Forest Dominators - A Wolf Pack roleplay [Inactive]

As daybreak took it's course, one of the largest wolves in the camp woke within the Warrior's den. Malenkai let out a big yawn as it shifted to a howl and spread across the forests that surrounded the encampment. With a few stretches and a shake of his fur, Malenkai stepped out of the Warrior's den. Only a few wolves were up this early. Malenkai made his greetings suggesting to hold his checkup as he passed by Tessa. He then checked on the pups to see if they were sound asleep. He saw a few of the teenaged wolves with the pups, but no one he could recognize because of the darkness. He also noticed a couple of the pups were up instead of staying asleep. After his quick eye view on everyone's condition, Malenkai made his way for the entrance.

He tapped his paws a few times to get a grip to the ground below and took deep breathe. "Okay, today I should run to the Pinewoods. Yeah, that should be good enough.

One thing Malenkai did most to maintain his large size was workout. He ran everyday and would push large pieces of lumber across platforms. His fur was thick and his tail lengthy, but don't count out his stealth. He may be large but can hide as if he were wearing camouflage. Malenkai was ranked the position Alpha Warrior of the pack and he intened to keep it that way. "Here I go..." He set himself for one of his longest runs yet. 110 mile run for the central forest ,Pinewoods, then trot to the Pack encampment. "Let's go!" Malenkai shot off from his hind legs and opened his front legs to smash against the ground and catch himself. Gradually Malenkai buildt the momentum to continue the run. Malenkai finally reached top speed and left the village territory.

After a while, Malenkai returned to village territory from his successful run. He got to his destination with time to spare. The morning only begun and his work out was complete. "What the...?" Malenkai noticed a few things that didn't quite fit right with him. First, there was this small team of wolves not from the same pack as Malenkai, who seemed to be looking for someone. It wasn't clear to Malenkai but the names he heard were Xlyn and Gaagii. The names were not too familiar but they did ring a bell. Afterwards, a former member of the pack, Death, was seen skulking aruond the territory. Death was exiled without return under the Alpha's judgement. Why would he be here Malenkai thought? He decided not to confront Death. He has not broken the bounderaries of his banishment. He was not permitted to enter the encampment ever again, and that end of the bargin he has kept. After all of this, the biggest surprise was after coming close to the encampment entrance, he looks over on the other side of some trees, near the rivver, a bunch of wolves wounded. The team of wolves from earlier he thought? Instead of investigating into it, Malenkai returned to his village safe and sound. He gazed over and the village and saw that there was so much activity. Shadow finally woke up and was obviously teasing the pups. Spike passed by, so Malenkai stopped him and said hello. "Hey Spike. I left early this morning and told Tessa to hold off on my check up, do you know if she's still busy?"
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Geston walked into the village, looking at all the other members around him. He walked with attitude to a den, unsure of whose den it was. "Well..Its empty...No one around...Guess i am using it!" He snarled in a grumpy tone. Wandering the den, the cold stone floor giving him the chills. He slumped down on the floor letting out a well needed sigh. Geston fumbled around trying to find a good sleeping position. He drifted off into a strong sleep. His ears lowered and unaware of everything around him.
Shadow frowned slightly and lowered his head to the small pup that he still didn't know much about. "You are not scared because I am not scaring you" he was talking slowly and clearly, making sure to show off his fangs as much as possible. He raised his head again and looked at his sister. "Tess... Could you deal with this? I need to finish the daily morning routine..." he said with a frown before turning around and trotting off again. Shadow hated when being disturbed during his routines, he just wanted to finish what he had to finish and in between he did have time for other concerns.

Tessa sighed and shook her head after Shadow left. She also lowered her head, but with a way nicer expression than Shadow had done that before. "Listen little buddy... Where did your parents go? Are you alone here?" Tessa tried to get some information from the pup and maybe could ask Shadow if the pup was allowed to stay in case she didn't have any parents any more or was lost. On the other side, Tessa didn't really want to spend too much time on this either because she still had to check Malenkai.

Spike stopped as he heard Malenkai talk to him. "Hey Maka" he said with a flick of his tail. He looked around the camp for a second to spot Tessa talking with the pup. Quite a confused expression appeared on his face as he couldn't seem to recognise the pup that was talking to his sister, which was quite weird for Spike since he always paid quite a lot of attention to all of the pups. He briefly sighed before turning his head back to Malkenkai. "I guess she is done by now, but she seems to have something else that keeps her busy now. I guess you just could go over to her and ask her" Spike explained with a shrug.

Shadow was looking for someone who could check the borders of the territory for any intruders and maybe also take a pup with them for training (Just realised I forgot to add the guard ranks...). His gaze scanned the camp when he spotted Baymara and Spirit. The Alpha walked over to them with his tail slowly swooshing from left to right behind him. He stopped and sat down, keeping his head high and looking at the wolves. "Baymara and Spirit. I need you to check the territory for any intruders. Maybe it's an idea to take Lightark with you and train him a bit. Spirit, maybe also hunting can be a good thing to learn for him, although the main hunt is still planned for later today" Shadow said while inspecting the pup for a second.
Lightark was beside Spirit when Shadow walked over. He perked his ears back to Shadow without turning his head around listening to his orders. "Fighting training...? This might not go well for me..." Lightark thought before sighing. He is very intelligent and very good at stealth but front-on fighting, not so well because of his small size compared to other wolves his age. He just keeps lying next to the river shore while he thinks, not looking excited because of Shadow's command but rather bored and nervous.
After gathering the information out of Spike, Malenkai gave a bit "Thanks" and went their seperate ways.

As Malenkai trotted over to Tessa's location he noticed a different pup other than the usual eye full this pack has to offer. From the very site of the pup, he started to recollect memories of a female wolf and a very young pup with her. Leaving his former pack and joining another that contained most of her actual family in it. This pup resembled that same female wolf almost exactly.

A few names rumbled through Malenkai's head, and he could not remember the female's name at all. But, luckily, the name of the pup came to him like a blast from the sun. "Creek!" He yelled. Malenkai rushed over to the pups side to explain his reasons for knowing her name. "Don't worry Tessa I know this one. This is the daughter of a former pack member of my old home. She could barely walk at the time so I don't expect her to remember me, but I remember you, Creek. You're the spitting image of your mother." Malenkai began to smile as he looked around for her mother. "Please Creek, where is your mother, I'd like to give my greetings? It'd be an honor to see an old friend again." To be such a size as he is and yet so polite.

Malenkai began to smile looking down at Creek calmingly, considering only on her looks that she might share the same personality.
Baymara wanted to laugh at how awkward she knew Spirit was even though Spirit never looked awkward or nervous, she knew how Spirit was with pups. Spirit felt bad that she probably made Ark remember something horrible and she looked over at Baymara with a panicked look in her eyes. When Baya noticed the Alpha walking their way she stood and silently trotted over to Spirit so she could hear what he was going to say.

"Check the territory? Got it," Baya gave Shadow a wolfy grin before looking over at the pup known as Lightark. She enjoyed the company of pups, the complete opposite of Spirit.

"Understood, Alpha," Spirit shook her fur a bit before giving Shadow a small nod of her head and walking ahead of both Lightark and Baymara, when she had a task to do she preferred to get hurry up and get it out of the way.

"Yea, just leave us behind!" Baya snorted with a playful roll of her eyes before turning to look at Lightark.

"Well, you've got one of the best hunters around to teach you how to hunt. That's a good thing, eh?" Baymara grinned at him and if wolves could blush, Spirit would be pink by now. She seemed to be calm a lot but she always got shy when she got compliments, Baymara was no exception. Baya enjoyed it when the usually always calm Spirit was embarrassed and even though others couldn't see it, she definitely could.

"Something wrong, Ghost?" Bayamara called her by the title she was known for. Spirit had gotten that title for her hunting skills, when she hunted it was like she was never there. Until she got her claws and teeth into her prey.

"No..." Spirit grumbled as she shot Baya a glare but that only made her friend laugh at her. What in the world was she going to do with Baymara and her strange ways of torturing Spirit?
She flickered her eyes back and forth. She was getting overwhelmed by how many wolves were surrounding her. She refrained from letting out a defensive growl, though it was clearly obvious in her heterochromatic eyes that she was scared. Her tail twitched, keeping herself extra alert. The fangs of one wolf that walked off made her a bit jumpy.

Someone yelled her name. She flicked her head into the direction of the voice. A wolf trotted over. She ignored the questions of the other wolves. "Huh?" She asked, tilting her head to the side. He mentioned her mother. She tensed visibly, and her tail almost curled under her legs.

"All of them died." She managed to choke out, voice wavering and shaking, and she licked her snout. "Who're you?"
As soon as Malenkai heard what little Creek said, his heart fell. To know that so many close friends had fallen really put a dent on his persona that day.

Malenkai took his tail and wrapped it around the pup bringing her closer and comforting her in his fur. She took it harder since it was her family, and they died infront of her. Malenkai could never imagine what the young pup was going through, but only say he's been in similar situations considering his past is not so different. Malenkai leaned down and placed one paw behind the pup and as he tried to hear what she had asked him. "Who're you?" Creek asked. Malenkai was lost for words. He did not know how to answer with Tessa standing right there. He couldn't have said friend, she would have been returned to a camp that probably didn't have any good protection anyway.

Tessa asked if Malenkai knew the pup one last time before threatening to go back and inform Shadow. In the end, Malenkai made a pretty bold decision. "She's... she's my niece." Creek and Tessa both widened up to what Malenkai just said. He leaned down to eye level with Creek and said to her carefully, "Listen, from now on it's you and me. I'll be taking care of you. That's the end of it. Believe me when I say, you couldn't have found a better 'family member' at a time like this." Malenkai laughed a bit before turning back to Tessa to complete this pup's transfer into our pack under himself.
She was pulled into the larger wolf, and the side up her face pressed into his fur. She tensed up only a bit, and then realized that he was trying to comfort her, then relaxed. She hadn't done this with anybody for a long time, and she choked back any whimpers that dared to reverberate from her. There was a brief pause before he answered. Niece? Doesn't that mean he's her uncle? What? Creek didn't remember having any uncles, or aunts. She only remembered just treating her whole pack like family.

Her eyes were now leveled with his own hues, and she was forced to look forward. She licked her snout nervously. Creek listened closely to his words, and nodded once she realized what he was saying. She couldn't retort back to what he said, because he just confirmed his decisions as final. He laughed and turned back to the female wold. Her long, patchy tail swayed behind her along the grass, some of the green blades getting caught in her fur. She flickered her gaze around the whole territory, the rich smell of bunnies from afar still hitting her nostrils. She didn't say anything so she wouldn't come off as needy and rude.
Tessa looked surprised at the little pup that apparently was the niece of Malenkai. Considering that Creek's parents were dead, Tessa knew that Shadow would probably let the pup stay. Furthermore, it sounded great to her if Malenkai could take care of her. She nodded and looked at the two wolves "Okay Creek. You can stay for now, I will ask Shadow for his opinion, but I am pretty sure that he will let you stay as well. Malenkai, like you said before, I do expect you to take care of Creek. Get her something to eat from the kill pile. She can sleep either in your den or in the pups den, whatever sounds most comfortable to you, Creek" Tessa said with a slight smile.

"Now, if you don't mind Malenkai. I still need to do your check-up." Tessa walked over to Malenkai and started scanning his fur very carefully. She was looking for any bald spots, scars and wounds or blood but was glad no to find anything that was a threat to Malenkai at this certain moment. "You seem fine for now Malenkai. If you'll excuse me, I need to talk with Shadow for a bit. I'll also inform him about Creek" she lowered her head towards the pup's and winked. "I'll make sure you can stay. You might want to go and meet Spike, he likes the pups."

Shadow was still standing with the three wolves he had told to go and check the territory. He didn't mind the grin Baymara gave him, because of her relationship with Spike. Shadow was fine with her treating and acting to him like that, but that didn't meant that any other wolf could just simply do that. He nodded back at Spirit and flicked his tail. He really knew that making Spirit the Alpha Hunter had been a great choice. She was a great trainer and one of the best hunters Shadow had ever met in his entire life.

He now focussed on Lightark and walked over to him, lowering his head just above the height of his. "Listen Lightark. It might sound harsh, but I don't care if you like to go on training or if you think you will not do well. As an Alpha I think that it is my responsibility to make every single wolf in my pack, able to survive on their own. Including the pups. You might not be the largest or the best in everything, but that is why you are trained. You and I both know that Spirit is a great hunter and with her help you will become a good hunter too" Shadow looked right into the pups eyes while talking, to make sure that the Alpha was serious and he didn't appreciate anything said against his commands at this point. "Good luck and howl for me as soon as you encounter any form of trouble" Shadow said to Baymara and Spirit, before turning around and walking off towards his den.

Spike was walking alongside the river when he spotted Baymara. He walked over to her with a wagging tail and licked her cheek. "Hey love" he said with a smile on his lips. "What are you going to do?" he asked with his head slightly tilted before giving a nod to both Spirit and Lightark. Spike kept holding his smile as he stood as close to Baymara as possible and nuzzled her neck a bit.
Spike? Oh no. She was pretty sure he wasn't going to like her because the wolf was bitter with her earlier. She gulped as questions flooded through her mind quicker than her legs could take her. Would he be mad that she'd be a part of this pack now? Would he turn the other pups against her. What if, what if, what if? That's all that sped through her head right now. Flicking her tail, slightly nervous, she pushed the thoughts away from her mind even though it was hard.

Her ears flicked as she heard something crunch into grass. Her eyes flickered around, and she couldn't find anything. It was probably a bunny. Though she didn't find what she was looking for, she was okay with that. Tall trees with thick, green foliage surrounded them, and the babbling of the river was a great background for white noise. Birds chirped, and the sun beat down heavily, though it started to slip down the sky into the late morning. She stood to her feet, still planted next to her 'uncle'. Creek just stood still. The pup couldn't do anything right now. Nothing.
Xlyn urged on. She kept looking behind her as if a hunter or a wolf was tracking them. Gaagii marched on, still hurting. Blood drops hit the ground and stained it, leaving a trail up to the two wolves.
"Y-Yes... I'll go..." Lightark quietly said and got up before Shadow left. He then dashes over to Spirit and Bara, quietly follows them whenever they go. He prefers Healing rather than fighting but the Alpha told him to go train, he has no other choice but follows his orders.

@Karma200 @Kevinbrechie
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Malenkai gave a sharp nod to Tessa and placeed a paw on Creek's head as she left to Shadow's location. He gazed over the encampment again and noticed that everyone started their respective jobs. Malenkai leaned down to Creek again. "Listen, I'll get you some food and place it near my den over there. When you're done with Spike go and eat then meet me by the lake. I train all the pups in combat and I expect to see you there as well Creek." Malenkai licked Creek's cheek and left to the kill pile.

Malenkai picked up a bit of deer from the pile and trotted towards his den. Mostly wondering about the accident that had befallen Creek's pack, Malenkai decided to attempt an investigation after his class with the pups. "I'd better make sure Shadow doesn't need me around first before I start." he said placing the piece of deer down by his den.

Malenkai made his way to the lake after asking a fellow member of the pack to spread the word that his class starts in an hour. He laid there calm and collected mellowing over a few thoughts, awaiting the arrival of his eager little students.
Her uncle nodded at the female wolf and placed a paw on her head. Her ears flicked and she tensed her neck so she wouldn't fall to the ground from the slightly hevy weight of his paw. She listened closely to what he hd to say, and sucked in every word he said like a sponge. Her head tilted to the side, an eye squeezing shut as her cheek got licked. He trotted away.

Done with Spike? What was that supposed to mean? She steadily sat down, and around her words were told that combat training would begin in an hour. She had an hour left to do what she needed, but a she wasn't sure how to start. Her eyes flickered around. She'd just wait. She would have to wait for Spike as her uncle had said.
"Spike!" Baymara felt excited as she gave him a lick on the cheek and rubbed against him affectionately, Spirit wanted to barf just looking at the two of them. Sure Spirit wanted to find her mate but she could never see herself acting all lovey-dovey and so close. Spirit thought it difficult to find someone who could both make her happy as well as be the dominant one. It would be sad if her mate ended up being the weak one out of the two. Spirit blinked that thought away, she'd have to get a mate before thinking to far ahead first.

"We're going to go check the territory and teach Lightark some fighting lessons, after that we're going to go and have Spirit teach Ark how to hunt," Baymara said happily as she continued to nuzzle her mate as they continued to walk, during the time that she'd been with Spoke she had learned to do both at the same time.

"When the pups get older you'll have to teach them all how to hunt," Baya shot a smirk over at Spirit, Spirit mumbled weird words that Baya just ignored. Man, teasing Spirit seemed to amuse her and Spirit obviously knew it. It all started when they were pups, they had different parents but seemed to be together like they were pups of the same litter. They grew up together, been with each other through their darkest days and are pretty much inseparable. They're like a package deal, a team of two; something that the both of them loved dearly.

"Oh man..." Spirit muttered at the thought of being around so many small pups... hopefully she wouldn't step on any of 'em.
"Wait a minute... Quiet please. There's something around here..." Lightark said as he sniffed, seemingly caught something's scent. He then sneaks over to that location and found a rabbit roughly his size. Luckily, the rabbit didn't heard him and he continues to close in quietly and skillfully until he is really close to the rabbit then he pounced if before biting it in the neck. The rabbit squirmed a little bit in Lightark's muzzle, which is now covered in it's blood, until he shook his head forcefully and snapped the rabbit's neck, forcing it to stop and die. He then walks back to Spirit, Baymara and Spike, holding the rabbit in his muzzle.

@Kevinbrechie @Karma200
Spike smiled and walked next to Baymara, budging her constantly and wagging his tail quickly. He enjoyed how Spirit was disgusted by the love between the two wolves which only encouraged Spike to show more love to Baymara. "Do you mind if I go with you guys?" He asked Spirit with quite a teasing grin. Not that she had a choice, the Betas were still above any other Alpha ranked members, except for the Alphas themselves of course.

Spike was rather surprised as he looked at Lightark who apparently had spot something that he was snow looking for in a quite skilled way that surprised Spike. He knew that Lightark never liked to hunt or fight which wasn't noticeable with the current actions he was performing. However, Spike did think that the rabbit's sense of hearing wasn't quite right since those little animals always heard every single move that made only the smallest amount of sound. "Great job Lightark" Spike said with a smile and a flick of his tail. "That was the hunting part for today"

Tessa looked around for Shadow. He still wanted to tell that every pack member had passed the medical check-up and also about Creek joining the pack with her permission. Where other wolves wouldn't dare to make such a important decision, Tessa didn't care what her brother would think about it. If Shadow didn't like it, he would just simply reverse it and maybe give a nasty glare to Tessa. But, with all the decisions she had made without him knowing, she had never really been punished for it.

"Ah there he is" Tessa said to herself before trotting off towards Shadow's den where the Alpha was heading for. "Shadow!" she shouted just before he entered his den. She sat down in front of him, holding her head just as high as it was and not showing any physical signs of respect. Shadow was larger, so his head was higher anyway, but that still didn't mean that the smaller wolf was showing respect. "What's up Tess?" he asked with a slight smile.

"Just wanted to let you know that everyone in the pack is fine. No serious injuries or health problems" Tessa replied with a flick of her tail. "Great" Shadow smiled and looked around the camp a bit. "Something else I need to know?" He asked with his head slightly tilted. "Nope" Tessa simply said before turning around and walking to Malenkai. "Oh yea, Creek is now a pack member" she said with a grin, making sure Shadow could hear her. Shadow sighed and rolled his eyes.
Aurora rose slowly, blinking away sleep and looking at the commotion of the pack's daily life. 'Part of being old is sleeping as long as you want,' she thought to herself gleefully. With that, she stood up fully, stretched, walked outside... and laid back down, enjoying the warmth of the sun.

The gray-furred wolf closed her eyes for a moment, blocking out everything around her and feeling just the warmth. Her tail wagged lazily as she opened her eyes, watching the pack move about. If anything happened, it either wasn't important or someone would tell her.

Still, it wouldn't hurt to ask someone... With that thought, she stood and began shambling over towards Tessa and Shadow, her old bones not letting her move very fast. She noticed that they were talking, but didn't care. 'When you're old, you can take certain liberties,' she spoke in a quiet voice to herself. As she got within easy earshot, she spoke up, "Good morning, you two! How are things running?"

Dane sniffed the air again. He cursed to himself as he found nothing of interest. It had been five days since he had last eaten. He needed to find food soon. Nose low to the ground, he made a winding path through the forest, searching for anything that would make a meal. Or a snack. Even a morsel would be taken advantage of right now.

His nose to the ground, he did not pay any attention to his surroundings. Because he was looking for food, he didn't catch the scent of wolves, passing into pack territory. He continued to search, dismayed at finding nothing. Before he knew it, he was deep into hostile territory. He only learned it once he raised his head, catching the strong scent of multiple wolves. Slowly, he began to move away from the strongest area of the scent, hoping no one would find him.
(I'm gonna go ahead and post without the other Delta)

Lilith watched as the other's went about with their daily duties. Letting out a bored sigh, Lilith walked around camp. She was resisting the urge to run back into the den and and paw Rondu to death until he woke. She looked around for the Betas to give her something to do. She walked around more and even nudged a few of the pups with a soft laugh at their reactions.


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Xlyn and Gaagii was way out of any pack's territory. They finally found an abandoned den and stumbled to it. Gaagii fell to the ground, quite exhausted from the injuries from last fight. Xlyn nudged sat right next to Gaagii her body posture tall. After a few minutes she started to mark her territory, urinating around the den. 
When Gaagii awoke, he found Xlyn lying asleep next to him. He cracked a smile as he went out of his den secretly, leaving Xlyn behind. His intentions was to find that wolf again. He imagines Xlyn saying this.

"Stop it! You're going to get us killed!"

but that didn't stop his curiosity. His hind leg healed remarkably meaning that he could run. So he did. He ran, backtracked to the fight until he was right next to the river. Gaagii took a drink of the water, trying to be quiet as much as possible to prevent himself from being spotted. He lifted his head, some water drops hitting the river and causing rings. Gaagii watched his own reflection and shakes his head.
Kyant woke early. He always prided himself on being up early. He like it that way. Lifting his head off the ground Kyant stuck his nose in the air to take a smell of what was around him. "This is new" Kyant said as he caught the smell of something. The wolf lifting himself off the ground gave a great stretch before making his way over to the edge of the river. He began to scan up and down the beach for the source of the interesting new smell that he had discovered. "What is that?" The wolf thought to himself as he began to walk up and down the river searching for his prize.

It wasn't until Shadow made his way down the river did he see. "Another wolf" Kyant thought excitedly. But before he made his move he waited. "He looks hurt." The wolf said to himself as he back up into the bushes. "I'll wait, see what he does." He said to himself again as he lay down, making himself comfortable.
"Ugh!" Spirit groaned out loud as she walked ahead of the two, she wasn't annoyed or anything but she didn't want to be stuck with those two lovebirds. When she looked over at the rabbit in Ark's mouth, at least she didn't need to teach him how to hunt rabbits, rabbits were always easy prey as far as Spirit was concerned. But of course for a pup, he did a good job and Spirit couldn't deny that. Spirit walked over to Lightark and bent down a bit.

"Good job Ark, now hopefully when you get older you can join me on a hunting trip," Spirit gave him a soft look before nuzzling him a bit, standing back up she began to go check the territory with her two lovebirds and a pup. She sure as heck didn't mind going with just Ark but of course she would feel uncomfortable without Baya by her side.

Why in the world did this couple enjoy teasing her? Was it funny? Spirit would never know, she'd given up a long time ago and had hoped it would die down. Obviously it never did. She'd gotten use to it so it was sorta stuck on her now.

"Wow, you got praise from Spirit, good job kid," Baymara gave Ark a playful nudge with her paw before hip bumping Spike and then dashing up ahead to Spirit. Spirit's senses were tingling when and she was going to dodge whatever was coming up from behind her but it was to late, Baymara's speed was faster and she managed to tackle Spirit, both of them falling forward.

"Baya!" Spirit groaned as she lay beneath her friend, she knew Baya had a tendency to act like a pup and Spirit didn't have any issues with that. She use to be way more wild before they came here.

"Lesson 1 Lightark! Never let your guard down! There's always something lurking around a forest," Baya gave Ark a wolfy grin before getting up and walking ahead of Spirit.
With about forty-five minutes to spare, Malenkai decided to put some more thought into what pack Creek's mother joined so that he could make the investigaion easier. He remembered the pack was called Plains, but their location remained a mystery. Malenkai lifted his head and noticed that Creek hadn't moveda single inch from that same spot. He only shook his head and thought 'This is gonna take a while'. Only worrying more about Creeks' well-being, Malenkai dropped his head and returned to his thinking. After a while, Tessa was heading his way, hopefully with news from Shadow's agreement with keeping Creek within the pack. Last time Shadow and Malenkai had a disagreement, they fought for half an hour over who decides what, though Malenkai knew he was out of place. He just felt Shadow was acting a bit unfair, but that's what makes he and the Alpha good friends, fighting for authority Shadow already had. Besides it was a good enough reason for Malenkai to keep training. Tessa slowly approached. Malenkai could only wonder what news she had to offer.
She laid down on her stomach, paws in front of her, snout rested onto them. Her tail swished across the grass behind her. She felt as if she couldn't move in this place. Like she belonged somewhere else. Already two wolves from the pack who had high authority seemed to not like her. And that wasn't a good sign to her, at least. How she could try to make it better? She didn't know, but wanted to. Thoughts continued to run themselves through her mind, and she looked quite frustrated. She let out a ragged sigh, pushing the thoughts away.

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