Flight OOC

Everyone dies. That's the end of the story. And June stops going crazy long enough to realize she killed everyone and kill herself. That's a super happy ending.
PERF. YES. Except maybe no.

...Xavier you didn't even give Fletch time to answer, poor baby. Panicked much? *pokes at Xavier* you seem awful worried about just a concussion and a bruised wing. Paranoid and overprotective, are we?
Whatya mean? It's perfection xP

Yep. He's sputtering nonsense .__.

He looses him mind as his precious family getting hurt. :c 
(and IDK what I was thinking with the carnival, maybe that the ride owners would have first aid kits in case their rides spontaneously combust? xD )
Poor baby. And you know that Fletch and Xavier are the ones most likely to get hurt because they'd dive in to protect the little ones at great cost to themselves without thinking every time. I'm sure he has quite a few panic attacks every month or so. 
(steal the first aid stuff much?)
Yeah, them and maybe Hakushi, since she seems pretty close to the younger ones. c: (And I've got an eye on those little trouble makers, something tells me they aren't going to follow Xavier's orders xD )
Yeah, well. Kids. What can ya do? Hopefully at least one of them will stay with Fletch because he's only partially coherent right now. Why didn't you at least get him into a tree or something first so he could be hidden and not sitting on the ground, Xavier? Think before you panic! *whack*
Uhhh! That hurt :c *sniff*

He's trying to get his second in command some medical stuffs, even though he doesn't even know what to look for -GENUIS- xD

I guess he figured June and Vana would be enough to keep him safe. And that they'd follow his instructions. . .
He figured Curiosity-Killed-The-Cat June would behave? She couldn't even keep from eavesdropping! At least Vana will probably stay close because she can hear how hurt Fletch is inside of his own head, even as he tries to act fine.
Not to her own Flock, though, I imagine? Gonna go take care of mummy, Vana? Because Fletch is hurt and he's totally mum, given that Xavier is dad.
A figured. . .little miss eavesdrop xP

*eyes her suspiciously* behave, you.

Poor Fletch, I hope he doesn't think Xavier is angry with him. . . .__. with the way he just ran off. . .

yes, go comfort mummy, Vana, he's hurting :c
Behave because Fletch can't run after you right now if you slink away but he'll try anyway and that's not good for ANYONE right now.

Oh, don't worry. He feels awful, Xavier. Absolutely awful.

Even in the face of a crisis? I'm surprised she wouldn't leave her new discovery to go help her family
Vana can be meannn. At least she sent you a comforting thought!!! And she thinks that you're being a big baby, lol!
He's concussed and his left wing is seriously injured. He can barely stand with how dizzy and hurt he is, let alone fly. How is that being a big baby?
Well geez, I'm trying here, it's not my fault if I loose my head. It's out of my control. Cut me some slack here.

And I'm guessing Vana thinks he's overacting. . .?

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