from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~

((We'll say he has a motorbike lol easier that way))


"No spare helmet," I said idly as we walked out, fingers curled around his. "Guess you'll have to drive real safe, huh?"
" Yeah.. Guess I will" I caught that worried look in his eyes.. "You do know I've been Ridnig since I was 16, nic, there's nothing to worry about" I smiled.. Wavering slightly before kissing him on the cheek, before passing him my helmet..
oh my gosh sorry! I've barely been on, and when I have i've been on for maybe 5 minutes. Can I just get a quick little summary?
Well, layla has killed a nurse, and broken cy's nose, nico was quite badly affected by the death, layla has just been taken to solitary, and messed up cy's knee.. So know cy and nic are going back to cy's to get plastered to forget about the day's events xD

I shook my head and just looked at it. "It's okay, Cyrus. You don't have to give me your helmet. I can just hold on tight and keep my head down. You need the faceplate for your eyes."
"Just put it on, its not like I've never ridden without a helmet,, I'd rather you wear it, purelt because I know you're sh*tting yourself" I slipped it over his head, before he could say another word..
sounds fun lol...

i'll just carry on as Luna, let's say Katie has been running around trying to help other nurse's and yada yada yada.


I rocked back and forth in my room, hyperventilating. They've been keeping us in our rooms more often because of one girl who is very dangerous. I've been bored out of my mind and literally have almost resorted to an imaginary friend instead of my other friends in my room. I talked to my bed, my chair, my wardrobe. Eventually they got extremely boring. I had no books and no dolls.

I flinched when he pushed the helmet down over my head, then just gave him a look as he got on the bike. "Oh, hush." I said, getting on behind him and putting my arms around his stomach. "I am not."

I squeezed, just to let him know I was fine, and nodded against his shoulder. "I'm *fine*. Just go so we can get there faster. The little liquor store on 8th is on the way, I think."
I smiled.. Starting the bike up, I slowly pulled out of the car park, before zooming on to the main road..granted I was being a bit of a show off, only because nic was riding with me, I carried on along the asphalt, breaking possibly every speed limit there was to break.. Soon, we arrived at the shop, not far away from my house.. I turned to nic.. Who was shaking like a leaf.. "Enjoy that honey?, I think you should go in, seeing as you're taller than me, and look older, so yea'

I stumbled off the bike and took off the helmet to look at him, running a hand through my hair to fix it. "Jesus, Cyrus! You could slow down a little!" I shook my head to clear it. "Like you're not of age. Fine. If I'm getting it, then I get to choose whatever I want."

I laughed when he caught my hand and just pulled him in after me. "What's the matter? Afraid ill buy something that'll burn? Youre a lightweight, aren't you?"

I blinked, surprised, and looked at him as we walked into an aisle. "Really? Oh. Nevermind then. . . So I get the vodka to myself?"
"I never said that.. I don't drink, but when I do drink, I don't just set out to have one, I set out to get p*ssed" I laughed a little.. "So know, you're not having the bodka to yourself" I said stoutly, intwining my fingers with his..

"Darn." I whined, then just laughed and grabbed a bottle. "Should we get the two-pack? Mix it with cranberry?" That was supposed to be good.

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