Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla

I was going to ask that myself, exp is a commodity these days and with paragon franny is kinda gona sky rocket with these kills and of course the boss kill... which in itself will be 2 lvls regardless of level.
Hi. I'm new to forum RP in general, so forgive me if I'm doing something wrong.

May I join this RP? Not sure if this is the right place to ask, so again please go easy on me if I screwed up just by asking.
To join roleplays generally one would go to the interest checks or one on one threads, to see those threads click on the icon above and you'll find the home page, go into one of those ares and you'll find them.

This roleplay is currently on going, but its not my place to say if you can or can't, from what i see its a bad time for a new person to indeed show up anyways. @Kyero has the final say in such. Welcome to the site btw.
TheSloth1000 said:
I see. I guess we'll wait on Kyero then.
Also thanks for not totally biting my head off! :D
Most people here won't bite your head off unless they are full of themselves and think overly highly of their own "ability" as a role-player/GM. Thankfully, nobody here has such an ego.

Welcome to the RP, Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla!

So, given that you are new I'd like to say a few words to let you know what you are in for if you decide to join:

One, this RP is fairly advanced and based very heavily on the lore of the Fire Emblem franchise. If you are familiar with the Fire Emblem franchise (not counting Super Smash Brothers character appearances of course), then you are in fairly good shape for what's ahead.

Two, the RP requires you to keep track of several things for your own character including their level, their stats, their overall condition (both in and outside of battle), and their personal finances. (Right now the finances thing hasn't been heavily stressed, but it will be once the sea trip is over).

Three, the RP has numerous characters of differing backgrounds given the Fire Emblem lore. Do not feel pressured to create a beorc (human) character. If one of the different Laguz (shape shifters) appeals to you, then let me know.

Four, all the RP rules and guidelines must be followed. Ask anyone who has joined and they'll all tell you that I do not accept halfhearted attempts to join. If the character skeleton that you must copy from the Overview page says "5 sentences minimum per paragraph," then that means that there will be no fewer than five sentences. Four sentences will not cut it, no matter how long they are.

There is a method to my madness, but always I am willing to listen and hear you out if you have complains or concerns to address. If you feel at all as if you are not ready for this RP due to anything I've said, then please do tell me. Nobody will yell at you or belittle you for choosing not to join if the strict rules and requirements have made you uncomfortable. So please relax and make your choice whenever you're ready. If you feel you are in fact ready to join the RP, then let us know and we'll all pitch in to make you feel at home here.
Well first of all I'd REALLY like to thank you for your patience and the time you put into that post.

So anyways, the keeping track of stats thing does sound intimidating, and though I don't follow the FE lore because im not good at SRPG's. I know the gist of the story, but that's about it. But I think if I could read some wiki entries, and make some docs, then I could totally do this.
TheSloth1000 said:
Well first of all I'd REALLY like to thank you for your patience and the time you put into that post.
So anyways, the keeping track of stats thing does sound intimidating, and though I don't follow the FE lore because im not good at SRPG's. I know the gist of the story, but that's about it. But I think if I could read some wiki entries, and make some docs, then I could totally do this.
Then please take your time and learn the basics as many of them are fairly straight forward.

You have seven stats in the RP (eight stats in the games) and each one has a growth rate on a 0-100% scale. The higher the growth rate, the greater the likelihood the stat will increase and your character will become stronger. Very simple. Keeping track of the stats is more tedious than intimidating once you understand how your character works after making them.

Another basic is the "weapon triangle." Swords beat Axes, Axes beat Lances, Lances beat Swords. Now this is not something that actually works. It's all based on the skill of the one wielding it. But generally speaking these weapons do hold an advantage in specific circumstances such as a lance having reach over a sword, a sword being lighter and faster than an axe, and an axe being able to chop a lance shaft or trap it on the ground. Bows are not part of the triangle, nor are daggers or any other weapon on the list in this RP. But for the sake of realism I decided to add in a bunch of other weapons to suit different combat styles, all of which have their strengths and weaknesses.

But again, all of the "advantages" one weapon has over another is entirely subjective and based on the skill of the user more than the design of the weapon.

Magic is important too and follows a similar weapon triangle in the three main elements. Wind beats Thunder, Thunder beats Fire, and Fire beats Wind. Light beast Dark, and Dark beast the three main "Anima" or elemental magics as part of a secondary "triangle" effect, but I have removed this "triangle" in favor of a simple and straightforward relative power and lethality system to make things easier to understand.

Laguz are shape shifting humanoids who retain usually two traits of their animal form when in their human state such as the ears and tail for the beast tribes, the wings of the bird tribes, etc,. They are also more physically powerful than beorc (humans), but usually are more susceptible to magic because of it as a balancing feature.

So these are the most important basics to keep in mind.
Kyero said:
Then please take your time and learn the basics as many of them are fairly straight forward.
You have seven stats in the RP (eight stats in the games) and each one has a growth rate on a 0-100% scale. The higher the growth rate, the greater the likelihood the stat will increase and your character will become stronger. Very simple. Keeping track of the stats is more tedious than intimidating once you understand how your character works after making them.

Another basic is the "weapon triangle." Swords beat Axes, Axes beat Lances, Lances beat Swords. Now this is not something that actually works. It's all based on the skill of the one wielding it. But generally speaking these weapons do hold an advantage in specific circumstances such as a lance having reach over a sword, a sword being lighter and faster than an axe, and an axe being able to chop a lance shaft or trap it on the ground. Bows are not part of the triangle, nor are daggers or any other weapon on the list in this RP. But for the sake of realism I decided to add in a bunch of other weapons to suit different combat styles, all of which have their strengths and weaknesses.

But again, all of the "advantages" one weapon has over another is entirely subjective and based on the skill of the user more than the design of the weapon.

Magic is important too and follows a similar weapon triangle in the three main elements. Wind beats Thunder, Thunder beats Fire, and Fire beats Wind. Light beast Dark, and Dark beast the three main "Anima" or elemental magics as part of a secondary "triangle" effect, but I have removed this "triangle" in favor of a simple and straightforward relative power and lethality system to make things easier to understand.

Laguz are shape shifting humanoids who retain usually two traits of their animal form when in their human state such as the ears and tail for the beast tribes, the wings of the bird tribes, etc,. They are also more physically powerful than beorc (humans), but usually are more susceptible to magic because of it as a balancing feature.

So these are the most important basics to keep in mind.
Alright, that sounds good! I think this is gonna be easier than I thought. Should I draw up my character now, or read up on the lore first? If so, then where's the best place to read up on it?
TheSloth1000 said:
Alright, that sounds good! I think this is gonna be easier than I thought. Should I draw up my character now, or read up on the lore first? If so, then where's the best place to read up on it?
I'd pay more attention to the lore of this RP than the actual Fire Emblem lore as this RP is not canon to the franchise. It's an entirely new story in a new world, but based on the same world mechanics. So read up in the "Mechanics" page and check the "Settings/Locations" page to get an idea of how people live in the different areas across the map that's in the "Gallery" thread.
Don't worry to much on party composition, while I am the only mage, not including our healer though technically one, and I will also be a cavalier in the nearish future, you can do as you please with the character class.

Since it's your first forum rp I recommend going with what you'd like most, what flows best for you. Do stay on the first tier of course, we haven't gotten to that level yet. Indeed, if we want to see our wonderful little babies become warmachines of the highest caliber we need to wait a good while.

Also, I shall be making my post tomorrow morn- well more like THIS morning really.

And again, welcome to the group, and don't think to much on the numbers, while there the true test in battle is the description of it. While I shall admit our leader is quite good in that department don't worry to much on impossible standards, he'll even a mediocre fool like me lasted this long.

wow my words are incoherent, a mix between trying to sound smart but looking like a fool at the same time, never talking while tired again.
TheSloth1000 said:
Alright cool. Is that all I should do before making my character? Or do you reccomend something else as well?
That's about all I have for you at the moment. Have at it.

Thanks guys. You're all awesome!

Just one more thing: does anyone think they could give me a summarized-version of the RP thus far so I can tie my character into the story better? I got a bio down and all I need is a way to do just that.
Basically our characters all met, decided to travel together for mutual interest reasons, found a conspiracy, and are attempting to thwart that conspiracy as well as something possibly more sinister lurking in the shadows.

Right now we're at sea fighting pirates, and will soon arrive in the Nation of Auxeras where my Wolf Laguz character will officially join the group.

@Trignome, @Orikanyo, please remember to keep track of the Kill Count at the bottom of your post as both myself and Terra have. Otherwise it will be harder to keep track of the total and the fight could drag on longer than it's supposed to or end prematurely.

Thank you.
I think I placed a spoiler in mine that did so.
Orikanyo said:
I think I placed a spoiler in mine that did so.
Let's avoid spoilers and just put it up in big bold print, shall we? I'll take care of the edit. I want everyone to be able to see it all in one sitting rather than have to realize, "Oh, there's a spoiler there for me to click."

Too much work for something that should be up front for everyone right off the bat, know what I mean?
ah, i get yea. I mainly did it for the title thing, felt sassy :/
one of these days we'll get a joke outa you Kyero, and on that day. We will be amused.
Hey, would you guys mind if I made a character and joined? I've read the last four or so pages of the "in character" section so I have the gist of what you guys are up to right now.
Killjoy707 said:
Hey, would you guys mind if I made a character and joined? I've read the last four or so pages of the "in character" section so I have the gist of what you guys are up to right now.
If you'd like to make a character and apply to join you're welcome to do so. If you have questions about anything, ask them now so there is no confusion or any misunderstandings.

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