"Miss, I'm going to have to ask you to stop, and go back to your room." The agent was on his feet again, his hand going to his holster.

"It is polite that you asked me before you shot me, but no, I will not be returning to that room."

"You realize you leave me no choice, miss. I don't want to hurt you."

Ava turned around and felt the ghost of amusement. This man was like one of the stubborn goats that she used to care for, back when she was a child five hundred years ago. The goats always thought they could get there way, but they were funny creatures that way, just like this man.

"I am sorry to inform you that you cannot hurt me Agent. Your efforts would be more fruitful in other places." Ava turned and started walking away.

"You asked for it."

He pulled out a button and pressed it. Suddenly electricity was jumping up and down her body and she was writhing on the floor, trying to get used to the pain before she blacked out. She vaguely heard the agent calling for back up as she started standing up. She stared at him as five thousand volts charged through her body and she began to move forward towards him, but then the electricity increased and she fell to the ground.

"Stop." The volts continued and Ava didn't know where she was. Father was mad at her, he was punishing her and she was getting torn apart.


The electricity stopped and Ava writhed on the floor some more before it stopped completely. When she stopped twitiching she felt someone pick her up gently and carry her. For once, she didn't mind.
There was a silence.

"What did you say?"


Fury folded his hands together. "You surprise me, Graham Jr."

"Yeah, I know."

"You havent asked about Mr Graham yet."
Ava felt herself get laid down carefully on a bed and she listened to the snatches of conversation that she could decipher in her muddled state.

"Director...couldn't stop...more powerful than we thought...the initiative?"

It was that Agent's voice. Phil? Yes, him. He had shot her full of lightning, but she wasn't mad. She was actually sort of impressed. He had managed to bring her down. Not many people can do that.
Angela sat up. "He's... gone."

"You're sure?"

"Yeah, I... he wasn't moving after the mansion was destroyed. Where is-"

The phone rang, like the big red corded ones from 90's cartoons.

Fury didnt say "hello" when he picked up. He just listened to what sounded like heavy breathing crackling through the receiver, all the while staring at Angela with his one beady eye. Angela looked away.

"Couldn't stop... more powerful than I thought... initiative?"

"Have you subdued the threat?"


"Where is she now?"

"Her appointed cell."

"How is she responding?"
Ava blinked and looked up at Agent Coulson who was staring down at her.

"She seems fine. Her eyes are open, she's awake."
Fury suddenly seemed intent inthe way he watched Angela, who mustured up a brave face.

"Do you know the 90 pound young girl who just attacked one of my most trusted officers?"

"Alien Girl?" Angela shook her head. "I hate her."
"Are you suddenly taking orders from a little girl, Agent Coulson?" Fury said into the phone. "If she doesn't want to cooperate, she can stay in a time out until she changes her mind."
"Hello Director Fury. I put Agent Coulson to sleep. If you do not reveal to me what is happening I will find you and I will make you reveal it to me. What happened after I lost conciousness? Did the experiment and her Father survive?"
"Coulson?" Fury paused. "This is ridiculous."

Fury dropped the receiver. There wa a long black stick with buttons next to his desk,; he picked it up on his way out the door.

"Stay here," Fury said.

"Why? What's going on? Who was that?"

"Keep your questions until after the presentation."

He left the door open. He knew Angela couldnt do anything. The handcuffs were the Kryptonium to her Superman. She didnt feel very Super, though.

Laying there, the phone was making a droning sound. Angela got up an leaned over.

with her face aligned, she said, "Who made Mad Eye Moody so grumpy just now?"
"It is I, Ava. I do not know what grumpy means."

Ava responded to Angela's question, just as Director Fury came in.

"What the heck is going on here?"

"I want answers?"

"What did you do to Agent Coulson?"

"I hit him very hard on the head with this metalic object and now he is unconcious. That is all."

"That's all, huh?"

"Yes, I just said that."
"Don't trust her! She's a maniac! She messed up my entire life for fun! She shot me in the neck!" Angela's voice crackled from Ava's end.
"I did not shoot her in the neck. I injected a serum that has given her new abilities. I could shoot her in the neck though."

"All right, all right, I'm done with this nonsense. You want answers? Come with me now. We're going to my office."
Angela learned about Flight or Fight reactions in school, but it made more sense when Dad explained it.

People can either confront danger, or ignore it. Your brain doesnt choose which based on logic; it depends on how scared you are at the time. People usually run when they realize they're about to die.

Angela remembered throwing up on the lawn, and how that centuries-old house smelled like death coming down the way it did, and feeling debris hit her back. She remembered Alien Girl, with her fish eyes smiling as Angela lost it.

Who's fault was it? Alien Girl's? Angela's?

Angela didnt want to confront that question or Ava. She looked both ways out of the hallway and started walking.
They arrived at the office moments later to find it empty. Director Fury puched his desk and ordered a search throughout the building for a missing teenage girl with destructive powers.

"All right. You want information? We were alerted to your existence when your Father's lab was found a few days ago, a forest fire started because somebody left some very volatile equipment running when she ran away." Ava recieved a very pointed glare with Fury's one eye. " When we learned about what happened there we went on high aleart for you AND your wackjob Daddy. After you fell down unconcious and the mansion fell apart people called the police and the police called the FBI and we were alerted. Does that satisfy you?"

"The experiment and her Father?"

"The experiments name is Angela. She's alive."
She was just done calling Fury an idiot in her mind when she realized why he left the door open.

The gaurd at the hallway seemed to melt out of the wall and grab her by her shirt collar.

She bit her tongue and, head hung, was carried back to the office.
"And here she is! Now, we are gonna sit down, and we are gonna work out whatever nonsense is goin on here!"

"This is not nonsense sir. This is a serious matter."
(hey, just so you know i don't have my phone on me. when you see this just reply on here what time you can go on, i wanna know if you can go to the thing tonight. ill check periodically)
"Alright, whatever you want, I'll tell you it, just don't make me be in the same room with her."
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"What have I done to you that was so wrong? I do not understand. I just saved your life. Did your father persish?"
The Director got into Angela's face. She breathed in cold coffee.

"If you try something stupid like that again, you won't get another chance to plea for innocence."

He got up and went looking for something in one of his desk drawers; Angela looked stupefied.

"Plea for innocence?" she repeated.

The Director directed them both to sit down, and settled his huge hands on the desk, like he was going to make some big speech on the definition of "plea of innocence." But he didn't say anything.

"Plea for inno-"

"When a witness called the police in," the Director began shortly, cutting Angela off. "They found a couple things: two little girls and a full grown man, unconscious on the lawn of a decimated town relic. The witness said you'd entered her shop before, covered in blood and acting strangely." He said this to Ava. "Nobody could testify as to why you were anywhere near the Grahams. At first, we thought you had gone in to do your Daddy's dirty work, and things had gone south. But. This one," he turned to Angela now. "-didn't have a scratch on her. In fact, she seemed to be doing the scratching. I expect you to fix my bathroom, by the way."
"You are correct, she is an experiment gone wrong." Ava did not look at Angela as she spoke. It felt, wrong almost. She was being a very successful experiment, yet she should not have been an experiment at all, which meant she was a failue before she began.

"The serum was meant for her father, but I, I made a mistake. I was careless and the girl heard me and tried to defend the man. She was injected with the serum. I went back to my Father and told him."

"I'm guessin he didn't like that too much now did he?"

"He, did not." Ava looked at her lap and then back at Fury, who looked at her like he wanted her to go on.

"He deemed me a failure and tried to decomission me."

Fury held up his hands. "He tried to kill you is what you're sayin. Looks like Dr. Frankenstein underestimated his creation though. How'd he try to kill you? Cause we think it made you stronger. Agent Coulson charged you up with eight thousand volts before he took you down, twice what your daddy used, also, this one" he gestured to Angela" Cut right through you. As in your spine was not connected to you. As in you were cut in half."

Ava blinked. That was a new one. "He injected me with a poison, I do not know what it was composed of."

"Well, there we go. What'd you do after that?"

"I dropped him from thirty thousand feet and hoped that it killed him."

"It didn't. What did you do next?"

"I observed the experiment."

"You stalked Angela."

"In essence, yes."

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