Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla

I wonder if anybody in the group knows how to ride horses? Or better yet...seasickness? bwahahaha. I shall make my character miserable.

Anyways, no matter what, I am going to post today. Even if its just details of a man standing in a corner.
Well... Franny doesn't deal to well with horses... Neither really did her mother actually, both are rather good at killing them, taming and riding is another idea all together.
Tyrin isn't happy a bout boats, but doesn't hate them. He's fine around horses, they're easy for him to deal with/
Long filler post is long. I regret nothing, because character development is essential. Yes, that sounds like a good excuse. I shall use that.

Anyways, I was debating who to approach, since antisocial RP-ing is pretty pointless, so then I thought: Tyrin is out, since he joined the discussion with Kyo'da and Cyrus. Francis is out, especially after the weird scene the night before. Sei'rina is out, because she's too beautiful to talk to. Which leaves Mai, the psychotic kitty.

Ahahaha...Al is such a lucky guy.

And How is Franny out? xD

I forgot abotu Sei'Rina actually, if/when Tyrin's suggestion gets shut down he'll go talk to her probably.
Reyson did. I forgot when he did it, but it was somewhere near his recruitment.

Herons are Laguz who can perform the sacred magic of galdrar. The royal herons have white wings, while common herons have darker blue or brown wings. Long before the events of Fire Emblem Path of Radiance, the Heron Tribe lived in the Serenes Forest. The Serenes forest was later burned down by Begnion citizens, after the Herons were blamed for the assassination of the Begnion apostle Misaha, and are on the verge of extinction by the start of the game, their population reduced to the single digits. Herons are known for their ability to see into peoples' hearts and read their emotions.

Guess I was wrong. But Sei'rina could still read into Cyrus' emotions and get the gist of why he wouldn't want to go. :P
that's some freaky ayy lmao shit right there, if so hopefully they don't meet any pervs... that reminds me we need a perv for the group, no group is truely a group without one.
Hmm, well I'm currently working on a character myself, she wont show up for awhile, but I'm sure people will like her.
oh he doesn't need to be, he can do as he pleases. But don't feel discouraged to call me as my title again.

it is nice that someone finally noticed.
i think I shall create a proverb to give an example of the last part of my post. "the tighter money gets, the tighter people sleep."
Or..."the tighter the purse strings draw, the more get to sleep in the hall"

"the lower the funds, the smellier the feet"

Ah...short posts are a relief. >_<
TerraBooma said:
xD Niiice, I'll see if I can't put out a post.
Hey Terra.

Please do be careful to read posts more thoroughly okay. Sei'rina never said anything about the Herons directly save for the fact that they prefer to remain out of contact with beorc the most of the bird tribes. It was the Eagles she was talking about going to. I already made the change for you, but again do be careful in the future to avoid such misunderstandings.

Thank you.
I made the mistake before, but a recovery was made, and so was a lecture on bird Laguz sociology and attitudes towards humans. Mistakes must be made if knowledge is to be gained I suppous.

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