from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~


"I'll do my best," I said, then walked out and closed the door behind me. Thankfully, when I got there, the cafeteria did have lemonade.

I got what I thought she might like from the cafeteria and brought it up on a small tray with her lemonade, smiling a little when I opened the door. "Good news! They had your lemonade."
I got up.. Looking into nichs eyes.. My own eyes were frosted over from lack of sleep, I though about going to the break room to sleep, but I would just embarass myself.. 
Brb movie
katie is head of punishments and does help the inmates. she's not really specifically assigned, but tends to some more then others.

I frowned a little at Cyrus, handing Layla the tray with her food. "You look exhausted, Cy. Do you need to head home early?"

((Sorry, didn't realize it was my turn or I would've replied after work last night. I took an archery class yesterday! :3 it was awesome!!))
((We used recurve bows that were practically as tall as me!! I mean, I'm pretty short, but still! Lol and we got to hit these giant foam targets and they even tacked on some balloons to hit too after a while. So satisfying to hear that giant pop when the arrow hits xD there were other people on the range that were just there for their own entertainment, not for the class, and they had this freaking monstrous compound bows O.o those things look like monsters))


I sighed softly and just pulled him up from where he sat. "Layla, ill come back to get it when you're done, okay, sweetheart?" I pulled him out after that, closing the door behind us, and leading him towards the break room. "Let's get you some coffee then, huh? Maybe I can help you with your paperwork so you don't hurt your eyes so much."
(ive been to archery classes. It cut my fingers up something rotten, but it was amazing)))


I nodded happily, sitting up. I streached my legs out and put the tray on my lap. I keapt Robbie under my left arm as i began eating.

"oh god, yea, coffee sounds good.. and so does help.. im nearly done to be quite honest though, but i could alaways use some help......OH!! and did you speak to Katie, i feel quite guilty about it "
((Ouch. These bows had little grips of the string so that didn't happen. Or for the one person whose bow didn't, there were gloves for that))

I nodded a little. "Either she saw nothing or she's pretending she saw nothing. I either case, there's nothing to feel guilty about. People yell sometimes. We get over it." She would be fine. "People employed here have to be pretty thick-skinned, you know." Patients threw insults and jeers at us all the time. It was just the job. 
((Haha xD that probably means you're slightly double jointed. If your arm bends back in a tiny bit while extended or if you're just holding the bow wrong, you'll hit it. They gave us little arm guards for that, but I never hit myself))
"oh,ok.. and yeah i would know.. considering i am one of them" i laughed a little, letting him know i was joking..

(who wants to skip to when the random nurse takes her bunny and she has a fit and kills her)
(i didnt hit my arms, i hard arm gaurds on but no gloves >.> Im very double jointed >.>


I began eating my room. I dropped Robbie in it afew times... By the time i was finished, he was soaked in lemonade and covered in my dinner...

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