Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla

*5 minutes later* hey guys look at this super convenient bolt axe jsut laying around, wow were so lucky!

...Seriously how do those shiny spots on the battlefield even work?
Each heal is worth 10 right? or 20 since I have Paragon

Also besides the obvious Sei'Rina, how many NPC's can I heal post fight?

Tyrin's only got one level so far, I don't want him falling behind TOO much
20 with paragonygone. Were kind of at a downtime moment so go nuts... also soembody please help the poor kitty in the tree.
So she'll have to heal naturally, abit of first aid, cleaning the wound, bed rest and she'll be right as rain.
well, I'm actually a whale biologist but I'm sure they are closely related.
true true, maybe Franny knows soemthing about them?
Silly people, but I wouldn't have you guys any other way.

Anyway, yeah go nuts with the healing. There are a handful of crewmen (4 of which are) still wounded as well as any who haven't yet been healed.

Essentually Franny at the moment, with the wyvern out of comission no one can really fly up there... and before you ask shes NOT going into the water, on any conditions.
Orikanyo said:

Essentually Franny at the moment, with the wyvern out of comission no one can really fly up there... and before you ask shes NOT going into the water, on any conditions.
Mai can climb to get you. :3
That moment when you're hoping that your character got brutally murdered, but then they didn't.

And you feel...conflicted? Yay, they're not dead... >_> (Gosh darn, better luck next time!)
I kind of got conflicted with your's and Kyero's post.

You probably killed him so let me edit my post.
Nah, he didn't die. I'd be pretty sad if he actually did. (Because then I'd have no character to RP... >_<)

But it feels strange, having Al luck out with some relatively minor wounds, compared to the bloodbath everyone else is in. I promise to make him bleed. He shall bleeeeeeeed. *maniacal laughter*
Will Al save the kitty in the tree? be the hero of this day and age?

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