Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla

searching it up on the wiki would be your best bet, I know it improves combat parameters.
I do, i expect mai to be the prettiest kitty ever.
xD Ori's gota point, she's the only Kitty so she's the prettiest

actually I have an idea, going to ask Kyero after I check something
Ideas are good. I like ideas.

However I'd like everyone to refrain from new characters for the time being. We have a big enough cast as it is right now. If you have character ideas feel free to submit them to the Character Sign-Up sheet, but don't expect me to let them into the RP just yet. I would like to see what we can accomplish with the characters we have now.

Hey everyone, quick update.

If you look at Rhe'sia's profile I have added a "Starting Level: TBD" and "Starting Stats: TBD" to the information.

This is because when Rhe'sia joins, she will not start at level 1 nor will her stats be that of a level 1 Wolf Laguz. This is because when she joins nobody will be at level 1, and thus there is no reason for her to start there. When she joins, I will take the average level of the entire group to find what level she starts at, likely somewhere between level 2-4.

Any other characters that you guys come up with as we move along will follow the same process of starting at the average level of the group at the time of their introduction. Until then they are essentially level-less and on stand by.

If you guys have questions about any of this feel free to ask me.
Hmm, been a pretty quiet day, I'll post when I get back home. If anything to keep everything alive.
Ouch man, sorry. I haven't seen tri around, guess he's busy.
scratch that, got some errands to run. Sorry lads.
Well Cyrus shouldn't be too mad about this, he was the one who wanted to storm and slash his way through. :3

Not so much for sneaking about.
Tyrin'll be a bit more worried


it's time to get Noble on these guards.

I have a plan

Right so my plan involves a lot of yelling

Let's hope Tyrin's half-bluff works xD

Kyo'a's going to be pissed!

He and Al are not going to get along for a while after that little mishap.
Yaaaah I can imagine

Tyrin MIGHT be able to salvage it, not sure

...depends how knowledgable the gurds are of nobility
Kyero said:
Kyo'a's going to be pissed!

He and Al are not going to get along for a while after that little mishap.
It wasn't his fault! (Not really...not entirely...not intentionally...)

TerraBooma said:
Yaaaah I can imagine
Tyrin MIGHT be able to salvage it, not sure

...depends how knowledgeable the guards are of nobility
Of course the guards will believe Tyrin! The scrawny guy is a totally acceptable acquaintance of the Laguz-hating mayor, especially with an unchained, psychotic cat Laguz in his company. It's totally believable. Yup.
Mai's not in full view is she?

Besides, Tyrin never said he knew the mayor, just that he was on a mission

and what noble ISN'T scrawny
Most nobles are fat. :3


Like this guy.
[QUOTE="Black Masquerade]Most nobles are fat. :3

Like this guy.

Ugh... Oliver. He got even fatter in Radiant Dawn if I remember correctly.
That was one thing radiant dawn did right, made him playable. He even got his own theme for some reason...

If only there were support conversations...

It doesn't matter, he is beautiful either way.

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