Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla

Orikanyo said:
Well of course, only if your a mage do you bring out the big guns at the start. The longer the battle persists the more chances a mistake is made, now then how would you prefer these ships destroyed? Blown to pieces or dragged into the deep by eldritch forces?
Both scenarios are outside of her ability right now given her level and experience.

I'd say it's safe to use what darkness is available to spike the bottom of the boats, causing massive holes which make them start sinking. Remember that magic has its limits, and those limits are directly proportional to the mage's own stamina. The more powerful the spell or more aggressive the effect, the greater the toll it takes on the mage. It doesn't matter how much of the element is present to help the mage work, their stamina remains consistent to their own training and conditioning.
Of course of course, do understand I tend to exaggerate for sake of a joke. A large hole blown in the base of a ship is a death sentence, wooden doors cannot block such things, no matter how water proofed once the hull is breached it's sink or swim. Have some faith, I am not a fool, just an idiot.
Orikanyo said:
Of course of course, do understand I tend to exaggerate for sake of a joke. A large hole blown in the base of a ship is a death sentence, wooden doors cannot block such things, no matter how water proofed once the hull is breached it's sink or swim. Have some faith, I am not a fool, just an idiot.
Lol. Very well. Have at it Franny!
Oh? were ready? Well i have to head into another exam at the moment, I udnerstand it's annoying but sadly this is the 2nd week before my week off so mid terms are abound.
Orikanyo said:
Oh? were ready? Well i have to head into another exam at the moment, I udnerstand it's annoying but sadly this is the 2nd week before my week off so mid terms are abound.
No worries. Post when you can.
Naw, he should be on the front line. Givem a good stickin'.
Yah, totally. Best plan. He'll walk up and smack somebody on the head with his staff

Just to clarify Kyero, there's very little chances of Tyrin standingtoe to toe with these guys right?

And are there any ranged ones?
Well everyone's going to be in danger, from ranged and melee, but remember there is the sailors of the ship it's self that we must protect/will protect themselves. Support where you can, maybe possibly cheery pick a kill, bad word for it but doesn't matter, another enemy downed is another one down. And there's a lot there...
Yah, even so Tyrin's job is essentially slipping the blade between the ribs of a pirate with his back turned. xD

I'll try and top off NPC crew members when I can. That should help
Well, there's got to be SOME reason why he's not socializing with the others. Too busy lying on the floor with his face in a barrel to talk, I guess?

This is how I show love to my characters...
Hmm, aside from not being able to swim franny is fine enough on the sea. Now, i must complete this psot before I knock myself out from my tiredness.
and done, to be honest magic is magestic to describe, swordplay can be done with feats of strength and dexterity... with magic... point, chant, boom.
Oh, yea something about studying for 21 years or something, who cares about that.
Nobody. Oh, sorry. Was that a rhetorical question?

Anyways, I don't know how Mai and Tyrin are going to fight, but my character's going to try to cover one of the boarding planks. (And maybe counter-attack an enemy ship, though that's highly unlikely since they have AH-ROWS! Curse dem ah-rows!)
Ah yes I forgot Al's abit blind-ish.
Also, I wasn't sure how many pirates were downed by Francis' spells, so I didn't include a total death count at the end of my post. So...there were three that fell overboard, and presumably there's more dead men on deck. So, like...10? For both ships combined, I mean.

Since there's three other ships left, and I'm assuming that the captain and the first mate are on separate ships to maximize their commands, then there's 38 pirates remaining. If they were split evenly amongst the 5 ships, it'd average out to about 7-8 on each ship. Let's say that the ships with only 7 lackeys are the ones with the bosses, so that the attack has evenly spread man-power. So the ships would end up being:

7 men; 1 boss

7 men; 1 boss

8 men

8 men

8 men

...And then, because the bosses are going to make their grand entrance towards the end of the battle, presumably the two ships that were incapacitated were most likely 8-crew ships. That's a total of 16 potential deaths/KO's. So, 3 men went overboard, leaving 13 remaining. So 3-4 casualties per each ship sounds about right. (Like, considering the length/breadth of the ship, a few of the crew members might have been protected by smaller mast structures, cabin outcroppings, ship riggings...etc...etc...) Which means that the ship that was introduced port-side might be the remaining 8-crew ship, if we're still going by the "boss-battle-at-the-end" pacing.

Fuuuuu...RP fights are such a pain to keep track of...

Anyways! All that incessant rambling aside, what ever did you mean by "blind-ish", m' dear Orikanyo? Do you mean, blind to the fantastical allure of Francis' beauty? Though, let's say that they do become friends...her height will make an interesting contrast with his Napoleon complex. It's going to be a lovely friendship, to be sure.
Personally, I don't think Tyrin is liked very much by Al

I'll wait on a post till Kyero gives us an official Kill count xD

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