Ava crumpled down and ported automatically but she knew it was too late. When she reappeared opposite Angela's father she dropped to the ground and held her stomach to keep everything in as blood burst forth eagerly soaking her newly stolen scrubs. She looked up and saw the wall cut open just like her and she grinned slightly, then coughed up some blood on the mansion floor. "Did I make you do that Angela?" She asked softly.
"Ang, stop."

Dad had the phone in his hand. He was going to call the police- on his own daughter, Angela realized.

"Is this all just a dream?" she whispered, hopeful.

Angela flicked her finger; the phone was cut in two. The monster inside of her was getting the hang of this.

"You gave me the shot. You made this happen. Its all your fault! You deserve how much pain you get."
"I WAS UNDER ORDERS!" Ava breathed heavily, trying to keep her emotions under control. Where was this anger coming from? She hadn't been angry, we'll since she killed her father. But before that, it had been centuries. "I harmed you in. No way. All this seems to be doing, is improving you. Making you stronger."
(ok i need to go to bed now. ill post tomorrow. night!!!!) 
Angela swallowed spit. Swaying there, seeing blurry, panting because this magical-scissor-ability-thing was more tiring than a 5k run. She coughed, a bitter taste in her mouth.

"This is improvement to you?" Angela trace lines in the air. Glasses on the shelves broke into pieces. "Youre talking like you just installed a new browser into an old laptop that still runs on Internet Explorer. Im not a machine."
"You can protect yourself. You can make others fear you now. No one would have feared the girl you were before. Fear is the only way to control people, fear and pain are the only two ways you can get places in this world. Trust me, I have been alive long enough to know this." The wound had started to heal but it was deep and blood was still leaking out, draining Ava, threatening to make her dry.
""I only have to peotect myself from people like you."

She swiped at Ava again, cutting cat scratches into her cheek. The cracked mirror behind Ava squeeked, then shattered; the pieces rained onto the floor.

"Im not like you, Im not like you... im not like you!"

Angela screamed, and the walls buckled. The house was succumbing to the force of a fourteen year old, breaking down like a piee ofbpaper in a shredder.
This was unexpected.

Ava had to move fast to ensure the safety of the experiment. Although her healing abilities were prostigous she doubted that she could handle a whole mansion falling on her yet. Ava sprung to her feet, ignoring pain as she was programmed to do, and ran over, grabbing the father in the process. She grabbed on to Angela's writst and held tight to both her struggling companions as she ported out of the house.

They were still struggling mid port. This was not a good situation. Ava was injured, in the course of a few days she had been nearer to death several times. The toll was starting to wear her down. She was still bleeding from the deep gash in her stomach, the blood loss making her weaker than normal. Additionally she had only ever ported with one other person, usually an unconcious child or her Father. People who did not struggle mid port. The concentration required to port one person was enormous. Each molecule had to go back exactly where it had been before or a disastor may occur. Not to mention the landing. If Ava ported into a tree she could phase out of it. It would be uncomfortable, but she would live. If she ported into a tree would likely prove fatal.

So Ava tightened her grip and concentrated harder than she had for three or four hundred years. Everything in her burned, but she kept concentrating. They fell on the ground just outside of the hospital. Ava let go and swayed for a moment before collapsing on the ground, unconcious.
Angela threw up on the front lawn.

That was it; she was empty. Once, her Teddy Bear needed to be stitched up after a toy poodle attack, and Dad had replaced all the peed-on fluff inside. This must be what that felt like. Disorganized, oddly put together, turned inside out, violated.

She rolled around until she reached Dad, mumbled "I need to apologiZe." Then, she passe out whole holding his arm.
"It is not necessary for Ralph to die Father. We can do experiments on him while he is still alive. I can go get you another-"

"NO! You have grown attached to this human have you not? This is weakness! You were designed to be more than that number 15! You will kill the experiment and you will perform the autopsy." Father turned and began to walk away. Clearly the conversation was over.

"No." Father stopped in his tracks and cocked his head without turning around.


"No. I will not kill that man."

Father turned around slowly.

"You will do what your Father tells you. Or, you will suffer the consequences. I tell you again, kill him."

Ava looked at her Father. This could meandeath, this would certainly mean pain beyond measure.

"N-no. I refuse."

Ava awoke in a white room. She was strapped to a bed in restraints and there were no nurses around. There was no one, except a tall black man with an eyepatch standing at the foot of her bed.

"Good morning number 15."
Angela almost slipped stepping out of the shower. She rubbed her Captain America print towel on her head until her hair resembled a giant cotton ball, then held it up around her ribcage.

She wanted to take 5000 more showers and drown herself in Old Spice. She felt heavy inside.

Someone had laundered her clothes. When she put them on, the lemon-balm smell made her nose crinkle.

She jumped at the knock on the door, accidentaly cutting the hanging towels in half and scatching the tiled wall.

"How do you know who I am?"

"I know a lot about you." Director Fury said as he walked over to her side, waving a file at her.

"You see, you weren't as secretive as you thought. Now, we've got rumors, snippets of this 'ghost girl' going back for centuries. In more recent times, your hideout, lab thing, was discovered in Norway."

"The lab is not mine. It was owned by my Father."

Director Fury held up his hands.

"We know. We watched some videos your Father made. That was some pretty messed up stuff too. Lots of autopsys, some live. Lots of experiments. I'm sorry to say that we learned a lot about you that way. Our primary question is: where is your father?"

Ava sat up slightly, or tried to, in her bed.

"You did not find a body?"

"Oh, we found lots of bodies, in that morgue. None were him if that's what you're asking."

"I killed him a few days ago, or I...believed that I killed him."

Fury sighed and shook his head, then he looked back at Ava and patted her leg.

"We'll keep looking. In the meantime, I want you to stay put."

He turned and walked out of the room. Ava noticed armed guards on the outside.

"Stay put, I gathered that."
Apparently, Director Fury wanted to talk to her now. Once she explained how she'd broken the doorknob, the person outside left to get help.

They found her an hour later scratching graffitti into the wall while sitting on the toilet lid.

"Come with me," a woman in a plain, generic suit said, as a man in overalls behind her grumbled.

(do u wanna play director fury?)
Angela sucked on the insides of her cheeks. The most disconcerting aspect of her visit to Real-Life-Secret-Government-HeadQuarters was the way they treated her.

Her escorts walked quickly and close to her, unwilling to make eye contact or answer her questions. They set heavy gloves on her hands that bound her fingers together. They ignored her.

Angela bit her lip. She was a victim, but they didnt seem to know it.

They led her to Fury's office, motioned for her to enter, then loked the door.
Ava ported out of her restraints and looked at her stomach. There was a thin scar stretching across the expanse of her white skin, but nothing else. She had healed, but was still weak. She suspected that they had sedated her to try and make her less of a threat. She wore a white hospital gown that went down to her knees. It was velcro that attached at her side overlapping the two fabrics which gave her more privacy. Not that she cared. Her body had never been her own. She lay back down on the bed. She would rest here a while, then leave. Gather information. Besides, this place was most likely safe from her Father.
"Angela Graham. Take a seat. I want to talk to you."

Angela stepped in front of the desk, but didnt sit. "I want you to take these off of me."
"Look, my entire life has been put into a blender and destroyed. In like three months. My life in the last three months has been more messed up than a lot of superheros' backstories." She held her arms out; Director Fury stood up from his chair.

"From an avid fan, this whole place you brought me to feels like an X Files alien labratory. Im not an expeiment! I cant belive how many people Ive had to tell that to recently. So take these off! Treat me like a human, not some kind of rabid threat."
Ava was growing tired of this. She had been here for ten minutes. That was long enough. She got up and ported outside the door, suprising the guards. She handled them easily. Her bare feet barely made a sound as she walked down the hallways. She found another man rounding a corner and grabbed him, swinging him to the ground and sitting on him to make him stay. He wore a suit and tie, his hair was thinning a bit on the top of his head. A case file he had in his hand was now flung out across the hall, papers strewn everywhere.

"Well, hello there."

Ava frowned.

"What is this place? Where am I located?"

"I'm Agent Phil Coulson. You must be number fifteen."

"That is not my name nor is it what I asked you Philip."

Coulson smiled.

"Look, miss, you are in the triskelion, it's one of SHIELD's bases for opps. Now, why don't you just take a breath and let me up?"

Ava sat on him obstinatnly.

"I have seen all of SHIELD. I have not seen this place."

"Well, I'm sorry, but you haven't seen anything yet."
"Have a seat."

"Nuh uh."

"I see we're getting emotional. The last time you got emtional, you took out an entire 250 year old building. Do you like destroying stuff, or was that just an example of your lack of self control?"

"How did you kn-"

"Take." Fury held her gaze and crushed her resolution. "A. Seat."

Angela hesitated, but lowered down into the chair.
(oh snapple)

"I know you."

"I doubt it."Agent Coulson smiled then sprung up, kncoking Ava back, but she was too quick for him and grabbed his arm, twisting it behind him and flipping him over her easily. She brought himback on the ground and held him downwith her foot.

"I saw you when you were a little over 16 months old. Father wanted me to bring back ababy human for experimentation. I was about to choose you. I had spent some time with you and you seemed an intelligent child. It's a pity I didn't pick you."

"What? Why didn't you pick me?"

Ava hesitated for a moment.

"It is of no importance." She took her foot offof the agent and started walking away.
"I don't like destroying stuff-"

Fury waved her off; Angela's cheeks went red. "Apparently, you do! Eyewitnesses describe you as nothing short of savage. This coming from a prepubescent teenager with a science fiction obsession. Im not concerned with your intentions just yet. I want to know how you did it."
"That's the thing: I don't know."

Angela played with the gaps where various missig teeth should be, wondering not how she did it, but why she didnt stop herself.

"Im not like you...."

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