Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla

True. But wouldn't the ocean just make things worse? Unless you mean that he should go for a swim.

What a swimmingly fantastic idea, chap! Tyrin should go first. (.-.)
Well I do indeed! But I must give Al the honor of going first my deer chap!

After all, height before armor value?
I'm not quite sure, I feel like there was some sort of potential conflict, but I do say we've found a most agreable soloution
Yes, yes...surely, hypothermia is the ultimate solution to seasickness.

~5 frigid minutes later~

Gadammit, Tyrin! Why couldn't you have just given me a barrel?

All I wanted was a barrel... (._.)
Oooooh a barrel! You wanted a barrel! I thought you said you wanted an Ear-ful!

so naturally I assumed you meant Earful of ocean water!
Why would I have the rope? I was busy concealing my weapon from the enemy pirates.

*small splish of water as an arrow hits the water* Speaking of which...can you make mana shields?
You think I can fight with that monstrosity of a broadsword AND a shield?

My sword is my shield! *more arrows rain down from above*
What do you have in mind, exactly? We give them an arm for a leg?

*sighs* I can't really decide which I'd rather keep...
Hm. If we use cryotechnology, we can preserve the limbs until you're a high enough level to re-attach them!

Let's stay positive and try to get to the cryo-chambers as soon as possible. *pause*

Did you happen to bring a spare rope, in the case that you forgot the first?

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