Flight OOC

At least your head still feels like it's all in one piece, you stu- ...you know what? No. I'm sorry. You're right. It's my fault, not yours. I... I'm sorry, Xavier.

Hah. She nearly knocked him over.
I know, right? He just. He feels so bad. So. Bad. Ugh. STOP ANGSTING BBY. STOP IT. NO. SHUSH. *shoosh paps*

Aww, Vana baby. No, Fletch was an idiot and hurt himself.

I'm probably going to wait up for a bit, as to not leave anyone behind. c:
Name: Marcellus Tyridius (Marc)

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Hybrid?: Half human/Half bat

Friend or Foe: Friend


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/AnimeGuy10vampire.jpg.4c8078d1a0841dd5623e1719385c033f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1532" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/AnimeGuy10vampire.jpg.4c8078d1a0841dd5623e1719385c033f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Alterations: He does NOT have wings. He has enhanced hearing, and can use a sort of echo-location thing. He also has really good night-vision. However, during the day he needs sunglasses, the best money can buy, because of how sensitive his eyes are to light. He also has trouble with really loud noise, due to his hyper-sensitive ears/

Personality: He's really chill and quiet, but when he does say something, you'd damn well better listen (Kinda like Fang, but not a flock member). He's often found drawing or reading or just sitting and thinking.

Backstory: Marc has literally no memory up until seven months ago. He woke up in a cell to a loud crash and a bright burning light in his eyes. He broke out and ran until his legs gave out. He was found in a ditch next to the road by a kind older man. He brought him to a local doctor, who helped him replenish his strength and then told him he had bat genes. He was given some really high-grade sunglasses and some noise cancelling headphones, and then he left. He eventually ran into Xavier, and realized there were other messed up people like him. He hangs out with them, and when they move on, he steals a car and keeps in touch with them by cell-phone. He remembers nothing from his past, but remembers how to do a lot of things.


His sunglasses:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/oakley-pit-bull-9127-15.jpg.4ea6df65ee2fd8961736f7d1c7c91782.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1531" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/oakley-pit-bull-9127-15.jpg.4ea6df65ee2fd8961736f7d1c7c91782.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I know. They shouldn't. Look what it gets you - you love me too much to leave me behind if anything bad happens, and then were would you be? I really messed up. You guys should just... go. I'll catch up. Somehow.

Okay, yeah. Until Hakushi gets back on?
Raze, does that mean that he travels regularly with the flock? Or does he just meet up with them sometimes when he or they need help from each other? Just a quick clarification - he certainly seems like a cool an interesting character, though. I'm mostly wondering because if he's constantly with them he's like a non-avian flock member? Which I'm okay with as long as Plume is, of course. 
Also... can we get you in on the love triangle we're trying to build? Because Plume and I want a third person for extra tension between Fletch and Xavier like whoa and good GOD would Marc be perfect for that. 
... *just read Vana's post and can't help but laugh in a horrified sort of way* You just hit a concussed kid. In the head. Good thing it wasn't hard or you could have messed him up more. Normally he could take that but I'm not sure he can right now haha
I think he'd serve well as an "Ari" character, but without the flying. He could be a kind of grounded "family" member that can offer a place to stay when we get around to a school-type arc.
Mm-hmm. I was kinda thinking that. Because he's not quite the flock but he's still part of the family. As long as Raze is okay with that. Raze?

Is that kinda what you had in mind? 
As always, Plume, you say what I'm thinking better than I can verbalize it.
I am a little unclear on the love triangle concept. My character is bi, I forget to mention. Are Xavier and Fletch both guys? Because that's how it seems, and I'm really confused. And yes, I guess he's a non avian flock member, simply because without them he'd probably end up in some alleyway, blind deaf and possibly dead. And the flock needed a dark silent type character.
...did you mean nein?

If he'll have you you can have him if/when Fletch and Xavier finally get off their butts and snog? It's all up to Marc, though, in the end.
if hes grounded why not stay with another grounded blehhh like crow 
lol go to the first page and you'll see my character and yes I meant that ^^
That sounds good, and yes Xavier and Fletch are both guys. Fletch doesn't recognize his feelings for Xavier and Xavier is too busy being the leader and all to take notice anyways.

(its complicated xP)
Goddess plays the tiger hybrid (Crow) in the non flock section of our master post (which can be found here). As of yet her character hasn't actually had any interaction with the flock, so Crow isn't mentioned in the summary.

She's the last entry on the Flock page

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