Forest Dominators - A Wolf Pack roleplay [Inactive]

Kevinbrechie updated Forest Dominators - A Wolf Pack roleplay with a new update entry:

The storm is on its way

Hey all,
I'm very sorry for letting the RP die a little, but I didn't really have a choice because I've been messing with school, work and bans also weren't really in my advantage.

With the twist I just posted, I hope to get the RP up and running again. To make sure this happens, I want everybody to reply within the next 7 days, otherwise you will be thrown out without warning, because this is your warning. If you have a special reason, please PM me or post it in the OOC topic. I hate to be...
Read the rest of this update entry...
After the fight with the pup, Malenkai broke it up, and she had received a lecture. Creek tried to explain, but her efforts proved fruitless, and an upset, sinking feeling was sent through her. After the small speech from her 'uncle', she wasn't that upset since she really wanted to make it in this pack. She headed over to Malenkai's den, and started to take a nap, exhausted and drained from her wounds. She had figured that they would scab over by tomorrow. What she didn't notice in her sleep is that Malenkai had come next to her. The small, curled up pup wriggled in her sleep, quicker and quicker until she woke up with wide, bicolored eyes. They flickered around nervously, only to notice she was in Malenkai's den with him in it. He was sleeping, and she didn't want to disturb him. Padding out of the den, it looked a bit dark out to her. The wind whipped, and a light rain started to latter down. A mouse scampered across her feet, and a wolfish grin spread across her snout as she chased after it. Once she smelt that she was almost out of the territory, she had stopped. The rain hardened, and her fur started to soak, making her look skinnier than she had already appeared. Lightning flashed and crackled around occasionally, making Creek flinch as she headed to Malenkai's den. She pushed against his head with her snout. "Wake up," she barked audibly. She heard a long howl, which made her eyes snap wide open in fear. "Wake up!" Creek barked loudly, a small whimper following after.
Pepp tjought as she walked, "Oh, a bit of this, and a bit of that." She said. "Moss, sticks, ferns. We need to collect anything we find basicly. You know at least a little about all of this don't you?" She hoped Tasha did know. It wouldn't be the greatest thing if she was being helped by a wolf who had no idea what they were doing. But, she would still appreciate the thought. Then, she felt water dropplets, and began to get a bit worried. "Never mind that, we need to leave." With that, she began to run back to camp.

Smear looked around, had someone spoken to her? She kept glancing around, until she spotted who had said something. "What's it to you?" She barked at the larger wolf. "I don't know you, so why should I tell you?" The rain just made it worse, and she was getting very annoyed.

Death growled, "This isn't good." He muttered. "This isn't good at all. I may be concidered bad, but this is worse."

Error looked up, "What's everyone worried about?" He asked. He hated being left out of anything, and he ferlt left behind. "I'm confused."
"You're stalking around my packs territory kid. Where are you from? You're gonna need to get out of this storm while you can." He said as he leered down at her a bit. She had a big mouth for one so small. He looked up to the monstrous clouds as the rain fell quickly and rapidly upon them. He won't be able to get back to the pack if it continued like this. "Listen kid, there's not a lot of time. You can come with me or you can drown in the oncoming rain." he said as he tried to keep the caught game dry. It any of it got wet and cold, bacteria would spread and the meat would go bad.

They weren't far from the camp, but he could tell the pup wouldn't make it in time without his help. "Make your choice, we don't have much time." he offered her as he listened to the howls and commotion not far off from the site of the pack.
Lilith was half asleep already in her den, with having a full stomach from her hunt, when she heard Shadow's howl. She jerked her head up and emerged out of her den, slowly walking out towards her alpha. Though as the rain came pouring down, Lilith shrank down low and skittered backwards towards her den with ears laying flat. Upon reaching the den, she shook her pelt free of the water. Lilith watched the others scramble along getting into their dens while she shivered slightly. She peeked her head out a little and looked to the fastly dark growing sky. Her ears flattened more as she ducked her head back in. Lilith didn't like the look of things as a bad feeling washed over her.
Smear had a small fight with herself, but tired of being lost, she decided to agree to go with this larger wolf. "Alright." She said. "I'll follow you, but just for the record, I didn't know I was near any camp, except for maybe closing on the camp I came from where my brother and mama are."

Error whimpered, he felt like he was still being left out. He shook his pelt, due to the water dripping into it, and looked around for Pepp. "Wait, if everyone's worried, does that mean there's danger?" He asked. "And, if there's danger, will papa be safe? Maybe I should go check on him... I'll be right back!" With that, he began to run in the direction away from the camp.
Nuka nodded as he managed to pick her up by the scruff of her neck. If he hurried, they wouldn't get caught in a flood in the field. "Hold on kid." He mumbled as he ran for the camp, leaping over large rocks and logs. Honestly, what was this pup doing out here by herself? He nearly rolled an ankle after tripping over a root. Man, his luck was really bad today...Soon enough, he stumbled back into camp. Everyone was either running off or in a hurry, so he didn't have anyone to ask where he should put the small pup.
Pepp arrived back at camp, and looked around. She saw Error wandering off, and ran over to him, grabbing him by the scruff. "Where do you think you're going, mister?" She asked, trying to keep calm. "We need to get into a den." With that, she hurried into the nearest den, not caring which one it was. She set Error down, "Where's Smear?"

"I dunno, mama." Error answered. "I haven't seen her since this morning. What's going on? Is papa in danger?"

Pepp shook her head, "Please don't ask me that." She said, before turning back to the den's opening. "Just, stay here, I'm going to go look for your sister." Then, she ran off, worried.

Smear looked up, "So, what's going on?" She asked the large wolf. "Why's everyone freaking out? Is it the rain?"
Nuka looked around in confusion as he saw other wolves he didn't recognize as well. He released her scruff and dropped her to the ground,"Storms haven't been the same since the war. They're much more hazardous, and can lead to floods sometimes. A kid like you would have no chance from escaping it without an adult or teen, and would get swept away from rushing waters." he said as he looked around the chaos for someone to tell him what exactly was going on.
North had woken up, for the fifth time this afternoon, to the sound of clashing thunder and some panicked wolves outside. jumping up to his feet in a nearly impossible way, somehow managing to keep the pup by his side asleep, the white wolf peered outside of his den. It had been almost two days since he left his den for anything other than food and water, mainly for the sick pup he was taking care of.

As North saw the heavy rain and dark clouds, he understood the commotion and decided it was best if he simply stayed inside with Foalan rather than risk the pup getting worse by forcing him out there or worse yet, risk infecting the other pups with the small bout of cold he faced. Yipping his approval of the decision, the larger wolf about faced and laid beside the pup that almost appeared to be his by blood.

Foalan felt it when North moved, be kept his nose and ears alert for if the older wolf went too far away from him. He soon picked up on the sound of rain as he slowly opened one eye to look at North, just as he laid beside the pup.

"Mama, are we staying in today?" The small pup managed before a particularly loud crash of thunder forced a yelp from him.

"Shh, Little one. It's only thunder, and yes we will be staying in. At least until the storm clears." The elder of the two said, pulling Foalan toward him to nuzzle with his large paws.

"Okay Mama. Love you."

"And I love you, my Little one." North responded before rumbling a comforting growl until the pup fell asleep. He just laid there for a while, watching his own sleep peacefully.
Malenkai woke up to Creek's voice. "Oh, I guess I drifted off..." he said yawning a little, then taking a second to look at Creek's expression he quickly snapped to complete awareness. "What's wrong, Creek" he asked? As soon as she was going to answer, a flash of light and a thunderous sound clasped in the sky and Creek shot herself into him for comfort. Malenkai then realized it was raining, but not just raining, he knew that it's back. 'No wonder she's scared...' he thought. He quickly calmed Creek down. "It's alright, I'm awake now. Sorry for not gettin' up sooner" he told her. He could feel her shivering with his massive paw around her. He knew already what sort of emergency this was, so he decided to stay inside his den with Creek until he was needed. Considering how heavy the rain had gotten, however, it was going to be hard to hear outside of the den. Malenkai laid down and kept Creek close to keep her warm and safe from harm, or at least the lightning which was probably the only thing on her mind that really frightened her. "Just stay with me and you'll be fine. Don't worry kid, you're uncle know's what he's doin' " he claims before dropping his head. Malenkai couldn't fall to sleep since he had to stay alert just in case Shadow or anyone else needed him. He lastly thought 'I hope everyone's alright...'
(Apologies. I don't have much of an excuse, but I'm back now. And, apparently, just in time for the seven day limit)

Aurora wasted no time, having endured plenty of these storms in her long life time. As fast as her old bones could take her, she made her way to the elders' den. The Elder reached the entrance as the rain began to pound the ground. She shook herself, water flying from her pelt, then turned to look outside. The others were already going for their dens, or, if need be, the closest one.

She slowly backed away from the entrance. As she lay down to rest, the elderly wolf worried of the pups that hadn't been accounted for. She knew they were smart enough to take shelter, but she hoped that they didn't notice too late.
Tasha watched the gentle wolf leave, her head tilted curiously. Her jaws parted slightly to respond bashfully that she was not quite fully educated in the art of healing others of their kind, but the gray wolf bounded away, and, after hesitation, Tasha pursued her, her paws accelerating. Droplets of rain clung to her lush brown fur, but she shook them off absentmindedly. She was not irked by rain, as Pepper seemed to be - if that was the genuine reason for which she had deserted Tasha. Though her legs did not slow down, she lifted her chin to glimpse the sky, spotting dark clouds looming over her. She was certain that it was not at all near nighttime only shortly before, but the sky blackened as though it was already. This was not a mere drizzle; this was a storm.

Hastily, she pranced in the direction from which she had come, her speed only decreasing when she arrived. Constant glances upwards told her that the clouds would not clear soon. They continued to amass directly above their forest, accumulating a cluster of darkness, leaks of sunshine entirely sealed. But Tasha was hopeful. Perhaps the sky would be free of clouds once more.

Upon arrival at the camp, the rain had steadily intensified. It soaked Tasha's pelt, and she shook herself violently in an attempt to rid herself of the water, but more of it came than she could unload it from her fur. Most wolves were retreating to their dens, and Tasha's eyes darted through the camp, but with the roar of thunder, she hurriedly padded to the nearest den she found. Lightning flashed across the sky, and she suppressed an alarmed whimper as her paws trotted across the sodden ground.
The little pup woke up suddenly, hearing the thunder and booming outside. The cold dank stone was starting to be uncomfortable on her pelt. She looked around noticing the others and she placed her paws on top of her nose, squeezing her eyes shut.

If she never had to go through a storm again, she'd be ecstatic.

(Sorry it's so short, I was never notified by the rp starting!)
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Xandra felt the rain begin to fall onto her pelt, chilling her to the bone. A deep shiver ran through her entire body as the storm drenched her completely. Her powerful black legs carried her as fast as she could, trying to escape the monster that was chasing her. A giant black bear charged its way through the forest, gaining on the already injured canine. Just hours ago the border collie hybrid had been hunting when this massive beast attacked her. It had already managed to severely wound her. A long gash ran down her haunches, as well as a deep bite wound on her neck. Xandra had lost a great amount of blood since then and was beginning to feel light headed. "No. I will not pass out not now. C'mon Xandra you can make it!" She encouraged herself to keep going but her wounds were really taking a toll on her strength.

The black canine was too busy trying to focus to notice that the bear had come up behind her. Just as she realized it, it was already to late. The horrible creature swung its paw at her, sending the hybrid flying towards a tree. She cried out into the night, letting her wail resound over the forest. As if to respond to her the bear let out a battle cry of its own before charging at her once again. Suddenly all of her training at the military encampment came rushing back to her. The injured canine ducked underneath the bear and raced to the other side of the clearing that they now fought in. He charged her again, but this time she was ready. Despite the pain that it caused her, Xandra leapt into the air and landed on top of the monster. This move enraged the already angry creature and it bucked sending her into the air once again.

However, instead of smacking into the tree she had been flying at, she positioned herself so that when she hit the tree, her legs could use the momentum to lunge at the bear. As she closed her jaws around its throat the bear let out another raging cry before raking its claws down her side. Tears welled up in her eyes but she refused to let loose. The bear continued to claw at her, leaving wounds that should have killed her already. Yet the canine held on until the creature fell to the ground before her...dead. Xandra released her deadly grip on the body and backed away. Her vision became blurry before she herself fell to the ground unconscious, her wounds bleeding out onto the ground where she laid.


(This previous post took place within the pack terrirory.)

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