Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla

Right, so I realized something, where exactly are we supposed to keep track of health?

And does extended healing just heal for more?
TerraBooma said:
Right, so I realized something, where exactly are we supposed to keep track of health?
And does extended healing just heal for more?
Health will be kept track of based on the kind of damage you take. Kyo'da, for instance, has taken substantial damage and is down for the count, meaning his HP is close to zero. But that kind of general reference is all we'll need for this RP. If you want your character to die, then kill them. If not, then damage them all you like so long as they can still breathe and protect themselves long enough to be healed.
Ahh okay, well I'll work on pumping out a post. Tyrin'll be on dedicated Kyo'Da duty xD

So just to be EXTRA sure, 8 pirates (Including bosses) left right?
TerraBooma said:
Ahh okay, well I'll work on pumping out a post. Tyrin'll be on dedicated Kyo'Da duty xD
So just to be EXTRA sure, 8 pirates (Including bosses) left right?

2 bosses, 5 regular pirates left.
Crap, I've got to get back to work on my character. You guys are almost done with that fight, once it's over I doubt I have much time to finish and post the skeleton in the sign-up thread before you guys reach port.
Ah, so who should post next? I'm abit tied up.
Orikanyo said:
Ah, so who should post next? I'm abit tied up.
It depends.

If you would rather wait until the rest of us finish posting the deaths of the remaining 5 pirates to make room for the Boss fights, you can do that. Franny has a decent kill count unless I'm mistaken, unless you'd like to try for about 2 more just for grins. Still, since the Boss fight will be an automatic level up for 100 EXP, if you'd rather sit and wait you are free to do so.
I'll wait, the auto 100 means a confirmed level, and with paragon that means two levels, I'd rather not be a exp horder if I can, why I made her have paragon, small kill count but a meaningful kill count.
Orikanyo said:
I'll wait, the auto 100 means a confirmed level, and with paragon that means two levels, I'd rather not be a exp horder if I can, why I made her have paragon, small kill count but a meaningful kill count.
Paragon does not apply to Boss battles. It's 1 level.
In anycase that is still a full level and doubling the 5 she's already done. Or was it 7? Not sure, either way you could pretty much double the effective kills for this counter for herexp gain, which even with diminished returns, is quite abit.
One more question, since Kyo'Da wil lbe getting some serious healing done, would it count as multiple heals for Tyrin?
TerraBooma said:
One more question, since Kyo'Da wil lbe getting some serious healing done, would it count as multiple heals for Tyrin?
The amount of healing required doesn't change the fact that it is coming in one sitting. So it only counts as one. If Kyo'da need further healing later, when the battle is over, then any second healing efforts will count on their own as well.
Oki doke, good to know.

Might do some minor heals on the likes of Tyrin and Al before Kyo'Da, as the Kyo'Da injury would happen towards the end of my post.

I'm not quite sure where everyone is on the ship, would it be feasible to have Tyrin run to Al then Kyo'Da?
TerraBooma said:
Oki doke, good to know.
Might do some minor heals on the likes of Tyrin and Al before Kyo'Da, as the Kyo'Da injury would happen towards the end of my post.

I'm not quite sure where everyone is on the ship, would it be feasible to have Tyrin run to Al then Kyo'Da?
Of course.
Righty, and just (For final clarifications, I don't wanna mess things up) Sei'Rina didn't make any apperant calls for help or cries in pain that Tyrin'd be able to hear over battle? As much as I'd love to heal her, I'm pretty sure it'd be Meta
TerraBooma said:
Righty, and just (For final clarifications, I don't wanna mess things up) Sei'Rina didn't make any apperant calls for help or cries in pain that Tyrin'd be able to hear over battle? As much as I'd love to heal her, I'm pretty sure it'd be Meta
She didn't cry out for help, but by now the blood seeping through her clothes will be dripping onto the floor around her which, in the moonlight, should be easy to spot. Shining red liquid beneath a girl's feet/posterior when she's seated is hard to mistake for anything but what it is.
TerraBooma said:
Wait, isn't she below decks? That's the problem, I don't really have a reason to go below decks do I?
She went below deck to get Olivi Grass to help heal her exhaustion, but she's back by the door sitting down on a step singing for whoever needs her.
Ahh okay, I was a bit confused on that, sorry I'm aksing so many questions, just wanna make sure I know what I'm doing
not sure what your doing but i'm listening to creepypastas, against my better judgment.
Wait what

Ori why

that's a baaad idea


Al's injured right

I just want to check for my post, he's been injrued by an arrow.

(Fucking hell I am so paranoid today -_- )
One arrow wound in his left shoulder, one gash running along the side of his left forearm

And seasickness...which can't really be cured. (Mwahahahaha)

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