Flight OOC

*lips lift in a half smirk* Knew you couldn't resist. See, that's how you're supposed to treat people you care about. Nicely.

Fixed the post. 's up for all now, took out the taking off of the mask and the comment/instruction to Vana since it's irrelevant now
Okey~ c:

And no worries about the post lengths O u O I won't kill you . . . I promise

Uwah?! No!- Thats my ice cream :c Fletch offered it to me, not you. *growls*

Whats wrong Goddess? :c
Vana, that was my lo- ...offering to Xavier! Beg Marc for your own!

A post should be exactly as long as it needs to be to say all that needs to be said. No longer, no shorter. So I don't really care about post length as long as I can work with it. And yeah, I reposted mine after since yours said he was still waiting for the explination
But-but I want dish ice cream... *protects ice cream, and continues to make awesome puppy dog eyes*
Aaaaaaaaand Fletch just had a "young lady so help me I will tell your father!" moment in the actual roleplay. Fletch isn't the group's mother my arse.
Hmm, maybe you could have Crow spot Xavier as he runs into town, and is curious as to why he is all panicked and decides to follow him. . .?

You're acting suspiciously again Fletch. . . What are you up to? *eyes curiously*
*because that is a totally adequate cover. Damn, he should get concussed more often - perfect excuse when he slips up and almost admits something*
Goodnight! See you later!

And hey, I'm not a moron! I'm just... confused right now. I don't slip up so much normally. Not... not that I'm slipping up at all. I'm not hiding anything. Nothing.
No one said anything about hiding something. . . Thats even more suspicious, Fletch. *narrows eyes*

Off topic, but has anyone heard of "the Silver Sequence" by Cliff McNish?
I - no it's not! I'm not suspicious at all. I. Just. Xavier? Can. Can we drop it? Maybe I am hiding something, and maybe I'm not, but if I am then it's for a good reason. So... can you just... not pry? I'll tell you someday, I'm just... not ready to. Not yet. Not right now.
-fine, make a big deal about it, I was only teasing. But I thought we told each other everything. . .? you're my right hand man, couldn't run this family without you.
I... I know *though he doesn't, sometimes. It's easy to forget and being told really does warm his heart a bit, and helps him to retain the positive and hopeful attitude he normally keeps so easily - an outlook shaken by recent events, but reaffirmed by Xavier's words* it's just... it's a... a personal thing, yanno? Really personal. I don't even really think about it to myself, so I wouldn't know how to talk about it. I... I will tell you. I do tell you everything, so I'll tell you this. I just... don't know how to say it, yet?

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