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Realistic or Modern Flight

Dandelion Princess

Leader and Protector of the Dandel People
SOUTHWIND 2532 LOG: After leaving Colgan City on a flight to The Sunset Islands, Southwind 2532 lost its lower cargo door which resulted in an explosion that took out the power and both right side engines. Most passengers were sucked out of the plane and lost at sea while the rest of Flight 2532 landed safely but harshly on a mysterious island. Only 12 of the 60 passengers are confirmed living. All 11 have major and/or minor injuries. There remains to be enough water but food and medical supplies are low in numbers.

We are now looking to take steps in order to survive as we wait for rescue.

Any statements or questions can be said in the OOC tab.

The Island




Note: Flight takes place in a fictional but realistic world. All locations and names are made up.
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@UnknownRunner @Halcyon @Jabroni @Potato @Skye Davis @Redlink106 @Blahkabelison

//Yay for the first post! Please write in third person, don't hesitate to skim over the rules again. They're kinda lengthy but it's mostly common knowledge.//

The worst of it was over. Though the plane is completely unable to fly, it still presented some use. A few things made it though the crash like a handful of medical supplies, life jackets, a little bit of food and water, and random objects from other's carry-on's. Though they are stranded on an uncharted island, all that mattered was that some people made it out alive. Everyone has evacuated the plane at this point. Some are still trying to make sense of what happened while others are already doing what they can to make the best of the situation. Injuries are present on every one -major one and minor ones.

The survivors seem to consist of a variety of people from different backgrounds and age groups. No matter how long it takes for help to arrive, it's going to take a lot of effort from everyone if they're going to get along in order to survive. -At least the weather is nice.


Élodie Lebeau-Shaw

Élodie had spent a good 20 minutes crying after she had gotten off the plane; her shoulder was dislocated and the pain of her father putting it back into place only added on to the crying. The redhead didn't cry often but when she saw her father nearly in tears -she had begun to sob. Élodie layed in the sand, her head resting on her father's chest. From the day she was adopted, she had always found comfort listening to his heartbeat. The sound would always fade in and out as a soothing blue -much like the sky during the day. Her dad has always said that listening to a heart beat would always stop her tears from falling as a baby. They still do now. "Ellie, I'm going to go help the others who are injured," the soft sound of her fathers voice was a royal blue. Ellie watched her father get up. Before he walked off, he wiped the way the rest of her tears and kissed her forehead.

Tanner Lebeau-Shaw

In his mind, his day couldn't get any worst. Tanner knew that he was living his worst nightmare and the only thing he knew to do was to make sure everyone else was okay. He looked around at the others to see if who needed help first. Yet as he looked from person to person, he felt stuck. A thousand things were going though his mind; he hardly knew what to make of the situation and more than anything else, the thought of never seeing his husband ever again would immobilize him if he didn't get to working. Tanner closes his eyes and starts to rub his ring finger. Upon noticing that his wedding ring was gone, the father started to get short of breath and pull at his hair. In a moment or two, he'd put himself back to check and decided to take care of the small girl he had pulled out from debris. It was the least he could do to get his husband off his mind.
{Evan Hawkins}

Evan still couldn't believe what just happened. In what seemed like only minutes ago he was still sleeping in the seat next to his mother, now there are a bunch of confused people scattered all around him on the ground. Although he knew what happened, he didn't want to believe it. Putting his hands on top of his head, Evan noticed that his familiar beanie was still there. His mom gave it to him because he refused to get his hair cut. He smiled, but immediately realised that he shouldn't be smiling. His mother. He got his sore body off the ground and looked around for her, while keeping a safe distance from the others.

His lungs felt dry and hot, a disgusting and chilling feeling. Luke rolled over and began to cough up more blood. The mixture of saliva and blood landed in a puddle inches away from his face. He couldn't get up. The pain was bad enough laying down, let alone the excruciating pain he'd go through if he chose to stand up.

His suit was filled with scratches, holes, blood stains and sand. Luke lifted his head carefully, wincing at the pain. On his leg a large red cut that slid down the back of his left leg. Just a few inches lower, his ankle was a twisted bruised mess. His ankle was sprained. The pain the he'd felt in that one leg was a bigger pain then anything he'd ever felt. Worse then the three broken ribs he'd gotten after the suicide bomber.

He let out a sad and desperate cry. He'd reported on stories like this before. What were the chances that he'd ever be able to see his wife again? His kid? A deep and nausea inducing wave of unease overcame him. What are the odds?


Haley was numb with fear, the last image that she could remember was Regan, her best friend since third grade, groping at her hands in hopes of surviving the crash, and Mr. Terall (The trip chaperon) flying out of his seat, letting out a cry that no grown man should ever make. The sharp, intoxicating idea of loosing Regan was enough to make her break into tears.

Haley trotted throughout the ruins of the plain, and the beach that now looked like a war zone, calling out the name of her best friend. Her feet sank in the fresh sand, every step she took would only make her slower.
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Clara Rhynes

Clara sat on a patch of grass, one leg tucked under her body and the other splayed out in front of her as she stared at it. It was frightening to see, it was bent at an awkward angle and swollen, covered in colored patches of bruises. Blue, green, purple, red, it was almost mesmerizing. After the crash, her lower body was caught under a pile of debris- Broken airplane parts, luggage and other things- And while most of it she could easily get out from under, her left leg was stuck, and someone -she didn't notice who, due to the shock of the incident- had to lift the rubble off of her. It didn't hurt that bad now, in fact she could barely feel it, what with her adrenaline pumping, but tears blurred her vision anyway, threatening to spill out. She didn't even notice the man approaching her.
MarcusBeach: Southwind plane interior - 25 minutes after impact.

Marcus stared motionlessly toward what used to be first class. The plane had been ripped open from the midsection upon impact, and sand billowed in and caked itself along the sides. He ignored the other passengers whether they be dead or alive. He was also likely the last person left on the plane. It was another one of those "block outs". Not a blackout, as that usually involves not remembering what happened. If only he could wash away the memory of this terrible episode like the waves carried away the seaweed.

His long trance was interrupted by a stinging sensation followed by a sharp pain. "Ah!" he blurted out, groping at the source. His right forearm oozed a dull red, which trickled down the armrest. It had been slashed open by something -- and then Marcus realized..a piece of metal jutted out of the wound. He was horrified by its elongated shape. He deducted that a part of the plane was now inside his arm.

Marcus looked around the cabin for the first time. Anxiously so. He called out for help.

"Hey..!" His mouth was completely parched. He clenched at the latch of his seatbelt, tugging it backward. The buckle wouldn't budge. He began to get frustrated, swearing under his breath. Little did Marcus know he was pulling it the wrong way. Yet another example of your bone-headed self.

Jerking the latch free, he struggled to stand. Just over the row of seats in front appeared a downed male. Holes filled his shirt like Swiss cheese, and through those holes were bloodstains. This guy is dead fo' sure. And then came the wounded cry. He knew that sound. It surprised him nonetheless.

Marcus stumbled over toward the injured passenger, keeping his right arm and elbow elevated against his chest. "You breathin', man?" he called out. He knelt down next to him and gently clasped his shoulder.


Once he had made it over to the girl, Tanner kneeled beside her and softly smiled, "Hi, Sweetheart. It looks like you have some nasty boo-boos on your leg. I'm going to help you fix it up and make it feel all better. Do you mind telling me your name?" Before she could answer, Tanner had already ripped off a piece of his shirt and begun to gently wipe away any blood off the girl's leg. The next time he looked up at her, he noticed the tears bordering her eyes. He saw this often from children he treated but for some reason his fatherly instincts couldn't help but kick in. Tanner starts wipe away the tears from the child's eyes and lightly sing as he goes back to treating the tiny girl's tiny leg -similar to how he'd sing when he was taking care of Christi or Ellie when they were sick as little girls.

Carson James Lee

Coach Section ─ Still in passenger seat with injuries.

A sharp throbbing sensation circulated in his right arm. His seat belt was─quite surprisingly─still fastened, and trapped him along with a mountain of luggage. Carson tried to remember to breathe as he fought the infectious and quickly rising panic growing in the back of his mind, taunting and nagging him. Quickly glancing around and assessing the damage to the plane, it was decided then he had enough time; he need not to worry about the plane sinking into the depths of the sea for the time being, thankfully. Though, for all he knew, it could be on fire and soon explode. All he knew as a fact was he needed to get out, and quickly.

Carson looked down at himself, and examined for any critical, life-threatening wounds. It only then registered that he was stuck; his arm was jammed in the seat in front of him, and he couldn't unfasten his seat belt with all the luggage weighing him down. With a frustrated grunt, he swung his free arm around, shoving any suit cases left away from him, and he watched as they toppled down and onto the aisle of the plane. Carson didn't want to think about who was alive and who was dead. A few limbs poked out from underneath suitcases, but none of them moved or twitched, confirming his belief they were already dead.

It took a few moments to register the pain in his arm, and when he did, he swore a stream of swears to himself. Something heavy was crushing his arm, which was currently still stuck in between the seats of which had collapsed on impact. Carson, wincing, tried wiggling his arm out from underneath the seats, but in vain. He screamed in frustration. Whipping his head to the right─he had been in the seat to the far left─he scanned his surroundings in hopes of spotting another survivor to help, or an object of which he could use to free his arm. Blood trickled down the side of his face, and he reached his left hand to his cheek. It felt swollen. After a hasty decision not to worry about it too much, he mustered all his energy and strength, and yanked on his right arm.

Ten minutes later, he sank into his chair with an exasperated breath. It was then decided his arm was stuck, and he couldn't get out without help. Carson squirmed in his seat, and began reaching for a suitcase in hopes of finding something─anything, at this point─to help him get free. As much as he tried, he just couldn't reach the nearest suitcase. Carson sank back into his seat, defeated.

"Help, please!" he called out in blind hope, eyes peering over the seats in front of him. "Please, I need a hand here! My arm's stuck." Carson knew the odds of anyone hearing him were little to none, but he figured it was better than nothing.

Ellie kept her eyes shut and ran her hands though the sand. The tiny little grains brushing up against each began to beam a blinding yellow. Ellie cringes throwing the sand in her hands back to her side and elected to play with her auburn locks instead. The sound of her hands in her hair didn't have much of a color, making way better than pretty much anything else she could run her hands in.

It was the mindless actions that helped Ellie keep such a calm composure. The sound of the waves fade in and out as a lovely pink and the purple sound of wind rustling through the leaves traveled it's way around the area carelessly. Then there was sudden bursts of color that just about ruined everything. The fluctuation in colors was too much for Ellie. The redhead had stop running her hands through her hair and had begun to clutch and pull at it instead. Ellie's eyes shot open and she darted into a seated position. She looked around trying to make sense of the bursts of orange, green, red...

Chromesthesia was being quite the bitch at the moment.

Other people are in pain. The flashing colors now made sense. Upon that thought, Ellie decided that she needed to do something about it. But in reality she chose to do this because the best way to stop the colors was to get people to shut the fuck up...in the most helpful way possible. "Chromesthesia is such a fucking hassle," Ellie muttered as she blocked out the bright yellow she saw as she drug her feet though the sand and towards the plane.

Jenny was still dangling above the wreckage, strapped into a random coach seat. In the event of a crash, they were supposed to go and secure themselves to special seats. But Jenny was up calming passengers to the last minute. She was quick to take a random seat and buckle herself up only seconds before the impact. She witnessed it all. Witnessed passengers falling to there death. Witnessed the screams of afraid people. Witnessed the ground as it came hurdling towards the plane.

The blonde groaned, preparing herself. She unbuckled the seat belt, falling about 5 feet to the ground. "Hmph!" She left out, feeling a sharp pain through her back. Jenny took in a sharp intake of breath, slowly lifting her bruised and sore body up. She looked around taking in the wreckage.

Fire. That was the one thing she couldn't help but notice. There was fire spread through out the debris. Everything seemed hot and it made Jenny feel sweaty and uncomfortable. The older women took a deep breath, wiping the blood that dripped down her face. Upon doing so she heard a shout. Jenny looked into the distance, noticing a young male struggling. "Rule number 32, always help a distressed passenger. Make them feel as comfortable as possible." Jenny whispered to herself, realizing she was going to have to be one of the few to take charge. The blonde took her hair and push it all into a messy ponytail. She almost was regretting the skirt she wore as a flight attendant as she reached down and took off her heels. She threw them on the ground and took off running in the direction of the call.

Jenny made her way up the plane isle, locating the cries for help. "Don't worry sir. I've got you." She spoke in a calming voice, moving luggage out over to way, making a path to get closer to him. When she saw his arm she twisted her face up in concern. She quickly gave herself a mental slap however at the way she reacted. "Alright. I'm going to count to three and we're going to pull?" She explained, placing a hand on his arm and then placed her whole body against the seat his arm was jammed in. She was hoping to get him unstuck with just pushing and pulling, feeling as though that was the safest way. "Okay sir. Ready? One... Two... Three!" She shouted, pushing back against the seat, causing it to tilt forward some. As she did so a few more pieces of luggage feel, dropping to the ground. However, she felt the arm she was holding relax, realizing it was free. "Are you okay sweetheart?" She asked, crouch down so she was face to face with him as she quickly unbuckled his seat belt.



All he remembered was Logan, screaming his name as he flew out and into the dark abyss people call the ocean. Joey. Being rolled off of Logan;s sweet mouth. Oh how he wanted to kiss it. But he couldn't. He would never be able to. They would never be together. And it wasn't that fact tat he was straight that was stopping it. No... this time is was because he was dead.

Joey looked around, his vision blurry since his glasses had fallen off some time during the crash. The boy let the tears roll down his face, mixing in the the dirt and sand that covered him. "L-logan..." He cried out, reaching out towards the bobs he assumed were people. He let out a long wail, letting his arms plop out to the side of him. He then spent the next few moments just crying. Letting out all his lost and frustrations. "No... no he's alive." he didn't want to believe that Logan was dead as he tried standing up, determined to search for him. Joey put weight on his right leg, only to collapse and let out a loud yelp. He looked down at his thigh, everything blurry. However, from the colors of silver and red he assumed something was in his thigh. "Oh god... Oh geez." He whined, suddenly panic over the fact he could feel the pain. He hesitantly placed his hand on his thigh, sighing relief when he felt them.

"H-Help!" He called out, looking around completely lost, panicking slightly. He couldn't see his wrist very well, but he was almost certain his cut's were open and bleeding onto the bandage.
{Evan Hawkins}

The boy put his hand on a small cut on his arm. Looking around, he noticed how lucky he was. Everyone was hurt, but for some reason he seemed to have only minor injuries. He walked along the entire shore, but his mother wasn't around. Evan's mouth turned dry as he realised his mother might still be on the plane, but he was afraid to go inside, knowing that dead bodies have to be lying all over the place. "Fuck it." Evan whispered to himself as he mustered his courage and walked towards the wreckage.

He didn't want to walk inside the door he supposedly came out of when he blacked out, but he figured that he may not have noticed his mom sitting next to him if he went outside in a daze. Stepping inside he immediately saw flames. He panicked and rushed along the broken seats covered in metal. He knew what was under that metal but was unable to think about it. Once he arrived at his seat he noticed. His mom wasn't there and neither was his seat. Instead of finding his mother he noticed that there was a hole in the wall and floor where the seats were. It came to him. He didn't walk out of the plane in a daze. He fell through the hole in the water, together with his mom. Evan's legs felt weak and he fell to his knees. He put his face in his hands and just sat there. He didn't want to think about his mother, or about the fire that might destroy the plane with him in it. He didn't want to think about anything.
Carson James Lee

Arm is unstuck; ready to aid other survivors.

Just moments after his cries for help, a woman appeared. She had a calming, soothing aura to her. A messy head full of light blond hair covered her smooth, square-shaped face, with a pair of dark, deep blue eyes that bored into his own eyes. Confidence and determination were but a flame burning in her eyes, reassuring him without even having to speak a single word. Carson couldn’t help but to admire the woman; people like her are the ones that hold onto hope when there is none left. People like her will hold people together when everything else is falling apart. He breathed a sigh of relief as she approached him. For a long moment, he had nearly been deceived into believing she hadn’t seen him or heard his cries for help.

Blood seemed to claim its rightful place on… well, just about everything and everyone. On the floor to his right, he could just catch a glimpse of a small pool of blood soaking. Blood trickled down the lady’s face, though she didn’t seem to notice at all. Carson could only imagine how horrible he most look in that moment; his face is beginning to swell from God knows what, and blood is everywhere, on his garments, on his right temple. Just as the flight attendant got close enough to examine the extent of his injuries, her face scrunched up in what appeared to be a wince before the expression was wiped clean off of her face.

A light seemed to go off in her eyes, and she opened her mouth and explained to him the plan. Carson’s hand shook with anticipation, but he nodded slowly, as if slightly uncertain to go through with the plan. Doubt pricked at the back of his mind.
What if it doesn’t work? What if I’m stuck here for good? Carson wanted to slap himself. Now isn’t the time for doubt. They had to try something. The woman’s hands were warm, soft. She reminded him of his mother, and for a moment a pang of pain shot through his chest at the thought. Would his family even know he had crash landed? Maybe. He tried not to let the thought trail for too long.

“Ready,” he nodded, gritting his teeth.

Carson sucked in a sharp breath just before they pulled. Pain shot through his arm, and he had to bite down on his lip to hold back a scream. He’s had his fair share of injuries throughout middle school, but nothing ever quite like this. For just a fraction of a second, his vision nearly went black, and he felt numb. Then the pain crashing in unexpectedly, and he swore loudly. His arm dropped to his side as she unfastened his seat belt, blood already dripping down from the arm’s skin. A large, somewhat deep cut ran along his arm, starting from his elbow all the way to his wrist, but didn’t pose potential threat of bleeding out.

“I’ll be fine. Thank you so much,” he gave a weary smile as he spoke, slowly standing up while cradling his. Carson’s right side of his face pounded with numbness, and he slowly reached his good hand up to his face, gingerly touching his cheek. The swelling still hadn’t gone down, and it was then he made a theory that on impact, somehow, he had smashed his face into something─probably the row of seats in front of him─and caused the swelling, along with the jagged scrape along his right temple. It could have been much worse, he thought as he glanced around him. Much worse.

“We should go and see if we can help the others,” he decided, glancing briefly at the woman. “I’m Carson, by the way.”

Élodie Lebeau-Shaw

Right outside the plane looking to help people in pain so the colors will stop flashing.

The calls for help, the screaming, and shouting had stopped just for a few moments until she heard an ominous navy blue swear startled her into running towards the plane. Whoever that came from, the last thing she wanted was to hear him scream; a sound with that dark of a shade had always scared Ellie into thinking she had nearly gone blind. Almost instantly after the swear, Ellie heard a call from help from another guy. Unlike the the first guy's ugly Blue Swear, his call for help was a much more approachable green. Either way,

Ellie pulls herself to a stop to quickly analyze the plane and spot for people. The blue came from near by as for the green it was towards first class...kinda close to the sound of a subtle but popping red. Upon that observation, Ellie darted towards first class; she knew that particular shade of red was one of the few colored-sounds that actually matched its image.


An odd shift back and forth between green and peach appeared as Ellie ran across luggage and metal towards first class. The popping red grew more present as she neared the pinpointed location of the Green Help. She slides past the heat and stumbles into first class. "So this is what it look like to be rich," Ellie whispers as she brushed her auburn hair out her face and continues to spot for people. The redhead closes her eyes to pick up on any sounds she might be missing. After a few seconds, she sees the green along with the sound of a guy panicking. Ellie flashes open her eyes and quickly makes her way to the location of the boy with the Green Help.

In a moment or two Ellie's search comes to an end and she see the guy with the green voice. Though she walked in ready to help...by the looks of the piece of metal in his leg, that wasn't exactly the case anymore. "Damn...Fuck..." The teenager pulls on her hair, "Oh. Oh. O-Okay. We're going to get you out of here." Ellie scrambles to find an alternate exit away from the fire that she could open and get the Green Help Guy out of quickly.

After passing a few rows, she finds an exit, a few more seats ahead where she sees two men who seem to have pretty bad injuries but not bad enough to where they can't get out on their own. "I'm not sure if you noticed the fire but it's probably best to exit this way... Oh and do either of you min-" Ellie cuts her own sentence off once she notices who she's talking to, "Oh my god you're Luke O'Connel. You're the reason why I want to start a model UN at my school...!" Of course she didn't recognize the other guy. Who the heck was he? Doesn't look like a first class flyer... Ellie shakes her head, "Save lives now, fangirl later." She knew that right then definitely was not the time for fangirly chit-chat.

In an instant, the disorganized girl darts back in the direction of the green voice but when she realizes that she never opened the door she tries to pivot back around to the door -resulting in her falling and having to pick herself up. Once the auburn-haired girl makes it to the door, she spends a few seconds tussling with it before it opens. She kicks out its blow up slide and this time -swiftly- runs back towards the Green Help Guy.

Ellie catches her breath as she props herself up against the guy's seat, "Okay. Let's get out of here."

@UnknownRunner @KillGill @Jabroni @Halcyon

Luke smiled weakly at the sight of somebody else coming down the plane's interior. Now that he knew he wasn't the only survivor, his odd's of surviving felt a little better. As the man called out to Luke, he called out a weak quiet call back. "You breathin', man?". The man knelt down beside him and put his hand on his shoulder. Luke nodded, "I-I Can't get up.." His voice was dry, hoarse, and quiet. The entire situation that surrounded still shocked him. "Are there more survivors?" a drip of more blood trickled from Luke's mouth. He quickly wiped his chin with his sleeve.

The sound of other feet trailing up the rows was enough to get Luke to lift himself. A young redhead trotted down the aisle before stopping right before Luke and the other guy. The girls word of fire was quickly cut off by her excitement to see him.
I like meeting my fans, but now is not the time!

Luke turned to the man next to him. "I-I'm Luke..We should probably get out of here." Luke slowly used what ws left of the seat infront of him to lift himself without using his left foot.

Looks can be deceiving. The corpse now spoke, albeit with little coherence. "I-I can't get up.." he muttered. "Are there more survivors?" Truthfully? Marcus couldn't even distinguish who was dead from the "lucky" ones, as if surviving the crash equated to some kind of reward. He had no illusions. Things would get a lot worse before they got better, so he simply chose not to answer that.

"Out of the fryin' pan and into the fire," his father used to say. Speaking of which, the smell of burning carpet filled the cabin. Seemingly out of nowhere a girl with long, red hair appeared in front of the duo. "I'm not sure if you noticed the fire but it's probably best to exit this way," she pointed out.

The redhead didn't skip a beat before putting in her two cents about the identity of the poor soul. Is this bitch serious? She looked about fourteen to Marcus, who was having trouble as it is seeing through all the smoke. That last line was merely confirmation. He cranked his neck around, staring at her with a dazed and angry expression, "Look girl, can't you see the man is hurt?" She continued her mode of operation, seeming erratic and unpredictable. Marcus watched her clumsily advance toward one of the emergency doors and unleash it to the exterior, ushering them on. She disappeared again through the back like a chameleon. The man who would be famous then introduced himself more humbly. "Marcus," he replied with a firm nod. He then offered the journalist his good arm.

@Katie91011 @KillGill
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The women gave a kind smile, tilting her head as the young boy spoke. "Oh you're very welcome darling." She watched carefully as he lifted his hand up, gently touching his face. She made a mental reminder that after she made sure everyone was safe, to tend to the swollen face. Granted she couldn't do much, but a cloth with the cold sea water on it would at least help the swelling go down. She reached over and grabbed a rather sharp piece of metal. She carefully held it before leaning down and jabbing it into the bottom of her pencil skirt. She then ripped the piece of cloth so the skirt was no longer to her knees.

"Alright Carson. I'm Jenny. Pleasure to meet you honey, although the situation is a little less than ideal." She spoke, grabbing his arm and wrapping the cloth around where the cut seemed to be the deepest. After tying it up she patted his arm gently. She then wrapped her arms around his waist, helping him out of his seat. "I'm sorry if i'm out of line with touching you so much. I apologize sir." She tilted her head back and smiling towards his brown eyes that seemed to be filled with pain. It wasn't until he was standing she realized just how large this guy was. "Let's get you out of here, and then i'm going to come back and see how much luggage i can get out before, or if, this plane blows." She explained, carefully stepping over a limp arm. "I need to to listen Carson darling. I'm trusting you. As soon as i get you off this plane i need you to take every body who is alive and move them as far away from the plane as possible. Keep them safe. "


Joey (I'm assuming he's green help guy?)

Joey groaned, tears streaming down his face. He suddenly noticed what seemed to be a human blur with red surround where the face should be. He was quickly to reach out as she mumbled a few words. "Please help me. I-I don't want to die." He whined, missing her arm by what seemed to be a mile. No sooner did she arrive did she leave again, talking about finding a different route. Slowly the smell of fire crept into his nostrils. At this point he started freaking.

"W-wait... What no? Don't leave me! Please don't leave me!" He shouted at the figure, yelling out in frustration as she left. At this point he was almost positive he was going to die. He didn't feel like they would risk their lives to save a crappy kid like him. At this point all the times he tried committing suicide crept into his mind. Maybe this was fate. Maybe he was supposed to die. Maybe he didn't belong on this earth. However those thoughts changed when he heard the females voice again.

"o-okay...." He mumbled, slowly standing up and balancing on one leg. However, when you can see shit balancing was rather difficult. As soon as he stood he stumbled slightly, grabbing onto the girl for help. "Im sorry. I can't see." He explained, attempting to look at the girl but ended up looking at her ear.


Lara Octavia

Her teary eyes shot wide open as she bolted right up in her seat but the seat belt stopped her from moving far, a gasp escaping her lips. She sat there for a moment, squeezing her eyes shut tightly. 'This can't be happening.. it's all just a nightmare..' She thought to herself. She opened one eye slowly then the other, looking around in horror at the wrecked up plane then the lifeless body that sat in the seats next to her. She had no idea what had happened except for the horrible turbulence that occurred before she completely blacked out by hitting her head hard against the window. "
Oh god.." She murmurs, completely regretting taking the seat next to the window as she tugged her seat belt off using all her force. The last thing she wanted was to be stuck in the far back of a wrecked plane with dead bodies sat next to her.

She hadn't even realized that she had hurt her ankle till she stood up, the pain shooting through her foot causing her to hiss and grip onto the seat in front of her. "
Great." She grumbled and took a couple moments to let the pain die down before she made her move. She bit down on her bottom lip as she took a deep breath, climbing over the two bodies slowly which was a struggle considering the tight space and bags all over the place along with the pain of her ankle. She let out a small sigh of relief when she stood in between the row of seats but that definitely wasn't the end of it - she had to get out of here. See if there were anymore survivors before she panicked completely.

Lara looked towards the front of the plane to see it blocked off with a bunch of suitcases and bags. She limped over to the pile and ran her dirty hands through her messy hair, not knowing how she was going to manage to get rid of all the bags so she could pass. Maybe if she called out for help, someone would be there to help her? Using all the strength she had, she grabbed one of the bags and tugged at it causing it to budge slightly. She pulled at it again and let out a yelp when she landed on her backside from pulling too hard, the bag not leaving the place it was in. "
For gods sake," She hissed, slapping the floor besides her with her hands before she stood up again using the arm rests to help her. She bit her bottom lip and stared at the pile of bags. It was useless. She was going to be stuck here forever. She brushed that thought out of her head, not wanting to let her mind get carried away. "Hello? Is anyone out here?" She calls out loud, hoping to grab someone's attention. "Please help! I'm stuck behind all the bags!"
Carson James Lee

Currently helping Lara out of the plane.

The woman had friskily moved to help Carson out of the somewhat uncomfortably warm seat. Something was burning up in the plane, and it was quite evident to anyone inside or outside; smoke flared out on the ceiling, along with the sickening stench of carpet burning. Aside from the smoke, beads of sweat indicated the drastic temperature change inside the plane. It was only a matter of time before flames would engulf the entire structure, he mentally noted, and the whole thing would come crashing down. Worst case scenario, the plane would explode and send shards of metal flying everywhere, along with bursts of flame and other things among the plane wreckage. A lot of people could get hurt─well, everyone that’s made it this far.

Her name is Jenny.
Certainly, it’s a nice name for an equally nice lady, he thought as the flight attendant flashed him a pearly white smile. What she did next utterly baffled the young boy, and for a moment, he could only stand beside her, eyes glued to her working hands as she tore a strip of fabric from her skirt. Fumbling for words to respond, he knitted his eyebrows as he continued to watch her, and then the bits of information clicked in his mind as he spoke. “Pleasure to meet you as well, Miss Jenny,” he spoke with half a smile, suppressing a wince as she, gently as her kind soul could, pressed the cloth on the cut, and tied it around where the deepest of the wound lied. Carson shifted, offering a reassuring smile.

“It’s all good, Miss Jenny,” Carson replied with a laugh.Personally, he has never been one for physical signs of affection. Hugs are reserved for only family, and/or close relatives, but other than that, he prefers to keep his distance from people he’s just met, and even friends he’s been in touch with for a while. He simply just doesn’t really see the point in being physically close to someone he’s just met, though in this situation he doesn’t mind too much; after all, the kind lady was only trying to help him, so how can he reject that without being an absolute douche? Carson hadn’t realized how small the woman is until she had her arm around his waist, her head tilted up so she could look him in the eye.

Her plan seemed logical. At least, that is, in his own mind and perspective. Luggage could contain a variety of valuables that may deem useful for later. Any remaining survivors would help the group in a number of ways; safety is often in numbers, actions will be more efficient with more people, and their simple company. Many stories have been told that sailors lost at sea have lost their minds because they had been alone. So long as everyone got along, or as much as possible, they might turn out alright. Then again, Carson wasn’t aware of where exactly they had crashed. He had gotten a few whiffs of what smelled like salt. It could only be assumed they crashed on shore.

Nodding slowly, he looked into the woman’s remarkable blue eyes as she spoke.
“I will,” he said firmly, loosening his grasp on her arm. Then he was on his own. His mind raced with countless possibilities of what could and could not happen in just minutes. The plan could explore. People could die. He could die. Trying not to think about the latter, Carson walked down the aisle, blue cushioned seats to the left and right to him, some torn, others completely flipped over. Limp, lifeless bodies lay as far as his vision allowed for. It made him sick, looking from face to face, just hoping for a glimpse, a sign indicating that some remained alive. None. Every last one of them were dead. Carson had to remember to breathe again.

The walk back towards the front of the plane was dreadful, nauseating and outright sickening. Had Carson not eaten anything on the flight, he probably would have thrown up by now. It’s not that he’s never seen death in his life. Of course he has. But never quite like
this. Raw and unfiltered. Not dressed up in a suit or dress, not in a coffin with layers of make up on. Carson kept his eyes on the floor until he reached the section of which he had not fully explored. A wall of luggage and suitcases blocked the other section of the plane, and just for a fleeting moment, he nearly turned around in effort to research the lower section once more. Then he heard her. A girl was calling for help, voice cracking as she yelled.

Carson rushed towards the wall of luggage, his mind already tail-spinning to figure something out.
“Hey! I’m here,” he shouted. “Hold on, Miss, can you please step back? I’m going to try to kick the luggage down. Make sure you don’t bump into anything if the whole thing comes crashing down, okay? On the count of three,” he paused, stepping back.

“One… Two… Three!” With a grunt, he kicked with all his might. It barely budged, and he let out a heavy sigh. “Alright, I’m going to try again,” he said, taking another kick at the wall. A few suitcases fell. Another kick. More suitcases fell, creating a large gap in the middle of the wall. Carson smiled with satisfaction.

“Here, take my hand,” he said gently, offering his left hand into the hole.

@KaoriMei @Halcyon

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