from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~

((Quick replies cuz I'm plugged in lol))


I smiled for him, trying to make him feel better. "Of course. You've been my friend a long time, Cyrus. I can stand to lose some sleep for you."
((Back finally. Those kids are fun but they steal my rp time away from me lol . . . and my ipad xD ))


I just ran a hand over his head, smiling to let him know I was kidding. "If that's the truth, you need better friends." I shook my head and gave him a squeeze. "Will you let me talk to your doctor later? We can arrange for a prescription, and you can both let me know what to expect." I liked to go into things prepared, most times. "And if you're feeling better now, I'll go and have a talk with Katie."

((If she's on still))
Things felt on top of me, I knew they were. I was swamped. I messed up my life irreparably, even if it wasn't my fault, damage is done and I can never ever go back now. I started gnawing into my forearm, near the crook of my elbow.
I smiled.. "Yeah, you can.." "And yes.. Go talk to her, I'm fine, I'll carry on with my papaerwork" I kissed him on the cheek before he left..


I smiled and nodded, but made sure I asked if he was sure before heading for the door. "If we get everything ready in time, we do it after our date." That way he would be nice and relaxed and hopefully be better able to sleep. I was already planning what I should bring with me.
"Yeah.. That sounds like a plausable idea.."I sat back down in my chair.. Feeling quite a lot better.. I picked up my pen and began to read,

I gave him a little wave and walked out, heading down the corridor. It took a little looking around, but I found Katie in the nurses' lounge and walked over to where she sat, taking a careful seat across from her. She might be nervous about this, I thought, if she was thinking what I suspected she was thinking, so I made sure I smiled at least a little. ". . . Katie, dear? Might I ask what you saw?"
Ugh.. 3 more pages to go, then I needed some air.. I started to nibble on the end of my pen.. I was getting a little nervous about our date.. Not that I was nervous about being arou nich, just.. Scared really..
Biting into my arm, I shake my head like a dogs to try and rend. I feel blood running down my arm and taste it in my mouth. Ripping skin sounds like ripping paper in a way.
I pulled my head back, teeth still gritted, a flap of skin and other tissue came with it. I spat it out onto the floor and started gnawing again, I felt blood vessels in my mouth as I bit down, shaking my head to rip and tear and rend.
She's in the nurses lounge. So yes lol. But yea I did see hat part.


I sat in the nurse's lounge doing paperwork about our two most recent inmates. I casually sipped m coffee whe at it as well. It was a calming thing to me.


I woke up gasping for breath and clutching my dad. I had shot straight up. My eyes were squeezed shut and all I could do was wait for the unbearable pain to end.
((..... Okay. . . I said that. And he started talking to her. So I guess I'll just repost it?))


I gave Cyrus a little wave and walked out, heading down the corridor. It took a little looking around, but I found Katie in the nurses' lounge and walked over to where she sat, taking a careful seat across from her. She might be nervous about this, I thought, if she was thinking what I suspected she was thinking, so I made sure I smiled at least a little. ". . . Katie, dear? Might I ask what you saw?"
Lol hi.


"I opened the door and saw you sitting on the desk and him in his chair. Talking. Why?" I said not looking up from my papers. I took a sip then wrote more things down.


I swallowed and drew my shaky hands away from my head. I slowly opened my eyes and wiped my forehead. I got out of bed and stretched slowly while taking a deep breath. I started murmuring to myself and ten something inside me just snapped causing me to darken with anger.

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