"Don't worry, Fury," Hawkeye said from the ground. "This is why you hired me."

"Don't get cocky about this, Clint."

Angela, hiding from Ava's spontaneous judo-flipping abilities behind Fury, became confused. Lint?

"So...." Hawkeye sprang up, fancily, like a cat. "Am I doing this with both of them?"

Fury motioned for Ang to get out of his personal space. He looked towrd the dieection of the front door. "Wheres Bruce?"

Hawkeye shrugged, his arrows clattering. "We were on opposite sides of the workd when you called ys in."
(oh yeah. sorry, forgot. can we have bruce running super late and not show up until the tour is almost over?)
(yeah okay. Ill get them started) 
Hawkeye jumped to his feet and turned to Ava.

"I won't touch you and you won't go around judo flipping people. Simple. All right, let's get going. Bruce can catch up with us later. Goodbye sir, they are in capable hands."

Ava looked up at the now serious faced man and noticed a flesh colored dot in his ear. Hearing aids. Perhaps she could fix his ears while he was sleeping.

"All right, let's go kids. We've got a lot of ground to cover." They began walking and Hawkeye was pretty quiet except for when he pointed an area out and explained the rules.

"Here's the kitchen, help yourself,just don't go crazy."

"What do you mean by 'going crazy'? I believe humans cannot help it when their mental faculties fail them."

Hawkeye turned and faced Ava.

"Not that kinda crazy. Like, ketchup and cookie dough eating contests crazy. Like eating all the food in the fridge at midnight crazy. Like stealing clearly labled sandwhiches crazy.None of that. Now," Hawkeye looked straight ahead.

"Moving on." Each place had rules-no mortal combat in the hallways, no juggling the gym weights without supervison, no killing people, ever, the list went on, yet Ava did not see any rules that she disagreed with. In fact, these rules were much less troublesome than the rules she had lived with her whole life. And the punishments...

"What will you do to us if we break a rule?"

"Depends on the rule." Hawkeye said turning around with an eyebrow up. "Fighting in the hallways I'd send you to your rooms to cool off for a bit."

"How long?"

Hawkeye shrugged.

"An hour or two. Killing people would be much less pleasent though,as in Director Fury comes down and we get all into the legalistics. As in possible jail time. As in just don't, understood?"

Ava nodded. This place couldn't be real life. They must be tricking her. Different crimes were awarded with different punishments? And such lenient ones at that. Ava pushed the thought away and followed Hawkeye down the hallway.
"Those sound a little harsh..." Angela muttered. An entire two hours?

They kept walking, and Angela got more stresse with each room they toured. Juggling weights? What did mortal in mortal combat imply, exactly? She always had a doctors note in gym... how was she gonna survive.....

"So, who else trains here?" She had to ask Hawkeye twice. "The friggin' Hulk?" she added under her breath.
"He is actually going to be working primarily with you Angela, He's just running a bit late. I'll be working mainly with Ava."

Ava felt secretly pleased to be working with this man. She could kill him easily, but there was something else as well. Something about him...

Anyway, it would have been awkward with the hulk. She had observed him growing up. Also, that was the one creature that might be able to kill her. She preffered the deaf archer.
"No!" Angela stoppe and gasped. "Thats what you were talking about with Bruce? Nooooo... this is awesome!"

(k, i need to get my hmwk done. nite!)
Hawkeye smiled for a brief moment.

"I'm sure he'll be glad that you're so pleased. " then he frowned and checked his watch. "He really should be here by now. I haven't had my coffee yet. If he's not here in the next five minutes we are going back to the kitchen for coffee."
"Give him some time," said Fury.

Angela liked the idea of a kitchen. Kitchen meant food. When was the last time she'd eaten? Jeez...

Then, there was a clatter from there. Fury looked up and said harshly, "Who's there?"
(ok forget fury said that.)

"Oh my glob," said Angela. "Is that the Hulk?"

He'd set off the Facility's alarms; in red light, everything was more difficult to navigate. Angela, though, found him making sandwhiches an having left the fridge open.

"It's... it's Bruce. Who are you again? Nobody tells me anything anymore."
" this is Angela Bruce. Remember? You're working with her, I got Ava." Hawkeye walked over and picked up the coffe jug. "You missed the tour by the way." He popped the kid and took a swig of coffee. Ava had never seen a human do that with a beverage before. It was staggering to think that after five hundred years humans were still unpredictable. She must observe better.
"Ew," whispered Angela.

Bruce held his hand out for a handshake. "I dont know how much help I can be. But if Fury thinks I can train you...." He trailed off. "So, what makes you special?"

"I can burp the alphabet backwards."

"No, thats not wht i meant."
"What is burp?" Ava whispered to Hawkeye. She had gravitated to the coffee drinking archer when the other two started speaking. "This is burp." Hawkeye said looking straight. Then he made the noise like a small choking elephant, though slightly quieter. Ava knew, she had choked small elephants.

"That is an interesting noise. Angela must be very talented to know how to control it into recognizable sounds. It sounds like an elephant being choked."

Hawkeye raised an eyebrow as he took another swig of coffee and nodded.
"I can...." She paused, looking down.

"Youre allowed to do things, Angela."

She looked doubtful.

"I mean, I cant. Id kill all of you. But go ahead- show off."

Angela bit her lip. Hesitantly, she pointed at something, and flicked, and Hawkeye's coffee was broke in two.
Hawkeye sighed. "Aw, coffee no." He said quietly as the jug burst all over him. He sighed again and looked at the handle to nothing in his hand as he spoke."very good Angela. No ones even a little dead. Good...good work." Ava did not understand why Angela was receiving praise. Her clean new clothing had been tarnished. Shield had given her a white tee shirt and baggy jeans. Now they were both soaked in coffee. Humans are strange, she thought as she licked some coffee off her hand.
"Im sorry!" Angela clasped her hands together, then pulled then apart. shed moved too quickly. Her fingers had made deep incissions in her palms.

"Ill... Ill get thefirst aid kit. We do have one here, right, Clint?" Bruce squatted to inspect one of the lower cabinets. "You guys are off to a great start," he mumbled srcastically, then added, "What does she do?"
Clint reached above Bruce's head and opened the first aid kit he grabbed. "Relax." He told Angela as he started bandaging her hands. "It'll all work out. You're still very new at this." Then he turned and shoved the first aid kit at Bruce. "If you couldn't tell from her wonderful demonstration, Angela can cut into things when she swipes her hand. That was also on the briefing papers I out by your door last night. Ava! Stop licking yourself!" Ava looked up, her younger still on her hand.


Hawkeye shook his head.

"Because it is unsanitary and we have a sink right there if you want to wash your coffee off. Also, you're getting a shower tonight. I don't know if it's the coffee or something else but you reek."

Ava cocked her head.

"What is this 'shower' you speak of?" Hawkeye shook his head.

"Angela, you'll be teaching Ava about showers. Ava, I'll explain, or Angela will, later."
"Ava is a teleporter. She is also inhumanly strong, has a healing factor that could rival wolverine's, and is older than she looks."

"I am also intelligent. Hello Bruce Banner. You grew up well. I apologize about your Father by the way. We had not inticipated that he would be gin his own experiments on his own children. My father was very impressed though by his work. You are an excellent experiment, albeit a failed one."
Bruce was speechless. He had the look of a surprised owl.

After a moment, he muttered, "...thank you. I guess." He glanced at Clint, shook his head, and moved to take his sandwhiches.

"So, wait...." Angela drummed her fingers on the island. "Youve never taken a shower before? What did you use- Kleenex?" she was half joking, but realized it could be a possibility. (i gtg now- see u tomorrow!)

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