Flight OOC

H-hey, that was your fault, how am I supposed to know what "L" meant. I just made some very logical guesses.

That should work, since Vana is telepathic and can call Marc over quickly. c:
[QUOTE="Renn Skye]
Oh, hey, Vana you can send out mental messages to people, right? Just double checking

Yesh, basing it off of Angels powers sorta...
How is guessing that I, a guy who has bird dna and has never been to a real learning-type school in my life am a famous detective named L, a lesbian - which is a girls only thing by the way - and a llama? Xavier.... you're an idiot. You're my idiot, but you're an idiot.

Aaaaaaand posted. Also I've updated the summary and added Marc to the list. I've put him in the flock section because he's kinda an honorary flock member.
Yes, a reference to Death Note indeed. We were having whacky crack!chat with our characters in here and Fletch almost slipped up and said something he wasn't ready to admit, and Xavier, in his tired cracked out way... assumed some... interesting things. 
Speaking of...

Xavier. Xavier. Pay attention to me. Paaaaaaay attention to meeeeeeee. Payattentiontome! 
http://www.rpnation.com/index.php?threads/flight-a-maximum-ride-roleplay.8887/page-4#post-332862 Raze, you have an opening!

Also, Vana is a little butt.

Xavieeeeeeeer. Pay attention to meeeeeee! To me. Xavier. I'm hurt and dizzy and need affection.
Ok, chill. I'm paying attention to you. Just chill. Though I might get preoccupied by *cough* supersmexystrongandsilentstud *cough* Marc, we haven't seen him a while, and it'll be nice to catch up. *innocent smile*
...you were so distracted by Mr. Tall dark and silent that you forgot about me? *mocks being hurt, but in part it's true* C'mon, whose the one in horrible agony over here? It's not Marc! It's me! ...and besides, Marc came to get me not to talk to you, so you have no reason to get distracted by him anyway!

YES. BESTIES. *clings to and rubs against* Feel free to join in on the OOC character crack chat
W-what? I'm sure Marc would've met with me if I'd known he was in the area and I called him up. It's not my fault Vana is crazy psychic. Right Marc? *looks at Marc hopefully*

Aww. internet BFF for evs. c: *huggles* /sounds like a 12 year old
Fletch, are you okay? I heard your *cough*Sofakeanunborninfantwouldknowit*cough* cries of agony and wanted to be sure you were alright. Oh what did you do Xavier!? His wing is broken and he's clearly concussed 
Wha- oh sorry xavy, didn't see you there
Pfft, as if. Fletch made a fool of himself and busted his wing completely on his own. What a clumsy doof.
lets dance
*totally gonna let Marc fuss over him, yup* Well, at least somebody cares about me, Xavier. I guess I should've just gone to Marc in the first place. *pauses a moment and then looks up to Marc with those trademarked puppy dog eyes* I was already concussed and he beat me over the head with a spatula rather than feed me. I'm horribly abused! 
haha, it happens. After all, when you're worried about someone you care about....

...and wow did Marc ever race over the second he heard Fletch was hurt *shot'd*


-I really hope someone gets the reference, Attack on Titan anyone?-
He did though! He did, I can even show you the spatula! ....he also shoved cookie dough up my nose. *huffs a little, but braces himself for the setting* Careful, it's still super painful.
*quite happy at the ice cream, at least, and very nearly wolfs the whole thing down - after all, bird boys have very fast metabolisms and need all the food all the time - before remembering that there are other people there* Oh, did you want some of it too? *offering to Marc at first, and then, as an afterthought* Xavier, want some ice cream? Marc gave me a cone and there's a lick or two left. I'm not gonna deprive you of food, so you can have some if you want it.
yes -points to plume- your responded to my dance comment - waves hand- I do plume I got that reference
Gimmie a sec to edit that post up since June posted. Ah. Long posts get screwed up so easily *huffs and goes to fix it*
Huh? As if I'd want you're leftovers. . .I can get my own ice-cream. . *stares at ice-cream*

Ok. . .maybe just a bit. *takes ice cream from Fletch*  
Yessss, someone gets the reference c:

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