Ava shrugged and turned to Angela.

" I just made myself clean. Father did not care how, as long as I was clean for experimentation." Ava looked around the kitchen again. There were more things out than had been out there first time around. Doctor Banner must have been hungry. There were sandwhiches and silver cans and a bowl full of a brown substance Ava was not sure should be edible. She picked up a silver can and started examining it. Hawkeye was talking to Banner, apparently filling him in on what had happened and the tour, Angela was watching Ava with wide eyes.

Ava brought the canup to her ear and shook it for a minute. There was definitley some sort of liquid in there. That was fortunate, her throat was parched. Yet, how to open it? There was no cap. There was a small metal loop on top but she pulled and it came off. Ava sighed. She still had her super strength though, so she would use it. She grabbed hold of the top of the bottle and ripped it off.


The liquid exploded in her face! It was obviously some sort of biological weapon. She threw it into the air and tried to port away, before remembering she could not. She dived under the table instead. Everyone was yelling and panicing. Ava's heart raced as she tried not to lick the sweet substance that coated the coffee on her.(ok) 
(u on?)
(it was obviously some sort of biological weapon)

(yes, I just got to my grandmother's house. my hands are freezing and splotchy and I haven't eaten anything today except a handful of Chex Mix, a piece of cake, and some dried fruit and am exhausted even though I got up at 9:30 and i'm stellar)

"Ah. Chicken noodles, no."

Hawkeye bent down to coax Ava from under the table. The probability of them having to take showers had exponentially increased. Angela, enjoying herself, mentally documented the fact that canned soup was Ava's weakness. She glanced at Banner; he was pretending this wasn't the worst first-day-of-training ever.

"Dude. How did that even happen?" she asked.

Banner picked up Ava's discarded can. "I think I'm witnessing what happens when a person is locked in a closet for half their life." 
(you writing?)
(I actually meant it to be soda-for the exploding effect, but that's fine. You okay?)

Hawkeye had successfully gotten Ava out from under the table after eating some noodles that had exploded onto his face to prove they were not poison. Looking at her now...well she was a barely five foot maybe ninety pound super white girl drenched in black coffee and covered in chicken noodle soup. She was trying to hide it- and doing a bang up job- but he could sense she was on edge from all the craziness from the day. Angela didn't look too clean either.

"All right kids-training starts tomorrow. Angela, you get to show Ava how to shower, now. We have shower areas set up for the two of you as well as pajamas and everything you'll need. I'll show you to them now. Follow me." He put his hand on Ava's shoulder to lead her along and she tensed perceptivlly at his touch then shrugged it away and followed.
(super white girl)

"But why do I have to show the super genius how to take a shower?" Angela whined.

Banner stopped her for a second, and pulled her to the side. When Hawkeye and Ava were a ways away, he said, "Look, I can see that this is going to escalate into a problem, so I'm going to stop it here. Imagine being born into this world to be something inhumane, and the person who brought you into this world brainwashed you into believing that this is what you wanted. Can you imagine that?"

Angela shrugged.

"It's hard to be a monster against your will. Don't be a different kind of monster to her just because she ran you over the edge." Banner left Angela then. Grudgingly, Angela followed.

They were plain white bathrooms like the ones at the other place. Angela cut her initials into the sink in hers, per what was now tradition. She wondered how embarrassing this thing was going to be, and guessed a 9 out of a 10.
"So..." Ava looked at the white bathroom. She was slowly dripping coffee and soup all over the floor.

"What is this shower Hawkeye says I must learn? How do you shower?"
Angela dragged her feet and mumbled as she pointed out each fixture of the shower like it was a car. She left out how to differentiate between the cold and hot waters, and although she knew that Ava probably didn't know not to use the soap bar on her hair, or the shampoo on her body, she left that out, too. There was a rubber mat on the bottom of the shower, which Angela pointed to and gruffly said, "Without that, you'll slip and fall and break your head on the tub faucet, and you'll kill yourself slowly as the water cleans up the mess."

Then she left, tossing a towel Ava's way, and went to take her own.

(I got to go, bye1!_
Ava stared for a second at the shower.

This...this is genious! What an efficient way to be clean!

Ava discarded her clothes and turned on the shower. She tossed the clothes at the bottom, they could get clean too, then she hopped in herself.

The water was very cold, but that was okay, she was used to the cold. She picked up the bar Angela had pointed out and started rubbing it in her hair, clothes, everywhere. The water seemed to be increasing it's temperature though.

In fact, it was burning her in an instant.

She looked at the controls. do these humans withstand this???

Leaving her clothes in the shower to be cleaned Ava walked out, ignoring the cloth that Angela had thrown at her, and ignoring Angela's cries behind her. She wanted to get away from that infernal device. First the exploding food, then the savage shower that burned, Ava had had enough of human technology.

Hawkeye waited outside the showers reading his monthly issue of "Bow's: Not just for Tuxes". Nat always got a kick out of that title, but it was a good magazine. He was waiting for the girls, just in case they needed to be shown the way back to there rooms. The door opened sooner than he expected and Ava ran out. He blinked. Yup, she was naked.

"Ava! Stop!" He cried out. She stopped and turned around. Hawkeye mumbled something and stared at the cieling.

"Ava, did you finish your shower?"

"No, it burns. Your exploding food was enough, now you are trying to boil me!"

Hawkeye sighed. He'd be talking to Angela later, or Bruce would.

"There's a temperature control. Angela will show you when you go inside."

Ava walked towards the door more and Hawkeye stared holes into the cieling.

"Why are you doing that?"


"Staring at the cieling."

"Ava, I know things are really different here, but it's not respectful for people to look at you when you're naked, ever. Especially men. In fact, it's against the law. Unless it's like a doctor or something, but that's just for emergencies, but anyway, ugh, please don't run around naked."

"Okay, I will not run around naked in front of men."

She walked back inside, leaving a sudsy pile behind her. Clint sighed and looked see his magazine soaking on the floor. He had dropped it when she ran out.

"Aww, magazine no..."
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Even though she could have used hers, Angela couldnt drag herself up to scrub off the dry blood and the dirt and the tearstains. She didnt wanna. But she really should have. She was starting to realize how disgusting she felt, like that one time she and her Dad had lived off of Chinese for a month.

There was something satisfying about wallowing in your own self-pity.

Angela stayed where she was for half of an hour. It felt like months. She forgot the present and wasted away in the dark under her bed.

Bruce found her, half an hour later, and the first thing he asked was, "Are you and Ava playing Hide and Seek?"
Showers, while somewhat efficient, do not have the mental capabilities to do their job properly. In the vernacular of Angela, showers are moronic.

Ava was dressed in a pair of loose fitting pajamas. She had never seen such clothing, designed for only the purpose of sleep! These must be what human children wore, they seemed to fit her decently though. Hawkeye had told her to put them on before coming out of the shower room again-she had come out in the "towel" and he had sent her back inside. The pajamas were a pale purple with blue stripes running down the pants and around the cuffs of the shirt. They were fuzzy and kept Ava warm, and suprisingly comfortable. They also made her long for sleep for some odd reason.

"Come on kid, let's go get you to your room. Where are your socks? I thought fury put those out for you?" He said frowning looking at her pale feet.

"Do you mean these?" Ava held up two small fuzzy things, as well as something larger with straps, and another piece of fabric, large enough to fit over her backside. Hawkeye stared for a moment at the clothes she was holding out to him and then looked up at her slowly.

"Ava, do you know what underwear is?"

Ava shook her head.

"I am familiar with it, but Father never deemed it necessary to provide me with any."

Hawkeye nodded and looked at the ground for a moment.

"Your Dad's one heck of a guy Av..." He mumbled.

"All right, well do you know how to put it on?"

"Excuse me?"

"The underwear."


"Okay, well..." Hawkeye picked up the thing without straps. It was blue, it matched her pajamas.

"You, uh, well you put this on your bottom, like you're pulling your pants up. The, uh, other thing," Hawkeye gestured to the thing with straps. That was white and tight.

"Girls, uh, put that over their shoulders, on top of their, um, breasts."

Ava nodded and was about to change when Hawkeye yelped at her and she remembered she had to change in the shower room. Humans were weird.

She came out five minutes later with the underwear and socks on.

"I enjoy socks." Hawkeye grunted and gestured for her to follow him.

"Let's get you to bed kid."
Angela meant to flip out on Banner, but as she slowly rolled over to face him, like a linty, moldy, pathetic forgotten buritto, she hiccuped.

"I don't even knoooooow...."

She sneezed.

Banner crouched to her level. "i dont think your approach is working."

"Yeah, well," Angela retorted. "Yours is the approach that... isnt working."

"Yeah, well. Im a heck of a placebo dad, hehe." Banner looked thiughtfull.

Checking the non-existant watch on his wrist, he said, "Look, Ang, its time to-"

"No. Im Angela."

"Fine. Look, Angela, its time for ed. After the show Ava put on a few minutes ago, we could all use a break."

Angela seemed relictant, but she clawed her way ungracefully from under the bed. "Whatdid she do? Not that I care."

"Im not supposed to know. I was pretending that I couldnt hear Clint when she was running around butt naked."

"All right, get in bed kid."

Ava looked at the bed. She had never slept in one before, it looked nice. It was plain, just white sheets and a gray blanket over it with another white pillow.

"You gonna get in?"

Ava sat on the bed and laid back. Hawkeye shook his head.

"No, it gets cold in the night. Get under the covers. You know what? Just get up a sec."

"I do not know what 'a sec' means."

"Just get up."

Ava stood up and watched as Hawkeye pulled the sheet and blanket back.

"Okay, now get in." She obliged, eyeing him suspiciously as she lay down, her head coming to rest on the pillow and sinking automatically. Then Hawkeye pulled the sheet and blanket up and tucked the sheet and blanket under the bed.

"How's that?" Ava furrowed her eyebrows.

"To what are you referring?"

"Ava, are you comfortable?"

Ava stared at him for a moment. No one, no one ever had ever asked her that question. Not even Ralph. She nodded her head slowly and Hawkeye grinned.

"Okay then kid, I'm gonna let you sleep in until you wake up, as part of your training. Then we'll do breakfast and stuff. No one will hurt you or disturb you in here. I'm gonna lock the door from the inside, so you can leave but people can't come in. There is also a power dampaning field in here, as an extra procaution. I can lock it from the outside, but that's only if you go nuts on me, and I don't think you're gonna. Not tonight anyway. Well, good night."

Hawkeye patted her damp head and turned off the light before closing the door behind him. Ava wanted to stay awake and think about the day, the past couple of days. They had been the strangest days she'd ever had in her long life. Yet she found that she could not resist the pull of sleep that swept her along into a deep sea of blissful, unaware, darkness.
Next morning.

5:00 A.M.

For the love of everything. It was too early.

'Santa Claus isn't even up yet....' Angela thought, and snorted. 'Haha. Santa Claus.'

From the small kitchen a room over, she smelled leftover Burger King; it was probably on the counter, and not in the cooler, which she had told Dad to put it in the night before. Now, there were probably dead flies

everywhere. Good job, Dad.

She rolled out of the web of blankets and landed on the floor, squishing her boots. It hurt, but the burgers were calling to her; she stood up.

The shutter-blinds were doing great at making this place look like a prison. McInn had been better, believe it or not.

The door creaked open, and the blurry image of a man shorter than Dad stood in the way of the hall light. He spoke, but she couldnt hear him, and he didnt sound familiar. 'Oh my gosh,' she thought, backing up slowly. 'Where's Dad?'

She screamed as the man rushed forward.

"Angela! Angela! Jeez, it's me, uh, Mr. Banner!" Turning on the nearby lamplight, Banner regarded her with concern.


"You woke up screaming. And you look like you just saw a ghost. Is something going on?"

Angela rubbed her eyes. She didn't feel up to responding.
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Ava woke up soundlessly and looked around. The room was just as bare as it had been when she had fallen asleep, so it was impossible to see how much time she had slept for. She didn't even have a watch.

She sat up and rubbed her eyes. This was not the usual wake up. She lay back down.

"Get up number fifteen."

Ava opened her eyes and looked through her Father from the cage bars. She had slept for an hour, maybe two. Not enough.

"We are going to start a new experiment today. After your mishap with experiment number twenty one" Ava winced. Ralph."I have decided that you have become weaker and too easily are corrupted by the humans of this world. Thus, I have formed this experiment. Now get up, and follow me."

Ava rose and remained stone faced as a feeling of dread rose with her, threatening to break free. This promised to be an experiment to remember over the years. Father lead her outside the house and down a ways, into the woods of the fjord. Ava couldn't even enjoy the rare outside exposure. It was dark anyway.

They stopped right in front of a small hole. It was dark and seemed to yawn open like the hungry earth, telling Ava she should have died and been buried long ago, saying to her that her existence was simply wrong.

"Get in. Don't come out."

Ava looked at the hole, then at the trees and the grass. She took a deep breath and looked at the stars and the moon. Then she stepped into the hole and fell for what felt like an eternity, breaking several bones when she landed.

Darkness was tangible in the hole, even in the day. Her Father must have covered the opening. It was connected to the house in some way, her Father sent her food and water every couple of days, sporadically. Sometimes twice in a row, sometimes skipping for days. Time meant nothing here. There was no beauty or warmth. There was only the darkness, the wetness that came afterrain, the scurrying of rats up and down the walls, the cold chill of the eternal night. Ava had treid screaming after what seemed like forever. No one ever heard her. She learned then, now one would ever hear her, no one would ever be listneing to her.

What little living things that did visit her never escaped the pit; she would catch and eat them before they could. EVery day was like the last. There was no escape.

"Ava!"Hawkeye had opened the door to find Ava lying down with her eyes open.

"Good morning. I hopeyou slept well."

"I have recieved a sufficient amout."

This place was not like the pit. This place had people and light. This place was different. She would have to be more careful here.
"Repeat after me."

"After me."

The fakeness in Banner's smile reminded Angela of a cheap Halloween mask. He wasnt trying very hard to be charming. "Thats not what I mean. Okay, just say, 'I am a victim of circumstance.'"

Angela cleaned her ear out with her finger, droning, "I am a victim of circumstance."

Banner nodded, some of the plastic in his smile melting away. "Good. And, "Everything that has happened to me up until this point was not my fault.""

Angela repeated it, monotone. "This is so cheesy," she said afterward. "Like when they tell you to look in the mirror every morning and say 'I am beautiful.'"
Banner moved on to his breakfast. "What, you don't think you're beautiful?" he half-mocked over the sound of shuffling cereal boxes.

Angela made a throaty noise. Banner ignored it, pouring his cereal; Angela conjured another gutteral sound aimed at the back of the Mini Wheats box.

"Stop doing that, please," Banner said tighty.

"But Mini Wheats suck."

"They were on sale at Shoprite."
Hawkeye lead Ava to the kitchen, where she saw the remains of some food in bowls and a box labled "Mini Wheats" left out on the counter. Hawkeye shook his head.

"We are not eating Mini Wheats. They are disgusting and that's not gonna happen. No, we are making pancakes. And dying them different colors."

"What are pancakes?"

Hawkeye smiled.

"They are a type of delicious breakfast food that we will be making." He started to pull different ingrediants, things Ava didn't recognize, but they were soon underway. He even added something to the completed batter that made it turn as purple as Ava's pajamas.
Ava saw Hawkeye smile as he flipped a pancake when he heard Angela, and she was the back of Banner's neck go slightly pink.

"All right Ava. This is the moment of truth." Hawkeye flipped the purple pancake onto a plate and put a little butter on it as well as a sweet smelling brown syrup. He made the syrup into a smiley face. He sat Ava down and gave her a fork and knife to eat with and watched her carefully.

Ava picked up the knife and stabbed the food, cutting a corner off and brining it to her mouth. It was sweet, sweet and fluffy and warm. Ava had never eaten something so nice.


Hawkeye said. Ava looked at him with the knife in her hand.

"I do not understand the usage of that word."

"Well, do you like it?"

"It is providing the necessary nutrients my body needs to function." Ava said as she went back to stabbing her food. She didn't meet his eyes as he put another on her plate and syruped it up.

"Glad to hear it." He said and smiled as he walked to the pan.
Banner knew that even if he wanted to, he wasnt graceful enough to make non-lumpy pancakes. He knew, he'd tried once. Mrs. Buttermilk instant mix had snowed all over his apartment floor.

"Can I have one of those rainbow-cakes?" asked Angela. "C'mon. Ava isn't even appreciating them."

Banner lowered his voice to a hoarse whisper as he and Angela left the kitchen. "Remember the whole 'raised on the bare minimum' thing? This is probably the best thing she's ever eaten. She just doesnt know how to express that."

Angela stuck her tongue out. "Youre no fun."

"Sorry. Im not making colored pancakes for you."

He made another left and they were in the very back of the compound. The weight room.
After Ava had eaten five pancakes Hawkeye deemed it was time for her to stop. He had the same amount, and then they went on and Hawkeye showed her more of the compound, stopping in what he called "the play room".

It was purple with dark blue carpeting. It had a large screen that took up a wall and a large blue couch sat in front of it. There were also two tables, one with balls and sticks, the other with little ends sticking out attached to little wooden figures. There was also a cabinet lableled "Board Games" and another labled "Toys".

"This willl be where we will be spending a lot of our time training. I am going to teach you, the concept of fun."

Ava shook her head.

"Fun is illogical and uncessary for survival." Hawkeye nodded.

"That is true, but fun is necessary for thriving, and I want you to thrive, not just survive. Thus, there shall be fun."
As he dragged the handweights out, turned the cruddy BMI machine on, unfolded the yoga mats and revealed the climbing wall out from under the dust cover, Banner blatantly ignored Angela's nervous foot tapping.

He motioned to the weight cart. As she inspected it, he sprayed Febreze at the high ceiling. It smelled like his own old sweat and years of neglect.

"Don't you have anything under ten pounds?" Angela quipped. "I never took gym!" she added when he gave her a look.

"Isnt that mandatory in school?" Banner asked.

"I always had a doctor's note."

"You sick?"

"Gymitus, yeah." She let a single ten-pound weight hang in her hands. "Cronic."
"Hi Ava, I'm Emma. It's very nice to meet you." Ava was sitting on the floor with a pile of legos around her. She was building a replica of the great wall of china-hawkeye had told her to build something. The woman in front of her had sat down and smiled in front of her. She had dark brown skin with a large white smile and dark brown eyes. Her hair was light brown with dark and light streaks intermitandly going down and it was straight going just past her shoulders. She wore a white collar blouse with khaki pants. She sat with her legs folded underneath her, gracefully.

"Hello Emma."

Ava was rewarded with another large smile. Then the woman looked at the legos.

"This is very good, what is it?"

Ava stared at her for a moment.

"It is a replica of the great wall of china. I thought all people knew what that was..."

Emma nodded.

"Oh, yes, I see it now. I was looking at it the wrong way. Do you mind if hawkeye and I build things as well?"

"I do not mind."

Emma smiled and waved Clint over. He sat on the ground and started consolidating all the purple legos. Emma went for the tan ones, and yellow ones. Ava took mental notes, unaware that Emma was observing her just as much as she was observing her, though for very different purposes.
Angela felt like a dog with its tail between its legs. She started to sweat.

"You've been standing like that for the last ten minutes," Banner said, finally.

"You're asking me to touch my tongue to my nose," Angela whinned. "Can you touch your tongue to your nose?"

"No," Banner admitted. "But I can lift a weight. How am I supposed to compile data with... well, no data?"

Angela let the weight drop between her feet. "I bet Ava's doing something fun with Hawkeye right now," she muttered. "Doing kung-fu like Stan Lee."

"Get on the BMI machine," Banner said. "Isnt Stan Lee a little before your time?"

"My Dad was a huge Stan Lee closet fan."
"So Ava, how do you like SHIELD so far?"

Ava didn't look up fromher leggos. Why was this woman talking to her? She had to finish this project.

"It does not matter what I think." Ava reached over Emma and grabbed a leggo. She looked down at her wall proudly.

"Do you wana put people on it?"

Ava looked up at Hawkeye, her eyes slightly wider than usual.

"There are people?" Hawkeye nodded and brought them over. Ava Started to recreate the time she had gone to the great wall.

"This represents me." She said holding up a pale white lego. "This is my target." She held up an asian lego and frowned at it.

"It is not enitrely acurate. Experiment number 39 was a child. But this is close enough." She put the experiment down in the middle, tying it's imaginary shoe, just as Lee Chen-experimetn 39, had done so many years ago. Then she set up the bystanders.

"I was here." She said positioning her lego at the top of a tower. "I shot him with a specially made gun, he barely felt a thing, but I shot him with a needle. Then he stopped and fell down and started rolling on the ground, knocking into people." Ava made the lego roll around.

"I went down to the scene and he was foaming at the mouth, his skin was breaking and blood was pouring out. Many people screamed and ran away." She makde the bystanders run.

"Then I picked him up and brougth him home. He was a failure and died on the way there. Father was not pleased."

Ava looked up at Emma, who was listening with a calm face and nodding slowly, and Hawkeye who was looking at her in a strange way and shaking his head.

"Thank you for showing us that story Ava. "

"It was a memory, not a story."

"Yes, thank you so much."

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