him know I was joking.

I sighed softly. "That's not the point. The point is that other people don't care what you're doing." They wouldn't watch out for him. No matter how quick his reflexes were, there would eventually be that one car that drove off without looking.

((gtg. Brief shopping trip with mom))
(im here, again. Still no one to rp with though. Should i make a character or something (like.... cy's kid or something to just play for now, or just go for a bit more.)))
Idk, because you can't really do anything to anyone until cy and nico get back, that will be tomorrah, and things with layla wouldn't really be very eventful because nobody else like burning rain or dr kirill is online so you've got noone to interact with really.
(Or somebody that cy hates.. And he starts to take the miccy because cy and nic are like, holding hands or something and it gets into a fight and gahh
((I don't know if I'm being ignorant or if it was a typo but . . . 'take the miccy?' What does that mean? PS, sorry I was gone. Got distracted by video editing))


I smiled and shook my head, then just got out. "I've never named any of my vehicles. But to each his own."
((Oooooh, okay. That's not U.S. slang, is it?))


I let him pull me along and just gave him a mock glare and pout, pointing an accusing finger at him. "Are you calling me cold and detached? Like a lizard?"
(no xD btw, sorry i keep dissapearing, im watching this drama (its so rubbish, but i cant stop watching xD

So, whats the plan then?)
(One nico and cy start like talking and they're all settled, come in and ruin it all > :)

"Not at all, you're no more a lizard than I am" I laughed.. Kissing him on the cheek as we walked in

I just grinned, happy he'd laughed, and told the hostess there were two in our party. We were directed to a table, given menus and asked if we wanted anything to drink. We started with water for now, and I had to smile a little because she was muttering something about 'adorable' to herself as she walked away. I wondered if she was talking about him, me, or the both of us together.
((I have to work tonight so I probably won't be on when you guys come back))


I bit my lip to keep from laughing and reached across the table to pat at his arm. "Stop, Cyrus," I said, low and quiet and trying not to laugh. "St-Stop laughing, someone will hear!"

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