Flight OOC

I've been going through this phase since second grade then... *that's when I wrote my first horror book, it was about monsters that turn kids into dolls!*
Not being eloquent has it's advantages. You don't get so distracted from writing your starter that you write a drabble instead, for instance!

...I seriously want to turn that start into an actual ficlet, by the by, Plume. It just. It's so set up to be an actual story. I kinda just wanna run with it. But I'm not sure if I could write Xavier right in it.
Any ideas for a bit of a book about an adult woman stuck in a mental hospital that cannot escape(yet...) and is strapped to a table?
Oh, goodness, books. Getting those published is even harder then getting poetry in. Especially if you write about anything controversial. Did you know know that Penguin turned me down for my series because the main character was openly gay (it wasn't even a main plot point, she just was) and I wanted it sold as a YA novel and not a LGBT focused one? Legitimately. They said they were interested in it but only if I would have it published as a LGBT specific novel, rather than YA in general. Because "homosexuality is a trigger and shouldn't be published for general audiences without a warning". 
She didn't even get with anyone, she just happened to have a crush on another girl for part of the book. Just. asld;fas.
W. T. F. .___.

That's just. . .that makes no sense. Because some poor child might read it, and be magically converted to gay. .__. Sorry Penguin, thats not how it works.

You Should-! That would be amazing, I would read that so hard. xD And you could just do your best with Xavier, I'm sure he wouldn't mind as long as you don't put him in a pink apron and make him bake cupcakes.

(And no romance Nirvana, why-? ;w;)
It didn't even have any truly "mature" themes. It completely fit into the YA novel circuit, but because it had a major gay character... Agh. I'm still trying, and so is my agent, but it's a pain because people want to classify it in a way that suggest that LGBT themes need to be warned against at all. Which they don't. They let Twilight get published without warning despite it's heavy suggestion that abusive relationships are okay, but mine needs a warning because it has a gay character? Really? I'm sorry, I cannot stand for that. I refuse to have it published with a "warning" about something that's not harmful at all to others. Do they need a warning that the author is currently in a happy relationship with another woman too? Ugh. Some people.

And I try not to post anything I'm ever going to want to get published on the internet. It's too easily stolen, for one, and most publishers won't take a story that's posted anywhere else (even in an unofficial capacity), for another. So if you ever want something published for real... don't post it online. Ever. 
Because she's twelve, I assume...?

I'll try. ...though that is tempting now. Gotta fit that in somewhere.
Yeah, because standing there, letting a bunch of guys protect you because you're weak and controlled by your feelings, and then getting pregnant, is totally a better example for kids to follow. .__.

Ugh, I also really dislike it when a book or series throws in a gay kid just to appeal to that audience. Usually making them painfully stereotypical and sugar coated.

And can I just say, Nirvana, that I was around 12 when I stared reading yaoi manga. It was kind of sad (funny to me now) because I didn't always remember to clear my history, and got into some major trouble with my parents. (gawd, that was so awkward.) Also, don't follow my example, you'll dirty your mind forever xD Just shhhh, don't worry, keep your clean mind.
My dad would be able to find it even if I did clear my history... He's a computer guy for a major university...
That's ridiculous. We no longer live in an age where a girl is "eligible" as soon as she has her first bleeding, you should be able to enjoy your childhood without people trying to force you into early decisions about romance. Not that I'm saying any time is too young to start dating - that's up to you, and your personal level of maturity, of course - but it sure feels early and ridiculous to me.
Just going to jump in here, as for Yaoi I was pretty young too, even yuri and just hentai in general, I mean honestly if you watch anime the thought is bound to cross your mind, I started soul eater a long time ago, and the things iv seen on the internet...just.... my mind.... //.-
hmmm well seeing how my father almost caught me reading it , I mean thank god for esc to close done with window or I would have been screwed but then again my dad has this software where he can see anything and everything that I do on the computer and ps3
I haven't even had my first 'bleeding'... Plus, my brother had a girlfriend in freaking preschool...
and it's rare that it's addressed at all, because we treat it as a taboo subject here in the US. Whic. It's just. It's stupid. I'm sorry, maybe that's my inner brit coming out here, but we don't put a stigma on it there, no where near as big a one as you find here.
-What Renn said-

I didn't start dating people until my freshman year, and I only started doing so because I felt I was mature and ready to. (reading yaoi was kind of an accident xD )
I dated at a church camp but had to break up with him, and not to metion half the guys I like were scared of my dad -sigh-
Pfft xD

And by "kind of an accident", I mean I started watching Gravitation not know what yaoi was and ended up looking it up and getting addicted to it.
...I didn't start dating until I felt an honest connection with someone? Not that it turned out too well, my first relationship was... rather awful, in ways I'd rather not discuss at length. But other than that I've had generally healthy, long lasting relationships (the longest being three years, my shortest being seven months - my first), mostly because I've never tried to be in one, but have rather just let them develop naturally. I never really felt the need or drive to be with someone like my peers did, and have only ever felt that need with specific people after knowing them for a while and growing close as friends first. Dating for the sake of dating seems foolish to me. Dating because he feel an honest to goodness strong emotional bond with someone... that's more what I look for. So I never had the 'typical' high school experience of a boyfriend a week like some of my friends did.
I've googled stuff mentioned in books and been so embarrassed... some books that I've read mention things about sex and rape.
Ah, Gravitation, you corrupter of youth you.

I watched Star Trek when I was younger. There was no hope for me not to be sucked in, what with Kirk and Spock being the married couple that they are.

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