Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla

A beautiful, Laguz woman with a near-obsession with Kyo'da, who frequently shows tendencies of dogged pursuit in lieu of hunting.

Should I congratulate his good fortune? Or be concerned for his well-being? (These two are boarding the ship, for sure. Fire the canons.)

Ah, all these puns. I have no regrets.
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Trignome said:
A beautiful, Laguz woman with a near-obsession with Kyero, who frequently shows tendencies of dogged pursuit in lieu of hunting.
Should I congratulate his good fortune? Or be concerned for his well-being? (These two are boarding the ship, for sure. Fire the canons.)

Ah, all these puns. I have no regrets.
"Kyo'da," not me. Thank you. Lol.
Terra Approves of puns

I like puns

....yaaaay puns.

Anyway, you can keep us moving if ya want, no reason for me to try and start something up if we're on the move then
Seems franny qwont be getting an interview then. Sucks being a background character.

Seems franny wont be getting an interview then. Sucks being a background character.
Orikanyo said:
Seems franny qwont be getting an interview then. Sucks being a background character.
Seems franny wont be getting an interview then. Sucks being a background character.
I won't move us forward just yet. If you want Fran to ask the King something before we move on, now's the time to have her yell out "Kingie! Wait!"
Cheers, Francis! Background characters are the best; we sing the chorus-line!

"And she's buying a stairway to heaveeeeeeeeen..."
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Indeed the time is now, but alas it is better to simply save it for later... also because I have to sleep for an exam tomorrow... got to love terrible timings eh?
Orikanyo said:
Indeed the time is now, but alas it is better to simply save it for later... also because I have to sleep for an exam tomorrow... got to love terrible timings eh?
Heh. As you wish.

Then forward we march and together we ride!
I forgot to mention... Franny doesn't deal well with horses... so it's less riding, more hanging on for dear life as the horse follows the others... she's much better with ships...

I'm sure she'll have another chance to squeeze information out of a laguz, she avoids Mai simply because she doesn't seem the type to beable tp provide information she wishes... also she's also afraid she may ruin her chances of getting near those ears.

Maybe she will get to interview a crow? Certainly there is no way that could go wrong.
So everyone, it's been a long trip.

Since leaving Ylioran, it's been almost a month so we've had plenty of time to get acquainted. However, I'll leave most of the real bonding time to personal time at your own discretion.

Remember romance and friendships are always to be worked out between you and whomever owns the character you're hoping to bond with, so as a courtesy be sure to contact them whenever you're ready to begin building the character's relationships.

For now though, we have a battle to fight so prepare yourselves!

Nobody is to engage until I set the tone with the post regarding enemy stats and capabilities, but aside from that, feel free to react and add whatever information on what your character may have done during the long trip!
I just kind of assumed all the characters owuld be friends by the end

Hey, can we say Tyrin's managed to pickup a blade of sorts in the timeskip? Just a knife or something?
TerraBooma said:
I just kind of assumed all the characters owuld be friends by the end
Hey, can we say Tyrin's managed to pickup a blade of sorts in the timeskip? Just a knife or something?
If you'd like.
So, some rules to follow for everyone about the new enemies!

Even AFTER Franny goes to town on their ships, we're going to be facing down quite a few pirates, a total of 40 of them to be precise. Pirates are good swimmers after all, and Franny can only concentrate so much magic at one time given how low level she is as well as how low her MAG stat is relative to the overall scheme of things. She might down two boats and cause a small handful of pirates to drown in the process caught inside the ships, but the rest will make it to ours to engage us in combat.

So buckle up, cause here come the rules!

1) Their stats are relatively comparable to everyone of our own, which means no one shot kills and no domination on our part. These pirates will present a challenge to everyone.

2) Because we'll be facing 40 enemies, everyone who fights will be getting hurt... badly. Even dear little Mai despite her Laguz transformation buffs will be getting a sound thrashing before the fight's over.

That's about it!

So have at it and ENGAGE!!

Oh... And when it comes to who defeats the two Boss enemies! I am assigning everyone a number and using an RNG to decide who gets the honors (and yes, Tyrin and Sei'rina are in there as well!)

Cyrus - 1

Kyo'da - 2

Al - 3

Mai - 4

Franny - 5

Tyrin - 6

Sei'rina - 7

So, here goes!

Random Number Generator... AWAY!!!


................................. And, survey says: Franny and Sei'rina are our winners!!

The Boss battles will be last once we've made it through the generic Pirates.

To that end I ask everyone who battles to indicate at the bottom of their posts the total Pirate death tally, which does include the number of Pirates killed by others as well as yourself. Once we reach 38, the Bosses will take to the field and start beating the bejeezus out of us until Franny and Sei'rina manage their miraculous come from behind victories!

I will wait for Franny to attack the ships on the starboard side where Kyo'da is before I post for him with the Pirates coming in close enough to engage.

Everyone on the port side is free to begin posting immediately, so have at it!
:o franny gets her moment to shine! Come on girl it's showtime(who are you? Please stop pulling me!)

So two ships are going kablooey, pirates going, and others will be hit with the magical equivalent of a freight truck, sounds fun.

Also... our little princess can fight? never knew Sei'rina could aside from gladar.
TerraBooma said:
Tyrin's going to be busy, that's for sure!

Healing is melee range right?
It is, so he's going to be in the danger zone.


Orikanyo said:
:o franny gets her moment to shine! Come on girl it's showtime(who are you? Please stop pulling me!)
So two ships are going kablooey, pirates going, and others will be hit with the magical equivalent of a freight truck, sounds fun.

Also... our little princess can fight? never knew Sei'rina could aside from gladar.
She cannot fight traditionally, but she has other ways of doing so and she's not going to enjoy it.
hmm... using gladar to confuse the enemies? Sei'rina uses supersonic, the enemy is confused!
Orikanyo said:
hmm... using gladar to confuse the enemies? Sei'rina uses supersonic, the enemy is confused!
Haha, no... It's much worse than that. Much, much worse and it goes against everything Sei'rina was taught and believes in.
she turns into the hulk? Presses a button that activated her orbital space laser? She will gently smack them on the wrist telling them no until they feel bad, apologize and go away?
Orikanyo said:
she turns into the hulk? Presses a button that activated her orbital space laser? She will gently smack them on the wrist telling them no until they feel bad, apologize and go away?
You'll see, but not until the end of the battle.
Well of course, only if your a mage do you bring out the big guns at the start. The longer the battle persists the more chances a mistake is made, now then how would you prefer these ships destroyed? Blown to pieces or dragged into the deep by eldritch forces?

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