Forest Dominators - A Wolf Pack roleplay [Inactive]

Aurora looked up from her tracking, noticing Malenkai. "Is something the matter," asked the younger wolf.

The Elder nodded, "Yes, something's the matter. I'm making sure we have all of our pups. We're still missing a few."

"Sorry Elder, but Shadow gave you an order to watch the pups, and I can only assume that means in the camp grounds."

She shook her head, saying, "No, he gave me orders to keep the pack calm. The first step is to have all of the pups together. All of the others will worry if we're missing pups."

He smiled, "Do not worry, I will gather the rest of the pups myself and bring them back. You can count on that. First, tell me, which direction were you heading off to?"

Aurora nodded, responding with, "That way," and a gesture of the snout in the direction of Shadow. "I smell a few of them over there. We're missing Bandit, Smear, Lightark, Rosie, and the new one, Creek. I think that's all."

Malenkai nodded and dashed off, as Aurora shouted off behind him, "And don't call me Elder! I'm not that old!"

She turned, cackling quietly, secretly glad that the missing pups were to be found by someone a little... younger. With that problem being handled, she turned to go check on the rest of the pack. She walked over to Tessa, questioning, "Have any other pups arrived?"
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Smear sniffed the ground, and grumbled to herself. Then, she saw Shadow nearby. She tried to be sneaky, as she didn't wish to get in trouble. She saw Bandit and Death too. 'I wonder what they're doing.' She thought. "Mmm..."

Ban spotted his sister, and sighed. She was just going make things worse. He pretended he didn't notice her over there.

Death took another step back.
Tasha skidded to a stop, ashamed that she had pranced away without her new companion, Pepp. "Sorry!" she apologized, her tail between her legs as she turned to face the older gray wolf. "Wait, what am I helping you with?" she asked, realizing that she had offered to assist Pepp without the awareness of what she was assisting her to do. Pepp had simply looked like she lacked cooperation and assistance. The reason for which she had left the camp had appeared, from Tasha's perspective, to be important, but Tasha still had not interpreted what it was. She trotted gently across the dried leaves that blanketed the forest floor to stand beside the amiable gray wolf, tilting her head as she looked up at her.
Pepp laughed a bit, "Well, I guess I forgot to tell you before accepting your help." She said. "I'm colecting herbs, and any other things that may look helpful." She was now walking slowly again, since Tasha had slowed down. She enjoyed having some company while she worked, and was pretty happy at that moment, while talking to Tasha. Saying everything in a pretty happy tone.
Shadow nodded at Malenkai as he told him that he was going to bring back Rosie and that he would come back shortly after that. He was wondering why Malenkai called him Sir, since Shadow always told Malenkai that he didn't need to do that. Shadow's gaze completely focussed on Death again but he did still keep completely silent, slowly sweeping his tail over the ground and still having that grin that bared his teeth. Because Shadow was sitting down, his guard seemed to be dropped. But any unexpected movement Death could possible make was already planned out in Shadow's mind by only studying the rogue for a couple of seconds.

Shadow sighed and for the first time looked around a bit. "Listen Death..." he said calmly and confident. "We now have been over this several times before and you and I both know, it has and will always end the same. Why don't you leave all this trouble for what it is and just leave my territory right away. I know you are concerned about your family, but I can ensure you that they're completely safe. You're exiled. Leave. Now" The last words were spoken with slightly more anger and seriousness, but still surprisingly calm.

Spike looked up as Malenkai yelled his name. He sighed and smiled slightly after he finished his apology. "You know how I'm dealing with my Beta rank... It's just a name that's all." Spike knew that Malenkai wasn't supposed to give him orders, but he didn't really care. Just like his energetic and almost the opposite of serious way of acting he always had, which didn't belong to a Beta at all. Spike didn't mind if any rules were broken, regarding him, or if he was simply called Spike instead of Beta. However, he knew that his brother did take this way more serious. "You shouldn't apologise to me Malenkai... But you absolutely should to Shadow. Not when he's busy with those intruders though... You'll only piss him off more." Spike said calmly. The smile on his face had disappeared and he was really serious now.

Tessa smiled when Aurora talked to her. She loved the calm voice and almost could feel the experience within the Alpha. "I've spotted Lightark with Spike, Baya and Spirit" She said before pointing her muzzle into the direction of the small group at the rim of the camp. "I believe he just went to the river... But next to him, no others have been seen by me" she said, slightly concerned.
"Hmm... there seems to be more to it than that, though I'm inclined to unfortunate judgement" Malenkai stated, studying the sudden change in Spike's expression. He turned his body towards the entrance/exit so that his face may remain hidden. The peculiar look on Malenkai's face had shown that he'd obviously been drifting into the wrong parts of the conversation, but he couldn't help worry what seemed to be a spark of a larger crisis in the near future. He turned back towards Spike slightly, mellowing over the fact that he could be wrong but didn't give room to discharge the offense. "Listen, I'm not one to talk being a single pup my whole childhood, but if there's something going on between you, Tessa, and Shadow then you guys should try to talk it through." he quickly said keeping his face hidden. Malenkai definitely felt embarressed over all, but the feeling he had towards Spike's expression seemed strong enough. "I'm heading back, you know what to do if there's anymore trouble." Malenkai took off, turning back to bark one last "And again, sorry!" before focusing his attention on Shadow's location. "Let's see... I know Creek's most likely in my den. I'm on my way to get Bandit now. Lightart and Rosie just got back to the encampment a few minutes ago. So that leaves... where the hell is Smear?" he asked himself organizing his thoughts on two current objectives that seemed clear to him. Those objectives were to get Bandit back to camp grounds safely and find Smear. "At the very least, " he said whinningly, "let this be a two for one ordeal." The race back to reinforce and protect continued.
"Mmm..." Smear muttered to herself uneasily. She was a little worried, but she knew Shadow had it all under control. After all, he was the alpha, she believed in him. Shaking her pelt, she started to head back to camp, little did she know, she was going the wrong way.

"I don't know why I was so worried." Smear said to herself. "I mean, I should have known Shadow would be able to track that rascal down." Her tail wagged a bit, and she was glad that no one saw. She didn't want anyone to know that she was really protective of her brother.

Death sighed, he wasn't in Shadow's territory technecly. But, he was in no mood to mess with the alpha. So, he kept backing up, still facing Shadow, but getting further away.

Ban sighed as well, but his was a sad sigh. He had wanted to play with Death, but now he wasn't going to get to. It was all Malenkai's fault too. So, Ban was grumpy and sad.
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Spike must have had a very strange and confused look on his face as Malenkai told him that there might have been something going on between him and his brother and sister, which absolutely wasn't the case. He loved both his brother and sister, and he knew Shadow loved him and Tessa and he also knew Tessa loved her older and younger brother. It all confused him quite a lot and he had to think it through for a couple of minutes before focusing on something else again. He hoped that he wasn't missing something and also that he wasn't showing any signs of having a conflict with his family since he wouldn't know what was wrong. The only thing was just the pack's hierarchy. Shadow was the Alpha. And although Spike and Tessa were his family, they would still have to listen to them. But even then, Spike always knew that the amount of respect Tessa and he had to show towards Shadow where significantly less than other pack members had to.

Shadow smirked slightly when he saw Death finally back off from his territory. "Good. Now stay away from my territory. Death... you know you have been wrong, and if you want to set things right, you'll have to speak to one of the guard who will bring you to me. But. I don't want you just messing around in my territory by yourself. I hope I made myself clear. Next time, I will not be that gentle with you." Shadow's smirk had disappeared at his last words and the seriousness and small amount of anger could easily be seen in his eyes before he turned his back to Death and faced Jalapan again. Other wolves would most likely never have turned their back to their enemies, but Shadow was way too alert for Death to have any chance to attack him off guard. "Good... Jalapan, if you'd like to follow me. I want to hear Lightark's story and then I'll see what I can do for you." He said calmly before giving one last glare to Death and trotting back to the camp again.
Death smirked after Shadow left, "I know I have been wrong, have I?" He asked himself, before laughing. "Of course not." With that, he said good bye to Bandit, and walked off. He wasn't going to try to make amends, he didn't care who thought what about him.

Ban sighed, and turned away from Death. He began to head back to camp, remembering the way, since he came out there all the time.

Smear on the other hand, had found Death, Ban, the other wolf, whom she didn' know, and Shadow mostly by chance. She stopped, as soon as she relised she was going the wrong way. "Oh, come on." She groaned. She turned around, she should have known everything wouldn't work itself out that easily.
"Yes... Arko will tell the story to you but I can already see he won't be too happy when telling about it." Jalapan nodded before following Shadow back to the camp. A while later, when Shadow and Jalapan arrived back at the camp Lightark turned around from looking at the river and found Jalapan has returned with Shadow. Lightark'a face lit up as he quickly stood up and ran to Jalapan to tackle him, making him fall to the ground (Jalapan did it on purpose) and nuzzled him before starting to play with him. "Never get tired or bored with playing, don't you?" Jalapan smiled, just lying on the ground to let Lightark play with his paws.
Malenkai didn't get too far into the forest on his way back to Shadow, when the alpha himself appeared with Jalapan and Bandit. He stopped before Shadow and asked, "How'd Death take it this time?" Malenkai listened to Shadow's answer, but what really bothered him was that when he looked down at Bandit, he turned his little head away and pouted. Malenkai didn't approach the issue with Bandit. As soon as he'd be back with his mother, he'd probably litghten up a little... probably. Once Shadow had said he was going to return with Jalapan back to camp, Malenkai responded with "I'll join back with you shortly, I have to find Smear first. She and Bandit are the only too pups not within camp grounds." Shadow simply nodded, truly a wolf of few words when he's not in the mood, and allowed Malenkai to continue to search. Not more than twenty feet away from where Shadow, Jalapan and Bandit just stood, Malenkai heard a rustle in the bushes with his big ears beside him. In a clear distance, a small bushy tail was noticed wagging back in the direction of the encampment. Malenkai stopped, sat and breathed for a moment, letting out a short laugh before stating, "This sure was one helluva day." After all the problems that befell the pack, the pups were safely returned and Death's tresspassing was dealt with. In addition, a old pack member of LightArk's, Jalapan, will probably be gettin' assistance with his travels. There's a small chance he'll really join our pack, but what does Shadow think is more important in that situation. For now, Malenkai took his time returning to the camp, thinking mostly of how bad the pups can be. It only made him think of his son more, the fact that he was the same way. "Guess it's just natural curiosity." he said.
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Shadow stopped when he encountered Malenkai close to the camp and listened to her carefully, well... at least trying to while other thoughts were shooting through his mind. He really needed some time to relax after he dealt with Jalapan. The Alpha looked up at the sky for a second and then let out a sigh as he noticed the sun was barely above the treetops and going down to the horizon with quite some speed already as he noticed that areas covered with trees quickly became darker then they already were during daytime. "Death left the territory without any further trouble. I told him not to return... But you know how he is..." He wanted to sigh, but he didn't. Simply because he was the Alpha.

He nodded at Malenkai once he told him about the pups and allowed him to continue his search before returning to the camp and quite soon encountering Lightark there. Shadow frowned slightly at how happy they both seemed to be. The Alpha was nowhere near sure if he would allow Jalapan to join the pack or not. He let out a very soft but dominant growl, simply to get both their attention and sort of ruin their fun with it.

"Lightark. I need you to tell me what happened between you and Jalapan and why I should even consider letting him join my pack" He said with a dominant tone. He really loved showing off his dominance once in a while. The fact that he said why he should even consider letting Jalapan join the pack, should be an indication for both Jalapan himself and Lightark that his chances were very very low.
"Y-Yes..." Lightark stopped when Shadow started to growl, being scared a little but Jalapan is on his side, comforting him. "W-Well... Me and Uncle Jalapan are relatives, both in an pack... which is destroyed. My family members have a sign to identify ourselves." Lightark said to Shadow, looking at him, being a little scared and then he pushed up the long hair covering his forehead, showing a white ovan, like his uncle. "Uncle is a really good warrior and hunter. Him and my father taught me how to hunt and to fight. We could use some more fighting wolves here, right... Mister Shadow....?" Lightark tone changed after he showed Shadow the sign on his forehead, less scared until he asked Shadow hesitantly.
Tasha looked at her new companion enthusiastically. Collecting herbs? It was probable that this new wolf was a healer, or whatever occupation of wolves in this pack that were responsible for curing others. Though Tasha was not quite experienced at healing, she was an excellent hunter, and decided that perhaps detecting herbs would not be much more difficult than identifying the location of prey. However, she would have to become accustomed to the scent and appearance of each herb that Pepper was intending to search for. Alongside Pepp, she padded across the withered twigs and leaves, careful to set her paw down in a way that would produce hardly a crackle, as the sound alarmed prey; although they were not hunting, Tasha would rather not propel potential food from the wolves' territory. "Collecting herbs?" she inquired. "What kind of herbs?"
Lilith followed Spike and the others back to the camp with her ears perked in case they had to run back in the event that the tables were turned in the outcasts favor. Death was banned before she was adopted into the pack but she had heard stories about him here and there as sometimes the subject was brought up. Once they reached camp Lilith looked at the pups and made sure that all was well before she walked around and checked things out. Coming back to the entrance, she watched as the new comer came back with Shadow and the the other few that stayed. She believed that his name was Jajapan. It appeared that he was related to Lightark somehow. If her Alpha let her in then she supposed that he was alright. Naturally she still kept her guard up as she always did with anyone she wasn't very close to. Hell, who was she kidding, she wasn't really close to anyone here.

Letting out a deep breath, Lilith went back to her Delta den and sat with her tail around her hind legs. Standing stalk still as always with a stiff spine, she watched as every meandered about in camp. Her stomach then proceeded to growl and she sighed. With everything that had been going on this morning, the thought of food had slipped her mind. Looking around again, she noticed that she wasn't needed for the moment so she slipped away to hunt something down to eat. She kept her ears perked once again and listened to any signs of animal activity. Hearing some rustling, she caught sight of a rather fat rabbit. Hunkering down and steading her breath, Lilith bolted towards it and quickly broke it's neck. She grinned with satisfaction and grabbed the now dead animal, walking over to a flat spot, she began to slowly eat her catch. Completely consumed in what she was doing, her guard was down.
A large mostly dark brown wolf was walking through a field, returning from a hunting trip. Nuka had been successful in chasing down a few smaller animals for the pups. Er-- the ones he knew about anyway. As he hurried back, cutting a few new trails and climbing over a rather decayed log, he caught sight of a little grey ball of fur. Crouching a bit, he quietly made his way over until he saw that it was just a pup, not another small prey. He had been out before the sun rose, so he wasn't there to know that the pack had some new additions. So this had unintentionally made him think that another pack was nearby, and that they had lost their pup. Looming over her, Nuka studied the seemingly lost pup until he decided to speak,"What are you doing here small one?"
Matilda and Holo have just gone back from hunting and as they returned from their den they saw Valentine "How was your day sweety?" Holo asked as she approached Valentine and brushed necks "It was fine mom, how was yours?" Holo smiled at her cub and said "Ask your sister." Valentine looks at Matilda who was falling a bit behind and said "So... How was it sis?" There was sort of an innocence in Valentine's voice as she ask unlike her older sister who sounded a little more tomboy-ish "My butt hurts, how do you think it went!" Matilda answered, Holo then turned around to face Matilda and calmly said "Calm down Mat-Mat it was just a thorn bush." "Yeah, but I don't think I could sit for a while." Matilda said in reply. Inside the den in was just the three of them eating and Valentine asked "When is dad coming back?" Holo replied "He'll be home late today, don't worry sweety." Holo could be easily mistaken for royalty by the way she talks and the way she moved, always calm and controlled, but that only hid the worries she felt leaving Valentine alone to be a healers apprentice, bringing Matilda with her during hunts, and not knowing if Fenrir would come back after another battle she just wish she could be together with them everyday. 
Fenrir came home late, and as he approached the mouth of the den he saw Holo "Hey..." She cut him off "Don't "Hey" me, Do you have no idea what time it is! where were you?" Holo was mad, and he knew it so he bowed his head and said "My deepest apologies milady, I was-" "Thats enough, I know." She cooled off quickly, Fenrir thought, so he came closer to her, licked and cuddled her "Come on, let's get some rest." He told Holo and they made their way inside.
Crin was not to far off from the den but not close enough to run a few strides to get there. She was on the warriors of the pack, but one who would rather fight alone then with her fellow comrades. It was not to say that she had ill feelings toward them but if she had made any careless mistakes and they happened to end up wounded or dead it would be on her shoulders. Such a heavy burden like that was not something she wanted to go through with again. The black female was crouching down behind a rock, her muzzle to the floor as it sniffed the wet ground for any unknown scents. Her tail wagged to and fro as her ears twitched , flicking off any bothersome flies and small gnats. Darkness had crawled in and the hour was becoming late. She lifted her head from the ground and looked around with her crimson like hues. The area was clear and her job for this area was finished. Turning around she started off into a small tort, keeping a fine pace for herself.

When she saw a deer off behind a brush she stopped for a second. It had been a while for her , fighting and taking down prey. She gave a sly smirk exposing her teeth as she got low and began to creep. The deer stopped in its track and lifted its head from the grass. Looking around it began to move slowly forward away form her. As soon as the deer took another step Crin lunged for it , using her claws to grab at it's side. The deer yelped and tried to move away but as her hind legs touched the ground she swung her other paw toward the other side of the deer and grabbed hold of it with her claws. Crin threw her body toward the let making the dear fall on it's side. Laughing a little Cirn got up quickly and leaned over the deer, her teeth biting into its neck and stopping its quick movements of resist. Victoriously she moved away from it and began to ponder if she should share with the pack or keep it to herself. it wasn't like she was a hunter or anything so her rights where her own.

Sighing though she knew the right thing to do was to share so she grabbed the deer by its throat and began to drag it back to the den. As minutes passed and countless breaks of dropping it to rest she made it back to camp. Pulling it in she dropped it near two rocks next to a small pond. Stepping away from it and licking her mouth she looked around for any signs of Shadow or Calla.
Shadow was still frowning, but listened to Lightark's explanation with perked ears. He wondered why Lightark called him 'Mister Shadow' which he didn't like at all. It was simply 'Alpha' or 'Shadow' for the higher ranks in his pack. "Yes. Fighters and hunters are always usable." Shadow said, still very serious and with a frown. He didn't care about the fact of Jalapan and Lightark being family. Jalapan had intruded into his condition and if something would piss Shadow off, it would be entering his territory without permission. That's why the Alpha focussed on Jalapan now. "Why did you enter my territory?" He asked quite friendly, but then bared his fangs "And don't come up with some silly reason like 'I didn't know that this was your territory' or 'I was lost'. The answer to this question will be important for my decision about you joining my pack" The fact that Shadow was possibly considering to let Jalapan join his pack, was something quite positive.
"I was running from the strange wolves Lightark just told you. The was thinking that I must have to warn the other packs about this since these wolves are cold-blooded killers." Jalapan explained, trying to keep his head high although it was tiring for him to run for days like he did.
Lilith noticed the quickly descending sun and ran off to was off her muzzle in the steam close by. After getting all the blood off, she headed back towards camp. Upon entering camp, she noticed that Shadow had already began the process of questioning the new comer. She smiled a bit as she remembered the same treatment when she was adopted in. Even though Shadow might approve of him, Lilith would still be wary around him. She wasn't the type of wolf who was quick to to make friends with someone new in order to welcome them. Then again Lilith welcomed no one. She lived for her orders and nothing else. Sure she would take a mate eventually but the fates weren't exactly throwing her winners. Most wolves who were interested in her, didn't take well to her free spirit and unflinching duty to her rank. When the gods threw her male she deemed worthy, then she might consider taking him as a mate. In the mean time, she was going to do her job and do it well. Lilith sighed and walked to her den to lie down until she was needed.

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After a while, the sun began to fall and the pack's commotional era with it. Shadow was questioning Jalapan and Lightark, all the pups were within camp grounds safe, and Malenkai was tired. He slowly made his way to his den, looking over everyone and watching the others work with their respective roles. "It can be so calm in midday to the evening. Wonder if the same thing might happen tomorrow?" he asked himself. Entering his den he layed down by his niece. She was napping, probably bored to death and refusing to converse with anyone other than Malenkai and the higher ups. 'As far as I'm concerned, she's fittin' in perfectly' he thought. Other than the order of work that took its course, Malenkai wondered on the situation concerning Jalapan joining the pack. It didn't bother him, but he was hoping that Shadow was going easy on him. Shadow can be scary as hell as far as Malenkai can remember, so its not a good thing to piss him off. He then thought 'I'll just hope for the best and wait to be needed' before closing his eyes to nap til the moon was high in the sky.


Xandra felt the rain begin to fall onto her pelt, chilling her to the bone. A deep shiver ran through her entire body as the storm drenched her completely. Her powerful black legs carried her as fast as she could, trying to escape the monster that was chasing her. A giant black bear charged its way through the forest, gaining on the already injured canine. Just hours ago the border collie hybrid had been hunting when this massive beast attacked her. It had already managed to severely wound her. A long gash ran down her haunches, as well as a deep bite wound on her neck. Xandra had lost a great amount of blood since then and was beginning to feel light headed. "No. I will not pass out not now. C'mon Xandra you can make it!" She encouraged herself to keep going but her wounds were really taking a toll on her strength.

The black canine was too busy trying to focus to notice that the bear had come up behind her. Just as she realized it, it was already to late. The horrible creature swung its paw at her, sending the hybrid flying towards a tree. She cried out into the night, letting her wail resound over the forest. As if to respond to her the bear let out a battle cry of its own before charging at her once again. Suddenly all of her training at the military encampment came rushing back to her. The injured canine ducked underneath the bear and raced to the other side of the clearing that they now fought in. He charged her again, but this time she was ready. Despite the pain that it caused her, Xandra leapt into the air and landed on top of the monster. This move enraged the already angry creature and it bucked sending her into the air once again.

However, instead of smacking into the tree she had been flying at, she positioned herself so that when she hit the tree, her legs could use the momentum to lunge at the bear. As she closed her jaws around its throat the bear let out another raging cry before raking its claws down her side. Tears welled up in her eyes but she refused to let loose. The bear continued to claw at her, leaving wounds that should have killed her already. Yet the canine held on until the creature fell to the ground before her...dead. Xandra released her deadly grip on the body and backed away. Her vision became blurry before she herself fell to the ground unconscious, her wounds bleeding out onto the ground where she laid.

Shadow sighed. He truly hated that Jalapan just seemed to be blaming those 'cold-blooded' killers all the time. Shadow was way too cocky to believe that someone dared to come near his territory. Except for Death of course. The Alpha got even more annoyed when he felt a raindrop fall on his muzzle. He looked up at the sky and was surprised by the extremely dark clouds that had taken over the bright blue sky so quickly. Shadow recognised the clouds and so did Tessa who now came running over to her brother. "Shadow!" She shouted before she was near. "It's back" she simply said and Shadow knew exactly what she was talking about.

After the 3rd world war, in which humans got extinct, sometimes massive storms started to appear. Because of the chemicals in all the weapons that were used during this war, the storm were way more severe then they had ever been before the war. Thunder, tornadoes and massive amounts of rain have threatened Shadow's territory before and he knew how to deal with them now. "Jalapan. You can stay for the night. Now get to a den. Quick!" Shadow ran off towards the large rock in the middle of his territory and let out the longest and loudest howl that has ever been heard. Every pack member would recognise the howl as a sign of emergency and they had to return to the camp immediately.

By the time Spike came running over to his brother, massive amounts of rain were pouring down out of the sky and thunder could be heard at quite a distance, however, the strengthening wind would soon bring it close to the camp. "Spike!" Shadow said, shouting to make sure Spike heard him because of all the wind. "I need you to sleep in the pup's den tonight! Take Baymara with you!" Spike nodded and went looking for his mate. "Tess! Where is Malenkai?!" Shadow shouted, looking around for his Alpha Warrior. Tessa simply shrugged, they could barely see through the rain that was falling down because they were in the open spot of the camp. "And how about Katsuo?!" Tessa shrugged again.

Shadow huffed and looked up at the sky which was getting darker and darker, except for the lightning that sometimes flashed through the clouds. Shadow came down from the rock since that was the highest point in the camp and he didn't really like to be hit by lightning. Not again. Shadow looked around at the wolves running to their dens, hoping they understood what kind of emergency this was.
"Thank you, Shadow." Jalapan nodded before padding to an empty den and started to speed up as the rain got heavy. Lightark was hesitating between going to the pups' den and following his uncle until he ran towards Jalapan. Jalapan got into the den and shook his pelt, trying to dry himself and soon Lightark arrived, also shaking his pelt to dry off.

"Come here. I'll protect you." Jalapan laid down and looked at Lightark with a soft smile and soon Lightark smiled, pouncing Jalapan although he knew that wouldn't do much. He played with Jalapan a bit before slowly falling asleep between his uncle's paws. Jalapan smiled at the sleeping pup and licked at behind his neck befoer slowly falling asleep as well. All of the running surely exhausted him.

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