Flight OOC

According to who? Last time I checked, I was the leader around here. *points to self cheekily* And me, Xavier, gets to chose what belong to who.. . . . I can make broccoli your thing. Do you like broccoli, Vana?
*gets karate chopped and totally has his nose broken from it* XAVIER! Control your children or so help me-!
I thought that you were the 'mummy'? *innocently kicks in the stomach* 
*hits on the head with a sledgehammer and slits throat*
Ummm, bad. . .June. *super enthusiastic scolding*

Wait a sec, I'll get some tissues for your issues, your nose is bleeding. 
-just read nirvana's post, derp- 
-Have a tissue for your slit throat-

*suddenly revived* Apparently the kids don't love their mother "daddy." Maybe June and Vana would prefer it if I just left. For good. Girls? *totally going for the door like he's gonna leave*
-plays mickey mouse peed on a house with the copy of myself from the nether world- ..should i let them see you kekekek
Great, little self starter. Xavier, I've been kicked out of our family. I still love you but I guess I'll never see you again. Bye~ *totally kidding - about all but one part but shh! - as he starts walking out the door*

Fletch no, I need you! *runs after him*

I love you too, you've always been like a brother to me. (owww)

/goes off to google translate 
-WAIT- Nevermind google, I've taken Mandarin as my language this year. *starts attempting to translate*
I- *and that one hurts, hurts because for a second he heard what he's wanted to hear and then it was ripped from him, and it's quite visible on his face, the utter desolation he feels from having heard the 'I love you too' he's dreamed of for so long only to have it ripped away from him. Nope. Not going to do it any more. Was joking before but now...*

...I don't think you understand what I mean, Xavier. And if it's always going to be that way, maybe I should leave.

*DUN DUN DUN dramatic soap opera sound effects* 
But it is chinese. Whose being drowned in a river now, Goddess?
It's Chinese, yes? Some of the characters are Mandarin.

Ok I won't. . . c:

How am I supposed to understand what you mean when you don't tell me? I'm not Vana, I can't read your mind. But please, don't leave-!
da, tako da je prvi shvatio jednu ali neće shvatiti sljedeći ahhahah im kao zločinac ... činitelj yea to je pravo da mislim, 
no one is drowning not yet
I love you, Xavier. Not as a brother, not as family, I love you, and I can't take another comment about how we're just bros, I just - I can't take it any more. It's easier to leave then it is to get shut down every single day when all I want to do is tell you how I feel and I can't! I can't because you make it so obvious that you don't feel the same way! And I can't because I don't want to make a rift in our family over it, but I can't take it any more! So I'm done! Gone. I'll get out of your hair and you can lead the flock all you like and I'm sure you'll find another brother out there somewhere, too, but I can't be him a anymore. I can't be your brother because I love you. I love you in a way a brother never could. And you don't love me back. Not the way I need. So I'm out.

(Oooookay. that escalated quickly)
ฉันเดิมพันที่คุณลาดเทคิดออกว่านี่คืออะไร ใช่ฉันรู้คดเคี้ยว im ฉันรู้ไม่จำเป็นต้องบอกว่ามัน

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