Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla

Indeed, that was why her self-sacrifice influenced so many.

She bore the lashings for her father's sins, while she had done none herself, it is andadmirable feat for such a kind heart.

In anycase you could have Tyrin reaxt to sei3ina being called a heron.
I’m assuming Al’s about to get beaten to a pulp, either by the enemy captain or by the surrounding sailors who have no idea what he’s doing. In any case, he’s definitely going to get his ass handed to him after pulling this stunt.

On a more positive note, it means more healing exp. for Tyrin.
Hmmm...perhaps Tyrin should hire a guy to go around stabbing people? It'd give much more opportunities for him to gain healing exp.
"Terrifying"? In what way? It's not like there'd be any lasting damage, since all the victims get healed by Tyrin.

And, if by some chance someone bleeds out and dies before Tyrin can get his healing points help them, he could hide the bodies somewhere secret. Nobody would have to know. :)
sounds like an interesting idea, aligns with lawful evil which is my favorite alignment I msut admit. Should i keep quite for awhile, I'm currently thinking up the execution I will pull for my good ol' climbing buddy.
I think there's not really a posting order, so have at it, good buddy ol' pal.

I wonder which mast the two are climbing on? Because depending on where they are, some of the sailors below are probably appreciating the view as well.
even so, don't need to hog all the glory.

and I'd imagine so, poor girl, hopefully nobody tells her afterwards.
Welp that's not something I was considering -_-

Going on a trip tomorrow, no guarantees on a post. But I'll try and put out Tyrinreacting to Sei'Rina being Heron

Hint: He's going to stand by her.
Okay, well that concludes the battle everyone!

Each kill in your Kill Count is worth 30 EXP unless you have Paragon in which case they are worth 60, or if your name is Franny or Sei'rina, in which case one of them is worth a full 100 points.

Have fun, and good luck with your stats!

I'll give everyone time to react to what's happened thus far, and then I'll fast forward to a rather amusing landing in Auxeras where I'll introduce Rhe'sia. Hopefully you'll all find it as entertaining as I hope it to be!
I will conlude my fight tonight, at the end of which franny will be akin to a cat stuck in a tree.

Also dat level up quote from Mai, similar to Tharja's, though I doubt they have similar assests to one another.
Oh my, so she loves taking it as much as dealing, good to know. (inflicting is sadist if thats what you mean, sadomasochistism i think is taking and receiving for pleasure)
I thought sadomasochism is when you hurt someone and get pleasure in return.

I always get the two mixed up. :S
[QUOTE="Black Masquerade]I thought sadomasochism is when you hurt someone and get pleasure in return.
I always get the two mixed up. :S

I think the best part is how you ask "WHY!" with Mai getting a point in Magic, yet the little happy happy face at the bottom in your signature box space makes it seem like it was more a blessing than a "why did this happen?!" kind of thing. Lol!
and now i roll for Franny's 3 levels.
Kyero said:
I think the best part is how you ask "WHY!" with Mai getting a point in Magic, yet the little happy happy face at the bottom in your signature box space makes it seem like it was more a blessing than a "why did this happen?!" kind of thing. Lol!
I said that because she got magic and not strength. D:

Can the Laguz have like Thunder Claws now?
also its actually 4 levels, she had enough sitting in her bank to level.

Done, our casualties amount to whatever amount of faceless nobodies and a weasel.

And a possibly traumatized Seirina... but.. hey, a successful pirate raid if i ever saw one.
[QUOTE="Black Masquerade]I said that because she got magic and not strength. D:
Can the Laguz have like Thunder Claws now?

Sadly, no.
[QUOTE="Black Masquerade]N'awwww, well that makes sense. But that also brings up another question I have.
Will weapons like the Bolt Axe and Flame Lance be usable?

Not for a good long while IC.

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