Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla

The worst part is when your self won't apologize for its transgressions against yourself, and thus the injury done by self's actions hurts yourself even more.
And it shall not stop, her unstoppable desire to know all shall transend any punishment the worl- I mean she will, dish out at herself...
But what if her self dishes a most heinous dish at herself, which builds into an even greater travesty than the dishes served by her immoral self to herself in the earlier stages of the RP. Say, the dish becomes a self-induced dishing of complications?
Orikanyo said:
My, so many people afraid of the kitty, starts to make me wonder if I'm playing it tame, but good to see our dear pretty kitty is getting some action, I wonder what she likes for treats?
Nonetheless go ahead and have tyrin scurry about with his healing, that is his job of course. remember folks when the boss comes theres going to be a steep increase of ass kickage, on our side if I remember. And Sei'rina and franny will be the ones to take down the big baddies it seems.
Let me change your first sentence.

Mai, so many people afraid of the kitty. :3

As for treats... you don't want to know...
I dunno, I think Tyrin isn't afraid so much as...curious? Why she acts as she does

and not Franny's type of curious xD
Oh come now, no need to be coy. Shes only scary until i get my hands on a certain something, indeed that certainherb will indeed tame this kitty.

And to answer your question tri, I'm only certain then we shall learn of the secrets of the universe, just before it imploded.
i need to use that excuse now in the rp.. "Francisca why did you do this!?" "...Science.." pushes up glasses as the shine makes her eyes not visable...

I made a slight edit to the recent post regarding Mai and altered the kill count a bit. We have a total of 15 enemies now to deal with, and I will be posting tomorrow to help set up further the scenario of how the two bosses will enter the fray and who they will choose to fight.

Sank Ya!
xD Would it not be "...Magic..." ?

And alright Kyo'Da, sounds good to me! I'll hold off on posting till then

Actually, won't be able to post till Saturday most likely
TerraBooma said:
xD Would it not be "...Magic..." ?
And alright Kyo'Da, sounds good to me! I'll hold off on posting till then

Actually, won't be able to post till Saturday most likely
I'm Kyero silly.
Hmm, aside from a project I should be free.
A quick question: if an enemy is pushed off the ship by a character, does it count as that character's "kill"? Say...if the push is mildly unintentional...or a freak accident...
well, they have swimming ability, if this knock off is accompanied by a swift clouting on the head maybe.
Trignome said:
Hmmm... *wriggles fingers deviously* Hmmm...
Since pirates can swim knocking them into the water won't do anything or count as a kill. If they're not dead when they go overboard, they're not out of the fight and do not count towards the final kill count. the pirate should be sufficiently wounded for it to count? (Like being comatose, or having a gaping sword wound before they are knocked overboard.)

I think I could work with this. Mildly questionable coincidences, commence!

...This is why one shouldn't keep multiple tabs open when working on a post.

Sorry, guys. I'll re-type the last bit. (._.)
It's okay.

My post will have to wait until Sunday. I literally am working ALL DAY tomorrow from around 8am well into the 9pm-2am range. I'm going to be exhausted, but I promise I'll post on Sunday once I have managed to sleep it off.
In that case I shall forewarn I shall be abit preoccupied that day, family matters and the like.

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