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Fandom Friendship and Pokemon (IC w/ Azurian Dream)


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Kai Cho

Age: 12
Birthday: July 4th
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Pronouns: She, Her, Hers
Skin: White
Hair: Pink
Eyes: Blue
Height: 4' 8"
Weight: 115LBS

Personality: Cheerful, Kind, Determined, Observant, Studious, Adventures, Intelligent

Personal Story: Ever since she was eight, she learned of Pokémon from her mother and father. She moved with her parents to the Yohana Region. Her father interested in studying the Pokémon there. Kai herself dreams of exploring all of Yohana and documenting as many Pokémon as she can in her Pokedex her father has developed for her for the Yohana Region. Along with helping her father and mother's research, she collects Gym Badges, wanting to become a strong and powerful Trainer with all she knows about Pokémon.

Lisa Cho (Mother)

Age: 35
Birthday: May 10th
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Pronouns: She, Her, Hers
Skin: White
Hair: Pink
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 135LBS
Tattoos / Piercings: None
Occupation: Pokémon Nurse

Saru Cho (Father)

Age: 36
Birthday: November 1st
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Pronouns: He, His, Him, Professor
Skin: White
Hair: Purple
Eyes: Purple
Skin: White
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 148LBS
Occupation: Pokémon Professor / Researcher

It was Kai Cho's eleventh birthday. And she couldn't have been more excited. In the Yohana Region, eleven-year-olds could go off on Pokemon adventures! Now it was Kai Cho's turn. She couldn't have imagined a better birthday present then getting her own PokeDex! It was something she had been long waiting for. Her father was the Professor of Pokemon of the Yohana Region. At least, one of them. He studied Pokemon overall, but his dream was to be able to see and study the Legendary Pokemon that had been rumored to create this island for all Pokemon and guard it.

She was waiting at the lab with her father. She could see the gleaming red PokeDex's sitting neatly on the table and was pacing excitedly. Where was her best friend? But then, Kai Cho was always at the lab with her father. Her mother worked as a PokeNurse. She never could stand seeing Pokemon in pain, and neither did Kai. But catching and battling with in her blood. She was good at spotting and catching Pokemon. In fact, the backpack she wore contained her diary and a phone. Soon, PokeBalls would be added to her backpack collection and Pokemon!

Kai dreamed of creating a Pokemon team of her own and helping her father to complete the PokeDex. On the other hand, training was in her blood. She also had dreams of collecting Pokemon Badges and maybe even going to the Pokemon League!

Amused at his daughter's pacing, Saru watched, knowing she was eager to get going. "You know Kai..." He said softly, getting her attention, his lips lifted in a smile. "Patience should be your first lesson as a real trainer now." He stopped, watching her cease her pacing.

"Huh?" She questioned, her face puzzled. Then she realized. "Oh..."

Her father chuckled and patted his head. "He'll be here." Saru assured her.
"Nononononono," a boy hustled at Mach speed past a fish market stand nearly ramming into a elderly man who had just finished purchasing some delectable choices yelped upon the boys sudden turn behind the corner as he was barely steam rolled by the brown hair boy running as if his very life was on the line barely catching his goggles as they nearly slipped off his face from the sudden intense momentum turn. The elder raised a fist as the fisherman laughed a bit at the scene clapping in tandem with the elders rage.


"UNLIKELY YOU UNSEEMLY FOSSIL I JUST TURNED ELEVEN A FEW DAYS AGO. WHICH MEANS I AM NO LONGER LEGALLY HELD BY MY MOM THE MOMENT THAT POKEBALL FALLS INTO MY CLUTCHES HAHAHAHAHAHA," the youth barked back causing the elder to fume in rage to the boy's rebellious unruly insane attitude. The fisherman simply laughed all the while before giving a soft somewhat disappointed sigh.

"That means were about to lose Kai to. Guess things will get rather quite now with that duo heading out into the big world," the Fisherman mulled.

"For the better I say. If it costs us that sweet girl to get rid of that heathen of a boy I am for it," the elder man grumbled as the fisherman shooed him off with a lazy hand wave.

The boy in question smile grew bigger as he past by many of the small towns houses, and farming area. It was finally time to leave the boonies, and go see that big world. The clear sky, the bright sun, and even the road today all ready to see him off as he made a beeline knowing he was late for the traditional Pokémon selection process. From the moment Prof. Cho had moved to the town the boy had known what his calling in life had been. Not to become some trapped in the boonies menial worker at the farms, or docks, but a full fledged adventurer destined to unravel the new worlds secrets.

"Oh Professor I see Cobalt in the distance...," the scientist peeping out the window need'nt say another word as Cobalt barreled through the doors tumbling all the way right to Kai's feet.


(Art from the artist: CookieHana)

Age: 12
Birthday: May 23th
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Pronouns: Him, He, His
Skin: White
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 135LBS

"Heh, sorry there was traffic out there like no ones business," he smugly smiled getting up as he dusted himself off grinning at Kai with pure adrenaline excitement. His destined rival, and friend well one of the only few other kids his age that could deal with his extreme energy that was, but that was friend in the think of it wasn't it?

"Alright Prof. were are they at," Cobalt asked with extreme glee.
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"Finally!" She exclaimed, a freshly determined glint in her eyes. Kai had her mother's eyes and father's personality. Though Kai Cho never liked seeing Pokemon in pain either. But catching, battling, training...It was in her blood.

Her father, Pokemon Professor Saru Cho, had even captured three rare Pokemon for her and Cobalt to choose from to begin their adventures with. They were the very first three Pokemon she had seen caught inside PokeBalls as a training exercise. The three Pokemon waiting for them to choose them were these:


First, the fire Pokemon, Ponyta. Second, the grass type Pokemon, Skidoo. Lastly, the water Pokemon, Mantine. They were what the Region called Ride Pokemon. It was going to be a challenging choice. Kai had been trying to decide which Ride Pokemon she wanted to start her journey with. Mantine would be great sailing across the waters around Yohana! But then Ponyta and Skidoo would be great for going around the main island. Ponyta could light up dark places too like caves.

Kai cast a look at her best friend of PokeTown. "Can we please see them?" She questioned, her tone eager. She had just decided on Ponyta. That would be her Pokemon!

Her father chuckled and pressed a button. A stand from the floor appeared with three PokeBalls that rested neatly in their places. She picked out Ponyta and held the PokeBall in the chair. "Ponyta! I Choose You!" She exclaimed.
"GUH," Cobalt felt the life drain out of him as Kai snatched the one he wanted most right out from under him. THough as he dropped to his knee's in silly defeat he still was able to lift a hand pointing at Mantine as he raised his head up in fevered repentance pointing directly to the water type Mantine. If he couldn't have a noble steed he would have a noble... fish? He would need to rework his whole selection of word adaption catch phrases he had been planning for months in advanced.

"Mantine I choose you, AND I AM GOING TO BE NUMBER ONE WITH YOUR HELP," he somewhat scowled/happily accepted Mantine's pokeball as he got back up with the water Pokémon a bit confused by the emotions of its new trainer, but still albeit happy to be selected as the Skiddo was returned to its pokeball having not been selected. After a soft recovery mumble hype up he turned to Kai, and the rest before letting out a soft sigh to let it all go for now as he smiled at the professor.

"Aight doc so what exactly are we doing for you, and what route are you projecting us to take," Cobalt hummed knowing that no one just got pokemon from a professor for free there were a few strings attached after all.

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