Flight OOC

Yeah? Fletch is a few years younger than me (I'm twenty, twenty-one this fall - which will be awesome, as this drinking law is rubbish. Back home we're allowed to drink it at eighteen so the sudden cut off sucks), though I tend to space my characters out pretty evenly along the age grid, I like to think.
You're all so young! Gah. My oldest human age (excluding all hundred-or-more year old beings) is thirty six, for a character named Gregory, my youngest was seven, when I first started writing Deliana (who has now aged to sixteen) so I think my current youngest character is... Alex? Who is fifteenish, I think.

...not including animals, because Sophia isn't even two yet. 
Making me feel like an old lady here, guys. Making me feel like an old lady.
MWA HA HA HA!!! Plus, now you can't yell at me for short posts... or making Vana immature... since I'm just a kiddd!
Mum!Fletch is hugging his baby girl. *shot'd*

You know he's the one that tells Missy and Vana bedtime stories at night. And he was totally the one that tucked them in when they actually had a house to live in after breaking out of the school. I bed he does the cooking, too, when they have something to cook. 
'course I can. You may be a kid, but that's no excuse for being a sloppy roleplayer. I started writing when I was seven and I used to refuse to let myself post under four sentences at a time, to make sure that I got better faster. It's all about the expectations you hold yourself to. If you want to be a good writer you'll make an effort to be one, no matter how young or old you are.
I don't see it as a reason to make an exception, yanno? If my little sister was roleplaying I'd probably make her go back and fix her grammar and spelling whenever she made mistakes, and would make her re-read her posts before posting them. It's not so much a matter of "getting away" with something because you're younger. It's a matter of respecting your fellow roleplayers and trying to both give them something to work with and trying to make sure everyone has a good time, rather than just thinking about yourself, yanno? There's no better time to start learning and self-improving than the present. 
WHY ARE YOU ALL SO YOUNG? Gah. Young people. I used to be your age. adl;gasdf

Oh? What did you do? *runs to go see it*

Go ahead, go see what I did. *sniff*
Plus, I have 2 brothers. 2 brothers freaking worse than Vana... And thats realllyyyy bad. PLUS they have NO angelic side! WHATSOEVER! And I'm the best author in my grade; I got voted that in sixth grade!! (Just graduated 7th)
You sound older. In the way that you talk and the way that you write... you write at a higher calibre than most people your age. I kinda thought you were nineteen, at the youngest. You're very eloquent and well rounded in your style, yanno?
I'll love you one day-! you just need to express your feelings eventually and make me realize mine. ;w; 
Thanks Renn! c:

Writing and drawing has been my way of expressing myself, always had my head in a book growing up as well, I think that helped.

You're an amazing writer as well!~ your style is poetic yet easy to read. It just has this flow about it. c: Just. . .so good.
Well, my reading level may be higher than yours. I'm currently reading Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. I hate, and sorta love, the Illuminate. They are murderers, but that's usually who I make my favorite character. 
I always have my head in a book! I walk around Chicago reading~ I'm that talented and awesome. :D
Yeah, but that requires facing rejection...

Yeah? Thank you! I always feel that my prose waxes too poetic, actually. I have trouble keeping the two separated. I started out with poetry long before I started writing prose (essays notwithstanding), and I think it shows a bit too strongly in my writing. That being said, my poetry is generally more well received than my prose so it's probably my better style anyway? I mean, I've had a few poems actually published in journals and I've only ever had one bit of prose published anywhere outside of school based publications. So in terms of my "official public works" it's three to one in favour of my poetry. So I often feel that I need to cut it out of my prose. You're sure it doesn't annoy you?
I try to write long eloquent stuff, but I'm more like marc, 'cept nerdier. anyways, I stay straight to the point, don't like to over explain or go into unrealistic detail.
I guess I've always been a poet? I've been published by McSweeny's Publishing twice, once in the Believer and once in After The End May I Keep This Pen, and then by an independent press literary arts journal called the Midwife, and then once in a small local arts newspaper called Moonshine Inc.,

I'm currently sending out to a few different journals, but getting poetry professionally published is hard
I mean, it's super competitive and you make next to no money off of it. Ngh. Sorry, I'll stop complaining now.
Cool! And it probably is... I don't like poetry a lot, though. I more read books with a lot of death and gore.
Not at all-! I find the poetry you add to your writing helps me picture a scene, or really understand what a character is thinking/feeling. (For example, Fletch's unhappiness really hits me in the feels.) But you do it without being too cryptic about it, so I don't have to read over it a bunch of times to get what you're saying. It builds the atmosphere, gives the story some depth.

And good for you, BloodyRaze, I sometimes find myself straying from the topic, wanting to give out every little detail possible. c: And props for thinking up Marc, in all his dark smexiness. xD

Thats so cool!~ If I wasn't too busy lurking in RP forums I would love to start writing a book someday c:
Sounds like you're hitting your "dark and edgy but still cute and good!" phase. I'm pretty sure most of us go through one. Have fun with it~

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