(OK, I know our whole plan is to introduce ava and angela- A2- into the avengers.

But I think there's a problem with that.

A2 would not fit into the Avengers. The Avengers wouldn't take them seriously, no matter how much potential they have. I mean, sure, we have a Super Girl with the strength of Thor, who's older than Steve Rogers, who could give Black Widow a run for her money, who's smarter than Bruce Banner, who's as good an aim as Hawkeye. But she's short, thin, and wears baggy clothes. Tony would make fun of her all the time. Call her Short Stack and challenge her to fights in the Suit for kicks. Ava's reaction for being treated like a child? Indignancy. Take Tony down. She's demonstrate to the group that she's a threat and not afraid to hurt her teammates, which isn't good for her already sketchy image. Not only is she the daughter of a madman, but she's already displayed psychotic tendencies: talking about death and murder like it's no big deal, a computer-like tone of voice, no regret for what she's done in the past. Is there a bigger red flag? Natasha would probably confront Fury about the issue of assimilating her into the Avengers. And Angela too. Angela used to be a typical teenager before this. She's scrawny and naïve and the last time she got into a fight, she curled up in a ball, let them kick her, and came home with two black eyes and five teeth missing. She doesn't believe she can be an Avenger, and she'll bring this up. A2, although they have special abilities, are not ready to be in a group equivalent to the avengers.

They need to be taught teamwork, fighting skills, emotional and psychical control, total awareness, etc: the basics. I think Coulson needs to organize a sort of Junior Avengers headed by volunteers from that SHIELD school we saw in MAOS. The Avengers themselves could come in and train A2, and talk about the possibility of a2 being in the avengers some day. during their training, ava would excel at everything father taught her, but her weaknesses would show in the catagories of teamwork, reading the emotions of her teammates (angela), and the measure of her morality. Angela would completely sink at fitness, intelligence, hand to hand combat, etc, but she's excel where ava doesn't. I don't want Fury to be too involved after this scene, because I don't think it's realistic to have the head of the Superheroe FBI babysitting a couple of kids. but since the Junior Avengers- if we are going to do that- is unprecedented and thus unstable, he should be seen from time to time or have a person gathering information for him. the junior avengers, however, is only a background, a setting, for character development and plot development.

so this is my idea for where we should go with this next. ) 
(also, I wanted to evaluate why ava and angela and director fury are here.


Why not bust out of that office? Fury has no restraints on her. No gaurds. The gaurds outside she can deal with. This is boring, anyway. This man thinks he’s powerful, but she could incapacitate him in seconds. She’s here because they can’t make her stay here. If she wants to hang around to EXPERIMENT a little, finish prodding Angela, satisfy her curiosity, then she can. If she wants to leave, they can’t make her. To me, Ava is extremely dangerous because her motivation is her own self-satisfaction, her own boredom.


Fury knows what Ava is capable of because of her little show with Coulson. By allowing Ava to do whatever she wants in his office without restraints, Fury sees what Ava’s true intentions are. And its working. She hasn’t made a move to hurt anyone, even Angela, who had literally cut her in half. Fury’s intentions right now are to investigate Ava’s intentions. But what about Father? Ava is a goldmine for information on Father, so why not drill her for that? They’ve just discovered Father’s existence and are still mining through the information they’ve gathered, so drilling Ava for information can come later, when they’ve hopefully made a trust connection.

Angela is not the problem here. Fury can see right through Angela. He’s having a direct conversation with Angela because he wants to see the connection between Ava and Angela.

Fury’s end goal here is to get A2 to willingly join up with SHEILD.


Angela is scared and resentful of Ava right now, because Ava is her scapegoat. To Angela, SHE just destroyed her entire life on accident, and she can’t take that kind of guilt. Who better to cast that guilt on than the person who indirectly started it? But I think in this office, Fury is going to crack Angela open and reveal this truth. There will be tears, because Angela is as emotionally fragile as Ava is stoic. Angela’s here because she can’t get away. She’s here because SHIELD is offering her something akin to safety and opportunity and she doesn’t have a real life left to go to. She’s here because SHIELD won’t tell her anything about her dad yet, and she needs to stay with him.

"Hey, wait. What do you mean I cut her in half? I'm fourteen," Angela said.

"Yeah. It really shows through your stunning lack of self restraint," The Director curtly replied. "Now Ava, why was William Graham so special?"
Ava shook her head.

"I do not know. Most of my Father's experiments were simple people that would not be missed, most were insignificant. A few had severe health problems to begin with. Father always liked a challenge. William Graham would have been observed from afar for a little while, then most likely Father would have had me pick him up. I think..." Ava hesitated and looked at Angela.

"Go on, what made him special?" Fury insisted raising his hands to his chin.

"It is my belief that I would have been sent for both the father and the offspring, and to control the father, who was to be the experiment, he would threaten and eventually harm the well being of the offspring. They seem to share some sort of bond." Ava looked at Fury, who's eyebrows were wrinkling most of his forehead as he furrowed them down, as if Ava were saying something that did not make sense. Ava knew that she might have to speak in plainer terms for his understanding.

"It is not entirely unusual. In most of the experiments we stole from their parents the parents would look for them and water would leak from their faces when they found the bodies we disposed of. Father had me study these relationships. They also can be between mates and two people from different familes who are not mates, and between offspring of the same parents, in fact most people seem to have these sorts of bonds. It is quite useful."

"Useful? How is that useful to you?" Fury's voice sounded older, it had gone deeper and much slower, his eyes seemed tired as he listened to Ava speaking. Each word seemed to weigh him down, to show the age he so desperately tried to hide.

"The bonds are very useful in controlling the experiments."
The Director looked away, for once lost for words. Angela was speechless, with a look of horrible realization plastered on her pale face.

Ava, she knew, hadn’t made Angela do anything.

Ava was crazy. But Angela was a monster.

“I thought I was a good person,” Angela croaked. “I thought I could just cut you in two, because you made all this happen. Because you’re guilty, but that’s not an excuse…. I can’t believe… I’m given super powers, and the first thing I do is destroy everything.”

Suddenly weighted with guilt, Angela cried into her hands.
"Just like that! They made water stream down their faces like that! I thought at first it was survival instict but it is saltwater apparently."

Fury put up his hands.

"Stop, just stop. You've got enought issues, but we're dealing with this one now. Angela," fury turned and faced the crumpled up girl in the big chair.

"Now, this isn't that strange of a reaction. If what you're telling me is true, you were just discovering these powers. You didn't quite know what to do with them, or how to use them, am I right?"
Angela glanced at Ava.

"That night," she started. "I stopped you from hurting my dad. I should have had it in me to stop myself. We were always a team, I mean...." She hiccuped. "If I did that to you, I know i killed him."

"You didnt kill your dad, Angela. You barely scratched his cheek."

"I didn't? I mean, I did? Can I see him, then?"

The Director sighed; Angela's face fell. "Not yet. He's somewhere else right now. We have work to do here."
"I know as well as you do that there's nothing i can do to stop you from busting down this door here. In fact, you could have killed me."

At the Director's words, Angela stiffened.
"That is true, but I have nothing to gain from your death. You'd better make your life worth while. I'm getting bored, I think I'll leave soon."

"And risk your Father finding you?" Ava stiffened, almost imperceptively.

"You see, I have seen more footage of your Father than any sane man should, you've seen him in action. I've heard your screams on tape. What do you think he'll do to you now that you've actually done something to provoke him? Somehow I think death would be a little too easy."

Ava worked hard to control herself. The insides of her palms had gotten just a bit too sweaty. What would Father do to her if he caught her? Death would be the best option, without a doubt.

"I will stay a bit longer. You are a wise man, a convincing one at least."
Angela smiled at Director Fury admiringly.

"Thats what I thought. And we're gonna do somethig about your morbid attitude towards killin' people later."

He stood up. "Both of you are much safer to yourselves and others when you learn self control. And Shield could teach you that."
" I know how to control my powers. It is only she that needs the training you ask for."

Fury raised his eyebrow.

"That's not necessarily the only kind of training. Morality training, teamwork training, school. Have you ever been to school?"

"No, I taught myself with books Father gave me."

"I'm sure you taught yourself fine, but it still helps to have a teacher. You guys could be training, you could be a younger Avenger type organization."


"You know, the New York attack. Hulk, Thor, Iron man...ringing anly bells?"


Fury looked at her with his mouth open.

"Where have you been the past couple of months?!?"

"Father did not let me out of the house until now. I was curious about that.Who is this Thor you speak of? He was an Asgardian, god of norse mythology. That cannot be who you speak of though."

"Why can't it be?"

"Father told me all the other Asgardians were dead, which is why he came to this world. He is working on improving the human race so they can be more durable, like the Asgardians."

"You're Father's a piece of work."

"I do not understand what that means."
"I remember that," said Angela. "I have a Captain America t-shirt."

"You admire Steve Rogers?" Fury asked.

"Well..." Angela said, surprised. "Yeah."

"I know a friend if mine who'd like you." Fury said this almost to himself, then straightened his back to amplify his intimidation. Angela wished he wouldnt wear all black.

"Providing you dont get on my nerves, I just so happen to cater to special, highly unusual cases such as yourselves. There're alot of perks to this package. Food, a home, training, free Wifi- but, most importantly, safety. Believe it or not, there are other psycho's in this world besides Ava's daddy who'd love to get their grubby little paws on a pair of super impressionable, super powered teenagers. I can shield you from that. If you cooperate."
"Simple: dont kill anyone."

Angela mumbled into her shoulder.

"What was that, Graham?" The Director asked.

"I said, good luck with that. You said safety. I dont feel safe around her, okay?"
"I only kill people when necessary, or when ordered. I saved your life and the life of your father. I will most likely kill no one while I am here." 
"I only kill people when appropriate, I will most likely kill no one." Ava turned and looked around the room, eyeing the door suspiciously. She would, of course, kill if anyone were to try to harm her.
The Director cleared his throat. "Lets keep the killing people to a minimum."

"What if she tries to kill me?" Angela protested.

"Then you defend yourself."

"Me asking was more of a courtesy. You really didnt have much of a choice."
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Ava whipped her head around from the door.

"I also agreed to nothing, you cannot keep me-" Ava was cut off by a man jumping her from behind and slamming a collar around her throat. She flipped around and saw the flip of hair running out. She willed herself to port after them, but nothing happened. Pain clouded her eyes when she tried, so instead she turned slowly and looked up at Fury.

" That was...wise of you. I could still kill you, but that would make it difficult to get this off I assume. I will cooperate, for now."
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Angela felt torn.

On the one hand, this was totally flippin' awesome dude. She had magic at her fingertips. She would never have to buy scissors again. She could tear holes in the stockings of annoying girls, and spill the guts out of jerks' backpacks. In each of the Training Facility's bathrooms, she carved her initials into the toilet, and had a heck of a time making ribbons out of wallpaper. Once more, she would never be made fun of again. She wasn't strong, but she was special; so special, in fact, that Nick Director Flippin' Fury himself was supervising her integration into superhero world. The superhero world of superheroes. How many people could say that?

But, on the other hand, she didnt know who Nick Fury was. She knew about Captain America and New York, but she could only guess what SHIELD meant. But, he was mean-looking and had an eyepatch and bodygaurds, so this guy must be sort of legit. Second, which was really concerning, they refused to let her have anything more than a five minute phonecall with Dad. Why not?

"He's adjusting," the Director said, with hesitation, when she asked. "Leave him alone."

She wanted to get mad at the Director. But how many times would she blame her mistakes on other people?

After all, Dad had to "adjust" because Angela couldnt control herself.

The place was odd, too. Everything was hush, hush, Secret Service style. At 3 AM, in a tinted-windows minivan, they drove to Middle of Nowhere, Minnesota. Their driver and escort kept their mouths zipped tight. They were dropped off a couple miles shy of their destination, told to walk North, then left alone. Ava not eing able to teleport, they tired themselves out before finding The Director in front of a steel entrance half-buried under a hill.

"That sucked." Angela said.

"Life sucks." Fury said back. " C'mon."
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Ava was in observation mode. She had sat quietly during the drive, she was making a mental map of where they were, even though she was blindfolded she could still know where they were going. She made no attempt to speak to Angela as they walked through Minnesota, and she said nothing as Fury lead them in and showed them two separate rooms, which surprised Ava, she was getting a room, not a cage, it was bigger than the one shed been in her whole life, and there appeared to be a designated sleeping mat. It was made of a metal alloy called adomantium that was nearly impossible to break and locked, but it was much better than Ava was used to. She shook her head. She needed to remain an objective viewer, these things were clouding her thoughts. She listened harder as Fury continued leading them in.
"So... when do we start?" Angela asked Fury.

"Tomorrow morning."

"Dont we need to, like, sign some sort of contract?"

"What kind of contract do you wanna sign?"

"The binding kind, I guess."

Fury stomped as he walked, and Ang shy'd away from more questions.
"You two must be the new 'recruits'." A talk man walked down the hallway towards them, smiling as he spoke. He had a bow and arrow on his back and his clothes seemed to have a leatherish quality about them. His face was wrinkled in the customary smiling position on his cheeks and the corners of his eyes had the beginnings of crows feet.

" I'm Hawkeye, I'll be one of your training instructors. Are you Ava?" He asked turning and facing her.

"I am."

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you." He held out his hand and Ava stared at it a moment, then looked up.

"You shake it, it's a customary greeting for when people don't know each other. Here," he grabbed Ava's hand and Ava swung him over her shoulder to the ground.

"Do not touch me again."
"I wasn't expecting that," Hawkeye admitted. "I usually get that short of stuff from Nat."

Fury looked aghast. "What did I just say about that kind of behavior?"

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