Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla

xD I figured it out quickly enough.

I'm tempted to post, but I feel like waiting on Cyrus, Mai, and co before going at it again.
Go ahead if you feel it, we have no real turn order, he'll I'm tempted to get Frany moar kills. Such kill, very leveling, much stats.
Well, I don't think Tyrin would be able to stand up to another person, might have him walk over to heal Kyo'Da
That much itself is a rather hard job, we still have 10 idiots to cut through before the captain and his first mate(yar har fiddly dee) come aboard.

Which franny and Sei-rina will take down, it seems our resident princess will need comforting after such a terrible ordeal.

That reminds me, she did get hit by an arrow, best get that looked at.
That's be great.

But Tyrin ahs no way of knmowing sh'e hurt as of right now without me doing Meta, which I don't do.
Half dead, or half alive as the optimists say.

Yeah, I've just been really drained on creativity. I'd make a post, but it would likely be very bad. I'll try for the next two days.
...I will never have Al fight with Mai. I will never have Al fight with Mai. I will never have Al fight with Mai. I will never have Al fight with Mai. I will never have Al fight with Mai. I will never have Al fight with Mai.

I will never, never-ever, ever-never, EVER have Al fight with Mai.
TerraBooma said:
There's what, 3 pirates left now? Including the boss/subboss?
There are a total of 40, so we have 13 left including Bosses but that will change by the end of tonight.
Alrighty, who needs healing the most right now? From what I gather, it's Kyo'da?

Actually, can I multi-heal? Multiple heals in one post?
Ufufufufu...time to kill more pirates. (Cannot wait for boss battle, it's going to be so epic even if my character's head is going to be in a barrel for the majority of it.)
My, so many people afraid of the kitty, starts to make me wonder if I'm playing it tame, but good to see our dear pretty kitty is getting some action, I wonder what she likes for treats?

Nonetheless go ahead and have tyrin scurry about with his healing, that is his job of course. remember folks when the boss comes theres going to be a steep increase of ass kickage, on our side if I remember. And Sei'rina and franny will be the ones to take down the big baddies it seems.
Francis kills the big boss captain.

Sei'rina kills the little boss first mate.

And we go to town on the remaining 13 pirates.
i'm planning abit of a show offy thing if allowed, involves a whip, the ship's rigging and a whole lot of climbing... with a skirt on if i remember, one second... yep indeed a skirt, but we must make sacrifices now and then., you go girl? *thumbs up* Flashy is good, flashy is always good. And if anything bad happens with the skirt, no worries! It's night-time in the RP, anyways!
Self-induced whip lacerations, self-induced bondage, self-induced skirt tangling...long-range enemy attack.

I feel like, if Francis is currently the greatest obstacle of her fabulous plans.

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