Flight OOC

[QUOTE="Behind The Mask]I recently started getting into rp and don't really got the hang of things yet. I really want to rp with someone who knows what they're doing so I can get better at this. Any genre works for me but I really like Fantasy and stuff like that. So if anyone doesn't mind rping with a newbie...

I usually do one on one roll-playing, I started a few years ago. I dont mind RP-ing with someone new to it :)
I KNOW RIGHT? They're just. They're just perfect. Perfect babies. Who will be together forever. Once they actually get off their butts and get together. Though we have to get MarcFletch to almost happen first to really get them kickstarted so they actually do something. Because love triangles are win?
[QUOTE="Alice Hellsing]I usually do one on one roll-playing, I started a few years ago. I dont mind RP-ing with someone new to it :)

Thanks, I'll pm you and maybe we can start something :)
Mm-hmm. We need to give it time. Whether or not the feelings are already there (which, given the breakneck speed at which Marc got over to them when he heard Fletch was hurt may be the case?) doesn't really determine anything. We have to let them talk and grow closer for it to progress fully.

...which I'm sure they will. Fletch needs someone to talk to about how he feels like Xavier and him are drifting apart faster and faster (because, given their fight, he's kinda starting to feel like a rift is forming between them that wasn't there before), and he can't talk to any of the girls about that, since they're directly involved. So if he goes to Marc with his problems... it makes for a perfect opening, no?
Well, based on past actions, I wouldn't doubt it. Vana seems to be a little brat like that, in general.
HEY! She's more like the snoopy and annoying little sister that nobody wants, but you love her anyway. :smile 2: (NOT!! Twee hee.)
He does love her anyway. She's just a buttfaced brat sometimes. Doesn't mean he doesn't love her. Just means he knows her, too.
I find that... hard to believe, to be perfectly honest. I've never met a little kid who was quite as much trouble as she is, and I've raised two.
My brothers are little demons in disguise... once they tried to push me off of the roof... O.o
I think parents are evil , my dad shot me with my bebe gun in my hair..just cuse its and afro does not mean It will go right through. That thing hit my head and it hurt like hell
*innocent puppy face* Vana did nothing~ She's a sweet lil angel!!!

And, HA HA!! My school finished fridayyy!!!

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