Flight OOC

I do not! Well, I mean, I do. He's my friend and he's family so of course I like him but not like that! Shut up! *huff huff huff*

Xavier, June, have a fallen bird boy. Poor Fletch just had to land on his already injured wing. Because I could~
(I thought that was Fletch? Or was he actually L? I can't recall.)

Yeah. Bros. Nothing more. I- June... don't. Just don't. Please. 
Xavier, your not boyfriend just fell out of the sky. And he hurts. A lot. 
Vana, since you can read minds... maybe you could hear Shade's and find her that way? Since we need to bring her into the roleplay..
Yayyy okieee. 
I'm just thinking evil thoughts right now... and cake thoughts... xD My heads messed up. :D
Oh yeah I forgot, Fletch is L the lesbian llama. .__.

*shhhhh its ok Nirvana, just read what I just wrote, and don't ask for an explanation*

POOR BABY *swoons* ;w;

...and then there's Fletch in my head. just all "I'm sorry, Xavier. I'm sorry I didn't mean to get hurt I- I'm sorry. I don't mean to slow us down, I just..."
June is gonna wait until everyone's asleep and then wake up Fletch and be like "Daaaaaaamn boy you got some yaoi thoughts on yo aura"

*sparkles* no Fletch, it isn't your fault, it was mine, I pushed you too hard. *tears*

Yes. Yes please, do that June, thank you xD  
-nevermind, just read the latest post, I'll go have Xavier save him now-
You don't have to be. June went to go get you.

...no, it's mine. I. I was impulsive, and stupid, and reckless. I'm sorry.

Haha, that'll be fantastic. He'll be all "WTF is a yaoi, June? Let me sleep. I'm tired and my heart hurts because of Xavier- I - I mean my wing hurts from my fall!" 
Man, my poor baby, not even ten posts in and he's already seriously hurting. Good thing we aren't planning to attack them with Erasers or anything or he'd probably end up dead. *shot'd*
Gonna just have awfulness all around? *way too cheerful for all of this* Sure. Let's have someone rip something out of Fletch while we're at it. I mean, he already can't fly, why not hammer in the nail on his coffin? Not... not that he'll really die but we can break him so bad he has to go to a hospital if we want.
This is gonna be so similar to the start of the second book, if that happens. I mean, not exactly by a long shot, but quite similar. *will probably let something take a chunk outta Fletch if they get attacked, since even with the fast healing rates our kids have he did hit his head and shoulder pretty hard and is probably fighting off a concussion, so he's likely too dizzy to really fight, even though he's normally quite good at it*

Either or. We can have them show or not, he's certainly hurt enough without it, but I don't mind bashing him up more. 
And of course. I love all my characters but that doesn't mean I'm going to coddle them~
Heerrrroooo~ c: *waves*

A concussion seems most logical, don't want to go overboard. xP I know, I kid you, gotta give your characters some drama, right?
Yeah, I'm figuring a minor concussion and some serious deep muscle bruising in that bad wing, and maybe his left shoulder as well. He should be grounded for a few days, about, given that the avian hybrids tend to heal fairly fast. I'd only get him eaten up if someone else decided to launch an eraser attack on the flock - they have enough bad stuff going on with one wounded member as it is.

Xavier on his way to go take care of his not-boyfriend right now? Because Fletch is kinda incoherent at the moment and I don't think he can really stand without help until his dizziness clears.

Hey GoddessOfGod, how goes it?
Quite good, thank you~ O u O

Shall we have the Flock meet Crow at the fair? Maybe they could go there in search of medical supplies and food? c: 
(oh and sorry my post is taking a while, i keep getting distracted xP)
Definitely food. And a crowd is a good place to hide, for the most part. That and you know that Fletch - once he's thinking clearly - will insist on it "for the kids". Give them some semblance of a childhood and all that.

and don't worry about it. Distractions happen.

and on the subject of distractions...

Xavieeeeeeeeeer. Which one of you is you? I'm seeing three.
I go fair and you renn ^^ and yes the fair go to the fair ahahha =.= just so you know he could follow you guys ^^

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