Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla

...You know, now that you mention Tyrin...Have the two of them really introduced themselves to each other? I do believe an introduction will be happening at some point when they get back to camp.

But first, to deal with the shenanigans happening now. (I miss one day, and suddenly there's been a meeting with the mayor, a boss fight, and cool lines being said all over the place. This RP is great!)
actually I don't think they have. The only people who aren't aquainted

and what lines? xD I don't see anything exceptionally cool here.
Oh no, I didn't mean what was being said. That's all typical RP character banter.

I meant 'cool' like the coloring effect of the text was cool. With dialogue everywhere, it's as if a rainbow came and danced on our RP. Because, of course, rainbows are masters of the prismatic ballet. (.-.)

Well that was descriptive

We have a great cast in my opinion

The Soft-Spoken Princess

The Kind Hearted Healer

The Scientific Mage

The Hot-Headed Leader

The Sell Sword

And whatever the hell Kyo'Da is
Oh...I also had a cast description in mind. But it's much less optimistic than yours.

The Strawberry Waif-er

The Altruistic Nurse

The High-strung Accountant

The Psy-cat-ic Laguz

The Masked Vigilante

The Fool-headed Wifey

The Pocket-knife Swordsman

...yeah. Much less kinder than your list. >_>
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaheaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. I don't even know who's who on a few of the lists xD

Like who's the Wifey? Sei'Rina? And is Strawberry supposed to be Kyo'Da?
Well...sort of? I think you probably got most of them, but one of them is a total shocker, so that might have thrown you off?

Sei'Rina: The Strawberry Waif-er (Waifish figure, delicate constitution that's like a wafer, and strawberry blonde hair)

Tyrin: The Altruistic Nurse (Naive, the only cleric of the group, and waaaay too nice for his own good)

Francisca: The High-strung Accountant (Nerves, nerves everywhere, compulsively tries to organize any and all aspects of the merc. group)

Mai: The Psy-cat-ic Laguz (she's a cat Laguz, and she's psychotic. Yup, no more explanation needed for this one.)

Cyrus: The Masked Vigilante (There's the mask, and also his intense sense of justice which may blind him to the ethics and perspective of other people)

Al: The Fool-headed Wifey (Yeah...this might be a surprise for you? *cackles giddily* You'll eventually understand this title...eventually... xD )

Kyo'Da: The Pocket-knife Swordsman (Like one of those Swiss-knife-gizmos; has multiple skills, and is pretty competent in everything he does)

Ahaha...I have too much free time.
TerraBooma said:
Well that was descriptive

We have a great cast in my opinion

The Soft-Spoken Princess

The Kind Hearted Healer

The Scientific Mage

The Hot-Headed Leader

The Sell Sword

And whatever the hell Kyo'Da is
"whatever the hell Kyo'da is"

Nice. LOL!!
Not sure if you're speaking to me, but I'll take the compliment anyways. *scuttles away with the praise clutched tightly in hands*
Sei'rina, her hair and her delicate demeanor reminds me of strawberry milk for some reason...
figured as much, a true naieve person would be quite fun though, but play your character as you like.

Character idea, the really naieve and cloistered knight, living his life sheltered in a religious sanctuary, insulated from the people outside he only read of the outside world, never see it for himself. When an accident occurs he manages to "excape" his confinement and wanders the world lost, incredably confused and unsure of everything. To make it better, make him a paladin and send him off to slay a succubus lord. "You want to have abit of fun church boy?" "Fun? Ah, so you play games here?" "Indeed we do, many games, any game you wish~!" "How about checkers." "...What?" "Or perhaps chess, i haven't had a good game of chess in awhile." "No, I mean were going to get into this bed and..." "Into the bed? Why?" "huh?" "its hardly time for bed, much less a nap."

I'll be honest my mind goes places when I'm bored.
I'll have a post for Sei'rina, Kyo'da, and the guards by tonight when I get home from school guys. Sorry about the wait.
no worries man, life gets in the way, and sometimes it has us by the ba-- in anycase I shall await it eagerly.

(Down by they bay)


(Where the watermelons grow.)


(Back to my home)


(I dare not go) Nobody else knows that?

....I'll take my canoeing/campfire songs abd hide then
xD Yay

Sorry, saw ori say by the ba-

and just kinda had to. I know otns of songs like that froms when I was in scouts
Man, that song is not going to leave my head now.
Liking this mood system so far, kinda fun.

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