Forest Dominators - A Wolf Pack roleplay [Inactive]

(My apologies for taking so long)

Shadow perked his ears when he heard Calla speak to him. He nodded at her question. "Yes Calla. You should train her alone and I hope she will soon be able to join the rest of the pups during the training classes." He said before focussing on Aurora again. It was probably the best decision to let Aurora talk with Tessa, since Shadow might just get angry and Tessa might only make things worse when talking with her brother. "I'd love if you could do that for me Aurora." Shadow was sure that Aurora could advise Tessa in such a way that she would ask Shadow for all decisions from now on and not take those by herself anymore.

Tessa still looked at the pups and every now and then took a sip from the cold river water flowing in front of her paws. She was relaxed and didn't expect Shadow to take any further action against the decision she had made to let Creek join the pack without any influence of Shadow into that decision. She did feel sort of bad for that, but on the other side didn't care at all.

Spike thought that the rogue they found was dead when he first saw him and was surprised when Lightark apparently seemed to know the other wolf. Spike wasn't planning on allowing any more rogues into the pack, but he was not the one with the last decision for that and they of course had to ask Shadow. "Shadow" he mumbled when he reminded himself that they had to call for Shadow as soon as they found someone close or within the territory. Spike raised his muzzle to the sky and let out a long and loud howl.
Tasha's head remained tilted as she looked at the gray wolf. She decided that she was rather delighted in listening to her sweet, relaxing voice. "Yes! You can help me by letting me help you!" A broad smile dominated her face, and her eyes twinkled excitedly. She enjoyed the company of other wolves, and this wolf, although older than Tasha, seemed very kind and compatible. Tasha ached to learn her name.
"Enough!" Malenkai barked. The shout instantly halted Creek and the other's pups fight. Malenkai sighed a bit before putting this paw over his head. "Oh boy... class dismissed." he said. All the pups began their ways back to their parents and the pups den. Malenkai noticed Creek sneaking away and then placed a paw infront of her and said sternly "Not you, I have some things to discuss with you." Creek looked mostly sad then scared. She was probably thinking she'd messed her first day up infront of Malenkai or that she embarrassed Malenkai and herself. Either way, Malenkai didn't look too happy and she was aware. "Listen..." he started, but Creek immediately cut him off trying to explain that the pup pounced first. "I don't want any excuses." he said. He then continued "There are two simple rules in my class. Rule 1: All pups are accounted equal, no one pup is better than the other. And Rule 2: Fights are all appointed by me and when blood is drawn, it ends immediately. Understood?" he asked Creek with a serious expression. She shook her head slowly in assurance. "But I have to admit..." he started, "you're not too bad at fighting despite your slightly smaller size." It wasn't too bright, but Creek slightly smiled at Malenkai's comment. He turned his head and said "I'll talk to the other pup's parents later, in the mean time I want an agreement and apology from both of you, are we clear?" Creek's expression changed, but she was no longer upset. She left Malenkai's side and he silently sighed again. "Geez... her mother and I were the same when we were pups." Malenkai starts to recollect past events of he and Creek's mother fighting in class, and how Creek's mother always won although he was larger than her. After a short laughter and a smile a loud howl sounded from the forest. 'Spike and the others...' he thought before making his way to Shadow. Malenkai approached Shadow then asked, "What's our move? Do you think it's enemy wolves?"
Aurora stood up slowly, her weak old bones creaking. She looked in the direction Tessa went, about to make her way over when-

A howl spread through the camp. She looked around, unsure of what to do about it. The elder slowly eased herself back down to a sitting position. Her gaze turned to the Alpha. The old wolf might allow herself a little more freedom with him than most would feel safe taking, but he was still Alpha, and this is a moment for her to obey orders.

Orders going to a feeble old wolf, sure, but orders all the same. She waited to see what he would do.
Shadow immediately perked his ears when he heard the loud howl of his younger brother. the Alpha howled back as a sign that he had received Spike's howl. Shadow's howl was clearly way more powerful and could be heard throughout the entire territory and even over the boundaries. Shadow looked at Malenkai as he approached. "I'm sure it's enemy wolves." Shadow said confidently. There wasn't another reason he had told Spike to howl except for intruders into the territory. "You're coming with me. They can't be with that much." Shadow was very confident about Malenkai and knew that with Shadow by his side, the couple would be near to unbeatable.

Shadow quickly ran towards Aurora. "I need you to keep everybody calm. Tessa can wait" He was basically trusting his entire pack to the Elder, which wasn't a problem for Shadow since he knew, with the experience Aurora had, she could easily fulfil that task. "Tessa!" Shadow shouted "Help Aurora a bit" Although he trusted the Elder with his entire pack, he preferred Tessa to be with her in case there was another attack.

Tessa came trotting over to Aurora's side with a smile on her lips. She always became proud of her brother since he always seemed to have some sort of fighting tactic ready. Always including everything and well thought about every single detail before something even happened. Shadow didn't even know if the intruders were a treat to the pack, but he always took precautions.

Shadow nodded at Malenkai and ran off into the woods towards the source of the howl.
"H-Huh...? Spike... What was that howl for...?" Lightark looked up to Spike lying between Jalapan's fore legs. "I'm friendly. I'm not hostile." Jalapan said to Spike quite seriously, looking at him with the same attitude he spoke. Lightark just looked at Jalapan confusedly, wondering why did he said that. "It's ok lil' Lighto..." Jalapan reassured Lightark and nudges him. Lightark showed signs of liking this, smiling while still laying between Jalapan's legs.
Lilith turned her head towards the sound of the howl. It took her a second to recognize that it was her beta, Spike. She looked around camp but couldn't find Shadow. Shaking her head, she went off anyway in search of their location.

Upon finding them, Lilith noticed an outsider and that Lightark was between his paws. Frowning, Lilith looked her her beta. "Sir, is everything okay?". She sat and had her head down until she was addressed.

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Aurora nodded and padded off towards the previously training pups, not checking to see if Tessa was following. Though her body was weak, her voice was strong, and she shouted in an authoritative voice, "Pups! Gather 'round!"

Of course, the old she-wolf had gone for the pups. She waited calmly as some of them began to move towards her, and Aurora kept a careful, watchful eye on all of them, including the one she didn't recognize.
Malenkai and Shadow finally made it to the origin of the howl. Lilith arrived as well only a few meters behind them. Upon their arrival, with a defensive look on his face, Jalapan rose from his seemingly weakened state and stood tall infront of Shadow. "Spike, Lilith,I want you to get Baya, Spirit, and Lightark out of here. We'll handle the rest." Malenkai said in a serious tone. Spike, mostly fixated on Shadow's composure, walked over and wrapped his jaws around Lightark's waist and brought him over to Baya and Spirit. On signal, they set off back to the encampment. Lightark seemed sad and confused, but with Shadow on the scene, no one could argue. This wolf before Malenkai's eyes had crimson red fur and a odd shape laid between his eyes. When Shadow questioned Jalapan to reveal himself Malenkai spoke up. "Sir, this is the red rogue from the rumors. The Jalapeno Fire is what most call him." he said. As much as word goes around, all that could be said was that Jalapan was a common rogue who lost his pack long ago to rogue wolves. Since he was always on the move, he was rarely seen after his pack was extinguished. Some rumors called him a myth, or a mystical red god of some sort. Nevertheless, Malenkai was not to let his guard down. Jalapan spoke confidently and kept eye contact with Shadow; this alone proved he was ready for a fight if that had come to pass, but given his current situation Malenkai thought he'd stand little chance agianst even one of them. He looked a bit weak and beat up. As much as it's against the rules to compensate for rogues or exiles, Malenkai gave a suggestion. "Sir, maybe we should at least hear his story, see exactly who he really is." Before Shadow could consider the offer, a faint voice of a familiar pup was heard. Malenkai's ears twitched to the sound of what seemed to be Bandit's voice. 'Why the hell is that child all the way out here?' he thought. With just a nod, Shadow gave Malenkai the word to retrieve Bandit while he stayed and dealt with Jalapan. Malenkai made his way through a few trees and bushes, finally getting Bandit to visibility. "Hey what are yo-" he stopped suddenly at the sight of a familiar face, the exile Death. "Death? What are you doin' this close to the encampment?" he asked sternly and boldly.
Pepper's tail wagged a bit, she could see that the other wolf was full of energy. "Well, if you're going to help me, we might as well introduce ourselves to one another." She said. "I'm Pepper, but you can call me Pepp. I'm okay with either."

Smear heard Aurora's call for all pups, so she gave up on her search, and ran over. Noticing her lazy brother wasn't at her side, she glanced around for him. 'Maybe he's just being slow as usual.' She thought, but something inside her was worried.

Death's previous smile faded, as he looked up from Bandit to see Malenkai asking why he was so close to the camp. A smirk appeared on Death's muzzle, "Just visiting my pup." He said.

Ban's tail was still wagging, "Yup!" He said happily. "I know the pack doesn't like him, but he's my papa." He got closer to Death.

Giving a nod, Death couldn't wait to see what Malenkai would do next.
Malenkai maintained eye contact with Death, not letting him out of his sight for even the slightest moment. "Bandit, remove yourself from Death's side, immediately." he scolded with an unpleasant expression. Bandit was too young to understand what was truly going on, and he was too innocent to be left alone with someone so dangerous, father or not. Malenkai truly believed that Death would stoop as low as to use his own children for his own achievement and not give a second thought at the matter. As well as that, the last thing Malenkai wanted was a direct confrontation with Death. Malenkai was larger for sure, but Death was something else entirely. A blood thirsty scavenger who would use anyone and anything to gain for himself. His tactics and battle strategy out ranked Malenkai's years ahead and he bore the scars to prove it. The look on his face made Malenkai uneasy, but he was not going to let Death go this time. Bandit refused to move, and stayed close to his father as much as possible. This only forced memories of Malenkai's son back into his head, nearly eliciting a tear from his face. He quickly regained his composure and returned to Death. "Bandit!!" he barked out.
Bandit shook his head, "I'm not moving." He said. He had his heart set on playing with Death, and sat down. "You'll have to come get me if you want me to go back."

Death's smile widened, "You can go now." He said to Malenkai. "Ban would rather stay with me. But, don't worry, I'm not going to let him get hurt."

Ban's tail wagged, as he looked up at his father. He saw Death as amazing, and couldn't understand why the pack didn't like him.

Smear couldn't take it anymore, and wondered off to search for Ban. She wasn't about to let her brother get into serious trouble. She peeked into each den as she passed, no sign of Bandit. Then, it hit her. "That idiot weandered out of camp again." She said. She turned to the way her brother usually went, and headed out.
Baymara wanted to stay and help out, of course if Shadow had agreed to Malenkai's orders she couldn't do anything about it. Spirit on the other hand was on complete defense and the stiffness of her shoulders showed it. Taking a look back Spirit noticed the banned wolf Death, a low growl escaped from her lips as she continued to walk. What was he doing in their territory? And why wasn't anyone taking measures to put him out? Once banned from the pack, they neev to stay away from the pack.

"Let Shadow and Malenkai handle it. If they need our help they can just call for us," Baya muttered to Spirit, bumping her friend with her thigh. Spirit looked at Baya before muttering weird words as the both of them continued their journey back toward the other pack members. She was sure that Bandit would possibly be in trouble for not following an order, especially since Ban was still a pup. That was another reason Spirit wasn't good with pups. They didn't follow instructions correctly and they were always doing things their own way when told another. With a shake of her head Spirit decided to just drop it and move on. They didn't need her help at the moment so she would just wait with Baymara.
"I hope uncle is ok..." Lightark mumbled as he started to walk back to the camp with Spirit and Baya...

"Me and Lightark were from the same pack until we were attacked by huge wolves. Lightark is told to escape and he did, eventually coming to your pack, it seems. Me and Lightark's dad fought the wolves back and unluckily, he was killed. I also escaped but with a price the same with Lightark." Jalapan turned around with his head low before continuing saying. "My love ones..... killed. If you can, please let me join the pack. I could train Lightark since I'm a hunter and warrior in my old pack and you would need some help. The wolves eventually will come here." Jalapan turned back to Shadow, standing high.
Malenkai stood to his paws, with an unhappy face. He made his decision and had to get his fellow pack member away from the exile at all costs. Wearing an uneasy feeling like a mask, he said softly "You know as well as I do that I cannot do that Death. What if Shadow was to find out about this?" he stopped and looked directly at Bandit. "You'd be killed. Do you really want that? Are you really thinkin' of Bandit and Smear right now, or is it Pepper you're after? Revenge maybe? Nevertheless, the debate ends here!" he said. Malenkai decided to make his own move. He took his fighting position and glared at Death. "You will either step away from the pup or I will fight you, and don't expect any sympathy. I refuse to hold back against you... my old master..." he barked. He waited, concentrated on Death's movements waiting for the right time to strike. 'If I can just time this right, I can paralyze him in one move... but if I get this wrong... he just might kill me...' Malenkai thought. This situation became critical, so what was Death's next move?
Rosie looked around for her mom she had just woken up. "Mom." She called then she kept walking she bumped into Shadow the Alpha. "Hi Shadow sorry I bumped into you. Have you seen my mom?" She said and asked.

Calla was outside walking around almost searching for one of the other trainers or a healer or some of the other wolves. "Mom." She heard Rosie call. She didn't go then she heard "Hi Shadow sorry I bumped into you. Have you seen my mom?" She still didn't go in the cave she kept searching for what she was searching for.
Spike didn't like the fact that he had to howl because of Lightark's uncle, but Shadow had ordered him to send out a warning whenever they found someone within the borders of the territory who did not belong to the pack. Once Shadow arrived, Spike wasn't really surprised to see Malenkai by his side. Shadow trusted Malenkai with his life and together with Malenkai's skill that made him the perfect Alpha Warrior. The Deadly Duo is what Spike liked to call them. Shadow was strong and had never lost a fight, but with Malenkai at his side nobody who knows them really dared to come anywhere near them if they were in a fighting mood. Although Shadow often agreed with Malenkai's decisions, Spike was very surprised that Malenkai was the one who ordered him to leave, together with Baymara, Spirit and Lightark, even with the Alpha standing next to him. Spike knew that Shadow didn't like what Malenkai did at that point, but he also knew that his brother wasn't going to show that in front of a rogue. Nevertheless, he accepted Malenkai's order, even with Spike being higher in rank, and followed the rest of the small group back to the camp.

Shadow, indeed, wasn't happy with Malenkai ordering the other wolves to leave, but he wasn't going to complain about that at this point. The Alpha was already annoyed by one rogue in his territory and then picked up the smell of another wolf just after Malenkai had noticed Bandit nearby. Shadow knew that it was Death. He was always around. The Alpha decided to deal with him later and focus on The Jalapeno Fire, like Malenkai called him, for now. Surprisingly enough, Shadow actually sat down in front of Jalapan as he told his story. It might have looked like he had dropped his guard, but nothing was less true than that. Shadow was always ready to attack and could jump at the rogue's neck at any given moment. Even when sitting down, Shadow was able to hold a dominant Alpha stance and keep his head higher than Jalapan's. A slight annoyance was noticeable as he saw the rogue apparently wasn't planning on showing Shadow any respect, even after just asking if he could join the pack. The large Alpha let out a short laugh after hearing Jalapan saying that some group of large wolves was most likely on their way to Shadow's pack. Nothing scared Shadow, he knew that he was powerful and in combination with his pack he didn't really believe that anyone had the ability to do some serious damage to anyone in his pack. "I could consider you joining my pack, but certainly not because I would need help" Shadow said with a wolfish smile and a serious tone in his voice. "Now if you would follow me, there is another wolf that I need to deal with" The Alpha stood up and went in the direction that Malenkai went. The grin on his face grew wider as he spotted Death. "And so we meet again" he said before sitting down with his tail slowly sweeping over the forest floor.

Shadow turned his head around for a second when he felt someone bumping into him. He was quite surprised to see Rosie at such a distance from the camp. "No Rosie, I've not seen here. Now if you would please return to the camp. That is an order" he said before completely focussing on Death once again.
"I will. Thank you for allowing me." Jalapan nodded and followed Shadow to a wolf. Jalapan kept calm, trying not to show any signs of weakness when he stands behind Shadow. He looked that his guard is no longer up but if anyone thought like that, they will be deadly wrong.
"S-Shadow!?" Malenkai said noticing his calm approach with Jalapan close behind. Malenkai dropped his fighting stance looking at Shadow's expression. 'Oh boy... he's mad' Malenkai thought. It could have been the fact that he gave an order to Spike infront of him or the fact that Death was once again trespassing. Either way, that terrifying smile only made Malenkai even more nervous about the issue with Death and Bandit. Instead of taking care of the situation himself, he decided to leave it in Shadow's hands and get Rosie out of there. "Sir, I'll return Rosie back to the camp and return shortly." Shadow's gaze did not leave Death, but he nodded in response. The most delicate part of this scenario was the pups. Getting Rosie and Bandit out of the forest was top priority. If not Malenkai, then Death could definitely get Bandit to his senses. 'Pups these days... what do we have to do, build a wall?' he asked himself. He walked over to Rosie leaned down to eye level and calmly spoke. "C'mon Rose, let's go find mommy." he said. She nodded happily and followed close. The only other thing that bothered Malenkai was how Shadow would handle Death and Bandit, and if Jalapan was even to be trusted. Shadow is one of the strongest wolves Malenkai's ever known, but numbers are numbers. If convinced somehow, Shadow would be outnumbered 2 to 1. "I'll get you back to the encampment and check on Creek. I should probably apologize and explain what happened earlier with Spike as well. Afterwards, I have to get back to Shadow's side." he told himself. His mind wondered on the situation, but he could not converse from his current mission. What ever happens, whether he is there by Shadow's side or not, happens.
Rosie followed Malenkai. "I didn't mean to bump into him um what's your name?" Rosie asked as she followed Malenkai she was quite curious normally Shadow would return her himself but she knew better then to argue with the Alpha.

Calla kept looking around for other pack members she sensed a disturbance near by she looked around some more before she saw Malekai with Rosie . "Malenkai over here." Calla called sounding frightened like she was scarred her Rosie got hurt again. Shadow was so going to be mad if Rosie doesn't hurry to get her morning training in.
Tasha straightened herself, her tail swishing through the grass behind her. It was exciting to meet a new friend, and she could only imagine the adventures that they would embark on together. Pepp was quite a queer name, but it sounded delightful and exquisite in her perked ears. "I'm Tasha! Nice to meet you, Pepp!" Her grin widened as she peered at this new wolf that she had just encountered, wondering whether she had lived in this pack for her entire life or if she had alternated her pack to this one. Unable to stand still any longer, she bounded into the forest, regardless of whether she was heading in the correct direction.
Aurora looked at those that had listened to her. A few pups were missing; Lightark and Smear to name a few. The old wolf looked around, trying to catch sight or scent of any of the absent ones. Finally, her sharp nose caught something. Turning in that direction, she spoke, "I'm going to go find the rest; you watch these pups."

Slowly, but with determination, the Elder began to hobble in the direction of the majority of scents.
A displeased look crept across Death's features. He didn't want to retreat, but he didn't really want himself or Bandit hurt really, espeacially himself. So, he whispered something to Ban, and then backed away.

Ban's tail stopped wagging, he didn't want to leave his father's side, but it looked like he had no choice. He slowly walked toward Shadow, but sat further away from the alpha than when he had sat by Death.

Death didn't take his eyes off of Shadow, as he quietly searched for weak spots in defence. He needed an opening for either attack or escape.

Smear sniffed the air, and growled to herself, a bit annoyed. She had to watch her brother 24/7 or he would go do idiotic things. And, when he did idiotic things, she got dragged into them. And, when she got dragged into them, she got in trouble. But, she had to risk getting yelled at to help Ban out of whatever he got himself into this time. To bad, she didn't know the way as good as her brother, because she was never going to find him at this rate.

Pepp was about to complament Tasha's name, when suddenly, she bound off, further into the forest.

"Hey, wait!" Pepp called, running, to catch up with Tasha. "You were going to help me, correct?"
"Hey Calla! Sorry to worry you, but I found Rose in the forest. Please give your motherly awareness a hundred and ten percent to keep a closer eye on her. You know how pups are these days." Malenkai said to Calla with a short grin attempting to make as less of an offense as possible. He began his ways back to the camp exit when he noticed Aurora leaving as well. "Elder, is something the matter?" he asked. She explained how there were still pups missing and she desperately wanted to find them. Malenkai stopped her and reassured her position in this devastating matter. "Sorry Elder, but Shadow gave you an order to watch over the pups, and I can only assume that means in camp grounds." he said. Malenkai then cheered the Elder up with another dose of his assuring smile and said "But do not worry, I will gather the rest of the pups myself and bring them back. You can count on that." stated boldly. "First tell me, which direction were you heading off to?" he asked, waiting for her guidance on the pups possible locations. Afterwards, he spotted Spike, Bayamara and Spirit. He rushed over immediately to make ammends. "Spike!" he yelled. "I wanted to apologize for earlier, I did not mean to step out of line. I just wanted everyone back in the camp prepared for any more surprises. You know the pups are our top priority and the pack trusts you second to the alpha himself to make sure everyone's safe here." he said. Avoiding too much eye contact, he prepared himself to leave back to Shadow's aid once Spike had responded to Malenkai's apology.
Lightark arrived back at the camp with Spike, Spirit and Baya and walked to the river bank, laying down alone.

"Uncle Jala..." Lightark mumbled, sadly and disappointedly looking out to the river, still hoping for Shadow allowing his uncle to join...

Jalapan watched the scene carefully, looking out for any troubles as a look-out for Shadow.

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