Forest Dominators - A Wolf Pack roleplay [Inactive]

"You don't say..." Lightark sighed. That lesson was kinda pointless because he was taught that already but he doesn't want to show disrespect to Baya. That lesson was taught to him by no other than his father. He was a multitasker in the pack: being the Alpha, the Alpha Warrior and the Alpha Hunter. And he already has a nasty reminder of that lesson: his old pack was attacked by some unfamiliar wolves while he was playing, no one survived besides him. Although Lightark likes healing more than fighting and hunting since his mental bested his physical but thanks to his father, his fighting and hunting skills are not that bad. Lightark then hurried back to camp and drops the rabbit in the yard before running back to Spirit, Bayrama and Spike. "Should we get going?" Lightark asked the three, sounded quite mature compared to his age.

@Kevinbrechie @Karma200
Kyant awoke many hours later. He did this from time to time. He liked to sleep and he wasn't about to let anyone tell him other wise. Standing up and realizing that he had slept on his paw wrong. Kyant blinked the sleep out of his eyes only to notice that his friend had long gone from the river. 'Damn.' The young wolf thought to himself as he stretched out his mid day nap. 'I hate being up early!' He thought again as he made his way over to the river limping because of his now asleep limb.

Dipping down to drink the cool water and after many shakes of his paw, Kyant sat and took a moment to think over his next plan. "I have to find a home." He mumbled to himself as he lifted his head to look up at the moon. He liked the night air. The cool of the morning wind blowing past his fur felt good as he admired the glow of the moon as it reflected off the leaves. Kyant's nose twitched as a new smell came across when the wind picked up. 'What is this?' He thought to himself stepping back to get a better whiff. "Another wolf..." He said whispering to himself as he headed off into the night with the new scent fresh in his nose.
Tessa was already too far away for her to be able to hear Aurora greeting her. She approached Malenkai with a smile and sat down next to him. "You can tell Creek that he is now officially a part of the pack" Tessa said with a smile on her lips and a flick of her tail. She wasn't looking at Malenkai, but stared forward. Scanning the camp with her gaze, wondering why Baymara was laying on top of Spirit. She sighed as she looked at Spike standing next to him with a wagging tail. "Perhaps you should go tell her and immediately let her participate to your training. However, I'd suggest you will introduce her to all the other pups first before doing anything. Usually, Spike is supposed to do so, but apparently his going with Baymara and Spirit to check the territory."

Shadow smiled at the Elder and nodded "Good morning Aurora, had a nice rest?" he asked as he sat down in the sunlight. Elders were really considered an extremely important rank by Shadow. The Alpha from this pack was quite young to be an Alpha, and although he did pretty good, he loved the be able to ask some advice from the Elders. "According to Tessa, we have got a new member in our pack. Her name was Creek I believe" he said while pointing his muzzle to the sun with closed eyes.

Spike laughed after Baymara jumped Spirit and forced her to the ground, but he also took it quite serious since he knew that what Baymara said was very true. Especially for a pup, it could be quite dangerous if you were alone in the woods and you dropped your guard. Wolves were at the top of the food-chain at this point, but certain predators were hunting in groups and could easily take down a pup like Lightark. "enough fun, let's get serious" Spike said before nudging Baymara. "There is quite a lot of rogue activity lately, so we should pay a lot of attention to that and I would recommend to just stay together. Just in case..." The Beta lowered his head so he could whisper and only his mate would be able to hear it. "And then we can tease Spirit just a little more" He licked Baymara's muzzle and stood up straight again. "Spirit, I suggest you lead the way"
Baymara gave a wolfy grin before trotting back toward Spike and Ark, Spirit took the back of everyone just in case and Baya made sure that Lightark was in between her and Spike. The wind was light and it helped Baya smell something that wasn't supposed to be in the territory. It only made sense that the pups would be in the middle of the adult wolves when they went out.

"Oh we'll make her so embarrassed she won't know what to do," Baymara replied to her mate and after those few words she went into her 'Beta' mode, her instincts were ready to warn of trouble and she made sure her hearing and smelling was on point.

Spirit was just as on guard as Baya was and if you didn't know them, you would've thought they'd been serious all their lives. Spirit walked behind everyone with her light brown eyes scanning the area, watching for anything that so much as twitched. Having your guard up in the forest was part of the journey of living in it. Its survival of the fittest and so the pack was at the top. The creatures of the forest knew of the packs existence and Baya sort of found it a bit difficult seeing as how they had quit a few enemies out there ready and waiting for a chance to attack. Of course if Baymara really had an issue with it then she wouldn't have been fit to be the Beta. Just like the other wolves she was ready for a fight, especially with Spirit and her mate by her side.
Aurora sat down next to Shadow. "I slept well, young 'un. Better still since I stopped having to get up for pack duties." She barked out a laugh, a strong noise from such a frail wolf. She looked around the pack grounds as Shadow spoke, glad to see the movement and work that she could no longer do. Her tail wagged lazily from side to side. Aurora knew her position in the pack, and was grateful for the respect. She tried not to abuse it... too much...

"Creek, eh? I'll have to see her..." She pauses, then gives the question, "Did Tessa make the choice without you?"

Dane looked around. He couldn't smell any other wolves nearby, but he could also be upwind. He examined his surroundings, noting trees and shrubs. Trying to conceal himself, he backed into a bush. The low-growing bush would keep him hidden well, he decided, while he would watch for other wolves.
The young wolf just sat down in the middle of the field obediently. She stared out blankly I'm the distance as if something there was waiting for her. She just sat, as told. Spike wasn't around, and she was to wait for him to come out and talk to her before she ate. Her brows didn't furrow in frustration. Her tail didn't wag in anticipation. She just waited. The wolf was almost as patient and kind-hearted as her mother, and she was learning more how to be more like her. Her heterochromatic eyes stared off.

She waited still. No matter how much her stomach ached of days without food or drink, she didn't go out and scarf down the food near her uncle's den like a normal wolf would. No matter how much she grew impatient inwardly, she stayed patient on the outside. Her throat tightened and dried. Her stomach twisted and twirled and rumbled lowly. She still waited patiently, unless told otherwise.
Malenkai let out a short laughter before responding to Tessa. "You play the Alpha role well, Tessa. No worries, I'll make sure that Creek's right at home." Malenkai rose and shook his fur a bit. With a short inhale, Malenkai lifted his head and let out a signal howl to let everyone know that his class started. Immediately the pups ran to his location near the lake. Malenkai gazed over them all and noticed Ark and Creek are not here. "One moment everyone, let me get a few more classmates." he said.

Malenkai made his way over to Creek already sure of where Ark is. 'I'm guessing Spike and the others aren't back yet... oh well.' he thought. Malenkai sat next to Creek finally making his way over to her. He didn't speak, but heard the grumbling of her tummy. Her expression didn't seem to change but Malenkai could tell she was probably starving. He leaned down beside her and looked her in the eyes. He twitched his head to the side in the direction of his den signaling her to eat first then come to class. "But only a little, then save some for afterwards." he said as he walked back to the lake. "Now the wait for New Kid and The Little Hunter begins, hehe..." he said with a laugh.

He stood infront of the other students and began his lesson in self-defense. "Good evening, my little students. Today is Pack-Attack day and we'll be working on self-defense. Pick a partner and start wrestling. I'll be watching how you perform and guide you along." he said proudly. He smiled at the students as they started to practice what they've learned in previous classes.
Spike was extremely alert, which might have surprised some other wolves since the Beta was always so busy and energetic. His gaze scanned the area and he placed his paws down as silently as possible. Every few seconds he quickly looked at the three wolves that he had gone with. Especially Ark was the one he paid some more attention to, since Spike felt like he was the one responsible for the pup at this point. Spike's ears were perked, his head was rather low to the ground and he sniffed up the air constantly, looking for any unfamiliar scents. Scents that could be from other wolves, intruders in the territory. In that case they would need to call Shadow immediately. But, there could also be scents of possible preys, which they weren't really allowed to focus on at this point. Spike new that there are quite a lot of rogues and exiled wolves. The exiled wolves, often try to get into the territory and take there revenge. Rogues just want to cause some trouble or steal some food.

Shadow smiled as he heard that the Elder had had a good night. He twitched his ears at the rather loud laugh for such an old wolf. The Alpha Male's smile disappeared as soon as Aurora said that Tessa probably made the choice of letting Creek join the pack without even listening to her brother's opinion. Shadow sighed and just stared into nothingness, he knew that it would be an answer to the question of the wolf that was now sitting next to him. "Maybe I should let Tessa know one day, that I am the Alpha here and that nobody should make decisions without my permission." he said with a shrug. "But I also don't want to hurt her..."

Tessa grinned as Malenkai told her that she would be a good Alpha. "That's Shadow's task. He;s just too weak to learn his sister a lesson. I shouldn't push things too far though, he got quite angry about previous decisions I made. And believe me... Shadow is not a fun wolf when he's angry." Tessa almost shivered when the image of the angry Alpha appeared in her mind again, she could be pretty scared by her own brother. Tessa took a look at the class from a little distance. She loved to see the pup wrestle with each other without hurting one-another. Most of the pups had quite some skills when it came to fighting, but she also noticed that they constantly dropped their guard when they started an attack, but the Alpha Healer was sure that Malenkai had noticed that before she even thought about it. "Good luck with the rest of your class" she said with a little nod before trotting of towards Aurora and Shadow with quite the grin on her face.
Her stomach still squeezed and pushed and her lower area felt as if was being clawed at from the inside. Turning her head over to her uncle since she sensed something there, her expression didn't change. She gave a nod and stood to her feet, trotting over to he den with a fast, but slow jog in her step. She didn't want to seem starving. By that, she would probably worry him, or just give him off a vibe that she was too needy. She chewed her teeth into about a fourth of the food and ate it.

Heading over to her uncle, she noticed there was a line of pups, and sat at the end of the line. She listened.
Malenkai looked back and saw that Creek made it to class, but Spike had not returned with Ark. 'It better be some good lessons, Spike. Other wise, if you're foolin' around with Baya again, there'll be trouble' he thought with a slight show of irritation on his face. This act of Baya's and Spike's caused quite a few future hunters to miss out on their combat class. Malenkai never talked to Spike about it, but he knew that Spike was well aware of the importance of combat skills to a hunter. Malenkai called out to the pups, "That's enough. Let's pause for a second." He signaled Creek to his side so that he could finally introduce her. Creek seemed nervous, but confident. She didn't want to show any weakness or worry. 'She even walks in the same posture as her mother, I'm honestly surprised at the resemblence' he thought. "This here is my niece and our newest member to the pack. I'd like you all to meet Creek." he said loudly. The pups gazed at Creek for a bit. Even though early this morning they all played together for a short time, they seemed surprised. Nevertheless, they all accepted her the same. Malenkai nudged Creek closer to the rest of the pups so that she could properly introduce herself in her own voice. Malenkai noticed Shadow watching the class. He raised a paw to signal Shadow that all was well here. While he was at it, he waved to Elder Aurora too. As one of the most respected wolves of our pack besides the alpha, she was truly a blessing to our lives. We're truly thankful she's remainded with us as strong as ever.
She sat while some pups barked amongst themselves while she sat at the corner of the line. She didn't flinch when her uncle's loud bark called out to the crowd of pups to pause. Their heads, including hers immediately turned to him, and she listened. Phelps motioned her to his side, and stood to her feet, swiftly and briskly padding over to him. Some pups gaped when they found out she was his 'niece', and didn't dare to softly converse about her. She had guessed that her uncle might have been pretty strict towards the pups for them to be so silent like this.

She wasn't sure whether they liked her or not, but she didn't care what they had thought about her. In the corner of her heterochromatic eyes, she could see Shadow watching the class. Being nudged forwards, she hopped to her feet with agility at the sudden movement and she swallowed a lump in her throat. She licked her muzzle on instinct, as if there were something on her face since they all had seemed to stare at her questioningly.

Tensing, she barked out a few words that were pretty strong for her nervous state. "Hi, it's nice to meet you all." She reeled herself back to her uncle's side not too quickly, so she wouldn't seem scared.
Aurora gave a toothy smile at the wave. It was good to see the pups learning from such a respectful teacher. She turned back to the conversation at hand, sensing her "sagely wisdom" and "elderly experience" was needed.

"You are the Alpha... Your word is supposed to be law. However, would you have let a strange pup join the pack? Perhaps she shouldn't make a decision without you... And perhaps you should listen to her suggestions."

She continued to look around, letting him think on that. As she saw Tessa coming their way, she nodded a greeting.
"There is nothing surrounding us... Wait. I smell something..." Lightark was walking until he smelled something. He slowly and quietly crawled though a bush and spotted... a deer. It's a big one and is eating, not noticing Lightark and the wolves behind him. "There is a deer which is big enough for today meal. It's too big for me so anyone?" Lightark whispered as he quietly gets out of the bush.

@Kevinbrechie @Karma200
Shadow sighed as he saw Tessa approaching and heard what the Elder next to him said. He nodded back to Malenkai with a flick of his tail, glad that the training was going well so far. "I told her that before Aurora. She just doesn't listen to me, and one day there will be a day that I can't control my anger. And even while she is my sister, that will not make me less angry about what she is doing to me" Shadow was almost growling between his words, still looking at his approaching sister "I would always appreciate her advice, just like I do with yours. But I'm the Alpha and she's not."

Even from the distance that was still between Tessa and her brother, the Alpha Healer could clearly see what was going. 'I've gone too far' she thought while slowing down her pace and eventually changing her path into the direction of the river. She looked around a bit and saw the lack of activity in the camp. Some wolves were still asleep, others went hunting and some of them had their class with Malenkai which she had now locked her gaze on. She smiled slightly at the sight of the pups, she always liked how they trained by fighting each other.

Spike looked at the deer that Lightark had spotted. Spike would have spotted it himself if he wasn't busy inspecting the territory, just like Ark was supposed to be doing. Shadow would have been quite angry with Lightark at this point. Guarding the territory was nothing fun and had to be taken extremely serious. "We have plenty of food back at the camp. Our priority is to guard the territory and check for any rogues" Spike said calmly, but also very seriously.
Calla looked at Shadow asking 'should I wake Rosie' she asked with her eyes she looks at Rosie and smiled then looked back to Shadow. "Should I wake Rosie up and start training her Alpha?" She asked. Rosie was Calla's pup she was asleep right now and had healed nicely and she now loved Calla and loved training to be a fighter. Calla watched her pup sleep before looking back at Shadow.
"Roger that." Lightark answered Spike. Although it looks like he is looking for food, Lightark sees it as training for his senses, trying to sniff out or listen to pretty much anything even if it's a wolf, enemy or prey. He is a multitasker, just like his father. Suddenly, he sniffed out something smells strange, not a prey but more like... a wolf. "I think somebody is near here..." Lightark whispered before sneaking over the the source of the smell. "Wh-What the--... No... It can't be..." Lightark stunned as he sees the wolf. It's his uncle: Jalapan, lying on the ground, tired and hasn't noticed Lightark is just in front of him.

@Kevinbrechie @Karma200
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Tasha trotted cautiously to the river that ran through the forest. She bent her head so that her nose touched the water, and drank. She could taste it, icy and refreshing, against her tongue, and she consumed more of the clear liquid, swallowing it. She lifted her head from the river and sat at the edge, eyeing the multicolored fish that darted through the fluid. Leaning forward so that her muzzle hovered over the side of the river, she tensed the muscles of her jaw, and quickly thrust her muzzle into the water just in front of the large fish she was aiming for. Her jaw snapped shut, and she felt drops of cold liquid splash the fur of her face and neck. As her muzzle retreated from the river, she found that she had caught nothing, and watched her prey, which had leapt into the air, return to the safety of the river. "Oh well," she muttered to herself as she turned from the river and loped away, toward the camp. "Fish isn't such a sufficient snack anyway."
Aurora sighed. So it had finally reached that point. "How about I talk to her," she suggested, "Your sister's smart enough to know when she's gone too far. And this way you don't lose your temper." The last line was said jokingly.

Aurora paused, watching the pups, then added, "Besides, this can't be the worst thing she's ever done. That Creek pup doesn't look too shabby."
After a vigorous sprint towards the camp, Tasha finally arrived at the clearing, catching her breath. There were several wolves still inside the camp, and as she padded into it slowly, she glanced around, looking for someone to talk to, someone to quench her thirst for lively conversation with other wolves. Feeling a bit exhausted from her exercise that morning, she lay down in the grass, examining the activities of the rest of the pack. Casually, she shook herself free of the water droplets that continued to cling to her fur, and rested her head on her front paws.
Smear turned away from her brother, forgetting about their fighting. She chose not to say anything, but just sighed, tired of her immature brother. She walked off, in search of someone to help. She knew her mother wouldn't let her help her, so the next wolf that came to mind was; "Tessa could use some help with herbs I bet!" She said happily, but then relized that she had no idea where the Alpha Healer was.

Bandit did the same as his sister did, but instead of looking for someone to help, he was looking for someone to pester. But, by that time he had lost track of veryone fun. "Well, that's no good..." He mumbled.

Then, Ban got an idea. "I'll go visit papa." He whispered as quietly as possible. He had learned that he wasn't supposed to leave pack territory, much less talk to Death, but he didn't care. He had gone out there several times before, and run into nothing.

So, darting out of the camp, Ban took the path he took every time. "Papa?" He called out quietly.

Death, who was a little to close to the pack territory for comfort, backed away as he barely heard Ban's call. A small smile appeared on the large wolf's muzzle, and he crept toward the sound, until he met Ban a little ways away from pack territory.

"There you are!" Ban said joyously.

"Keep it down." Death replied, worried about being found this close by the pack. He'd be able to fight of three, maybe four wolves, but not the whole pack.


"Good. Now, what do you need?"

I'm bored!" Ban's voice got loud again, and he pawed at his father's legs.


Ban sighed, he didn't like being quiet. He wasn't good at it, and he hated not being good at anything. He stopped pawing at Death's legs, and looked up at the large wolf's face.

"Play with me..." He begged.

"Okay...okay..." Death replied. "But, not here..."

Back at the camp Pepper was trying to keep herself busy, and attempting not to think about Death. Her mind kept drifting to him, and everytime it did, she would go to do another task.

Soon Pepp decided to go collect more herbs, and stepped out of camp. "I hope he's not nearby..." She whimpered. Then, she headed further out, looking around, as she walked.

((This is my attempt at a reply... Who else thinks Bandit is my most adorable character...? >.>))
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Another pup pounced on her with a growl, and she took it way too seriously. Killer instinct went through her, and adrenaline pumped into her veins quickly as her heart rate sped up a million miles an hour. She sunk her small claws into the slightly older pup, and flipped him over so he was under her, and she chomped on his neck, and he pounced over her, clawing at her stomach and chomping at her neck. She sunk her teeth into her shoulder, and she tasted blood in her mouth. The older pup slammed a paw into her face, cracking her to the side. Creek let out a low snarl, as she lowered, ready to strike once again. Blood dripped from her ribs and neck, while the other pup had less damage done, only in his shoulder.
Tasha lifted her head slightly, spotting a dark gray female wolf with glowing yellow eyes leave the camp. Smiling, she trotted over to her, catching up. "Hello!" she said brightly, and dipped her head in greeting, flicking her tail slightly. Her lively, outgoing personality made it difficult for her to remain alone for long. Her dark eyes glowed warmly as she tilted her head and looked up at the older female, wondering for what reason she had been exiting the camp.
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Pepper was surprised, when a different wolf came up to her. She turned her head, "Um, hello." She said. "Can I help you?"

Pepp's voice was cool and sweet. She never enjoyed anger. But, she loved talking, and somtimes talked to much. So, before she could say anything else, she forced her muzzle closed, and decided to wait for the other wolf's answer.

Meanwhile, deeper into the forest, Death was walking with Ban. The little pup was wagging his tail, and talking excitedly, while his father just gave slight nods.

Finally Death stopped, "I can play with you here." He said.

"So..." Ban started. "Before we do that, can I ask you a question?"

"You just did."

"Well, yeah but... I was wondering what you did to get into so much trouble. No one else will tell me."

Death froze, but then shook his astonishment off. "I'm not telling you either." He said quietly.

Ban was disapointed, but also shook that moment off, deciding to just play.
Spirit stiffened when the scent of another wolf ran up her nose, Ark had went up ahead and on instinct she hurried after him with Baymara right beside her.

"Don't just go ahead Ark what if-" Baya was cut off when she seen the rogue that lay on the ground, obviously with how he had yet to move he hadn't noticed them yet. It was a red wolf and Spirit couldn't help but flatten her ears, she didn't speak though seeing as how Lightark seemed to know the wolf. Baymara walked a bit closer but she made sure to keep a good distance between herself and the rogue, Spirit stood right beside her as they both began to wonder what they should do now. There's no way Baya was going to bring a rogue into the pack, there were a few wolves in the pack who had been rogues but when Spirit and Baya had left their previous pack they had been attacked by numerous rogues. It was to be expected but it left a horrible impression on them. Of course those who use to be rogues that are now in Shadow's pack, Baya doesn't mind them as much while Spirit is a bit more... guarded but she isn't as suspicious of them anymore.
Lightark slowly, quietly sneaked over to Jalapan before nudging him, testing if he is alive or not. Jalapan slowly looked up, founding Lightark in front of his face. "You... C-Could it be...?" Jalapan said quietly before lifting a paw to Lightark's "hair" and pushed it up, showing a white ovan on his forehead. "Lighto..." Jalapan smiled, pulling Lightark in his paws to nudge him playfully although he is very tired. He was just so happy to see Lightark after what happened to there old pack. Lightark didn't say a thing but he smiled with Jalapan, playing with him in his paws, trying to get out.


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