Flight OOC

Thai, really? I have friends from Thailand. What's next, Cryllic? 
I'm a double major in history and literature specifically of non-English speaking countries. I've seen enough old texts I'll recognise what you're writing. Try Sandskrit or something really hard to fathom.

foget it then - goes and pouts in corner -
I have one for you, gimmie a sec because I can't type it on a normal keyboard...

Ah, damnit. I can't get my runes up. I was going to write you something in Elvish. Which is actually a fully devleoped language that you can learn to read and write in for all tenses~ You'll have to settle for this.

qatlh yImev SoH vam SoH ghaj ghobe' quv 
Is serious not allowed, Plume? I doubt he'll get to explode like that in the real roleplay any time soon so I thought it might be fun~
try looking up Klingon translations. I'm a bit rusty so it might not be exactly right, though. But it was supposed to say "try this on for size, you have no honour" the second put in because it's, like, the one thing I'll always remember how to say in Klingon.
I'm a dork. I speak fluent Elvish and dabble in Klingon.

My dad actually taught me Elvish alongside English and French so... 
Raised in geekdom. HUZZAH
you no dork , my dad wanted me to speak Japanese so when hes trying to watch or read something he'll have me translate it, i am also some what fluent in german...i just wish i had the accent
I'm an uberdork. I read and write and speak a fake language. How dorky is that? I'm actually learning Vulcan for my Spock cosplay.

Elvish actually helped me learn Spanish, though. They conjugate the same way.
well i made my own language although i cant do it on here but it's pretty cool...im still trying to put it in words though but i nailed the alphabet down^^
:D yes so i can easily cuss out my sister out on paper and mom be like what...does that say. She tried to google translate it but it wasn't there > :D
Cool, I haven't made my own language, but my identical twin and I have an accent that we acquired from pretty much only talking to each other when we were younger. I've been told I sound british xD
Do you, Plume? We should voice talk some time, then, I'd love to compare it to my own accent. *is, actually, English and has an accent native to Bootle, though many people confuse it for one from Liverpool*
oh nothing ..i don't have an accent all though im proper its werid though people call me the whitest black person but that's only because my mom taught me better >.< i can be really ghetto though
Yeah!~ c:

It's really fun to be RPing with cool people like you guys.

I'm Alaska Native, Aluttiq, though I never got around to learning the language. O u O
I'm English, mostly, though I'm 2/16ths Native American from two different tribes, on my father's side. Cherokee and... shoot. I don't recall. something near Montana?
....guys. I accidentally wrote fic for Fletch and Xavier without meaning to. It's just a drabble. But. I wrote fix. Help. Help I have a problem.
It's ok xD Calm down Renn, chill, you're fine.

All it means is that you love your characters a whole lot. I get that. I get that well. xP
But it was supposed to be a starter, not a drabble. ...now I have to learn Xavier well enough to write something involving him. Yes. I will fic our babies~
Hey, Renn. Don't mean to be a bother but wondering if you could maybe post a reply in Secret Academy? Everyone's doing little starters but not interacting with anyone, and I'm really bored right now, just in general xD

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