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Fantasy Forsaken Dawn Guild OOC Chat

With all due respects, I can't keep up with y'all going high-speed low-drag with the posts.
Thus, I must sit Stynger out for now, so that she won't hold anyone up. Unless a fight starts or something, idk.
In particular, thee Yakov011001 Yakov011001 . Feel free to ignore Stynger and move on. I'mma be off-grid for the next couple of days.
With all due respects, I can't keep up with y'all going high-speed low-drag with the posts.
Thus, I must sit Stynger out for now, so that she won't hold anyone up. Unless a fight starts or something, idk.
In particular, thee Yakov011001 Yakov011001 . Feel free to ignore Stynger and move on. I'mma be off-grid for the next couple of days.

Take your time. You do what you need.
With all due respects, I can't keep up with y'all going high-speed low-drag with the posts.
Thus, I must sit Stynger out for now, so that she won't hold anyone up. Unless a fight starts or something, idk.
In particular, thee Yakov011001 Yakov011001 . Feel free to ignore Stynger and move on. I'mma be off-grid for the next couple of days.
Understandable, I was actually kind of surprised we were already on the second page. Go at your own pace.

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