Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla

Speaking of slow, I have suffered something of a tragedy with my main laptop which I use for pretty much everything. It is in for repairs right now, so my access to the site is going to be limited until I know for sure what's going on. If my laptop bites it, I might not be online again until I get a new one which could take anywhere from a few days to two weeks.

Sorry guys.
Ah, sorry to ehar man, and sorry myself. Dman school has me by the neck..
Yesss, Yessssss, let the hype consume you.
Well sadly it'll have to wait.

Just so everyone knows, just had a computer error on my comp. Things aren't working very well and it'll be awhile before I'm backup to speed.
Hey, awesome news! My HDD is still functioning so it looks like I'm back in business!...

... Awkward. I get back up to speed and Terra is down for the count.

Do you just want me to write out their journey? Or would you prefer I add some turmoil or something?
I'd say just skip them ahead to the edge of the Eagle's territory and I'll take care of the rest.
I appologise for my disappearance, a mix of sickness,s tress, monster hunter 4 ultimate and over all school work kept me from producing anything worthwhile enough to call a post... and so I am here now. And what you may ask shall i post? something thats been missing for awhile now, Franny fan-girling.
[QUOTE="Black Masquerade]Do you have any plans for the Raven Laguz?

I do, but not for a while.
Update! Computer getting fixed today

to make sure I understand what's going on, everyone's talking to the eagle king? Or just Cyrus, Mai, Sei'Rina and Kyo'Da?
TerraBooma said:
Update! Computer getting fixed today
to make sure I understand what's going on, everyone's talking to the eagle king? Or just Cyrus, Mai, Sei'Rina and Kyo'Da?
At the moment, ONLY Cyrus is talking to the King. Everyone else is a fair distance away to make the conversation private.
indeed, something Fran-fran is quite jealous of.
Alrighty, good to know, Computer is BACK UP AND RUNNING


I'll work on a post when I get the chance

Wait, so Franny's just kind of ranting to herself? xD
xD Alright, I'll think of something...not sure

owait, I think I know what to do.

So are they walking or on horses?
They still have horses with them, but by this time Kyo'da and Sei'rina are off the horses and standing on the ground while Cyrus speaks to the King.

@TerraBooma, I'll wait until you post before I have everyone move on and push the story forward a bit more.

I'll also introduce Rhe'sia once we make it to our destination, but before we do that we'll be going through a rather nasty sea battle so buckle up and prepare yourselves! It's going to be rough seas ahead!
Oh my, it seems my little mage will be seeing quite abit of action then, whats better then magic on the open sea? You needn't even go on another ship to dish out destruction.

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