Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla

Kind of, it's a better plan then most dnd groups I have been in... that's saying something.
well, I can summarize them like this. The only difference between a raiding party and an adventuring party is choice of targets.
save for length of weapons, the bonus feat and a +2 to any ability score... I say this as i create an anti-paladin for a game next tuesday... this will be fun.
Anti-Paladins: For those who really want to murder the everyone

Anyway, not really sure what to do here, I think I'll wait until Black has Cyrus go in, Tyrin wouldn't want to go inside first.
Not always murder, it's certainly an option, but one doesn't always have to play chaotic stupid. The way I play Anti-paladins is a sort of... well... the belief that sins are the virtues of the world, they preach and convert, but they do not force it, for evil is a natural course and the falsities of the virtues are true sins. Generosity is fueled by the will to look better that the rest, truth is painful and destructive while a simple lie could prevent needless pain. Abstaining from pleasures is unnatural and foolish, to live is to be free, to be free is to search for pleasure, indulge yourself.

I usually put skills in diplomacy to supplement my speech. I have yet to fully pull this off without somebody going full on Lawful,stupid on me and try to kill me... plus some DM don't like me being a cult leader...

Of course this is just a small look into how I usually do t

Seems it didn't post the full thing, but I do hope this evil campaign continues more then the first day, and I hope the DM actually has a will to stomach my shenanigans...
You people and your talk of murder in my OOC's. Sheesh!

Isn't there enough violence in the RP as it is?!

... *look left*

... *look right*

... NYOO!!!

No there's not! MORE VIOLENCE! MORE MURDER!!!!

*Pant* *Pant* *Pant*

... Uh... where was I the last ten seconds? I had a complete mind blank for a few seconds.
Something about murder and stuff.
There was nothing your fine

and this wasn't updating. Damnit -_-

So Tyrin's probably going to be the worst at stealth huh
less worse then the clunky warriors, we have no theif. Both Franny and tyrin are rather useless at the moment, such is the life of mages and healers.
thats how it is with healers, just gotta bring out certain skills that the character can have, remember, nobody can only do one thing... perhaps our healer has a talent with locks :P

Franny's magic would cause to much noise, So all she can do is scout. but i kinda want to see what the others do before I post, been kinda taking spot-light for a few movements, don't want to rush things.
Well he's a noble, so unfortunately no xD

Hmm, he's a noble, so at least he can throw his name around, maybe he's a good appraiser?
its possible for him to have good skill of the merchantile variety, he seems good with people.
*is currently looking at a pathfinder character sheet for reference* His healing would be a valuable device to get in good with people, since he seems naturally charitable with such skills ups his reputation with people.

hes probably saved a few families in the last attack already, making friends is jsut as important as killing enemies. With enough friends you don't need to fight.

thats my analysis anyways.
xD GG Ori

But yah, I think he's the most approachable of the group,

Cyrus and Kyo'Da are too serious

Al doesn't like people

Mai is obviously Laguz

Franny is a dark mage

and Sei'Rina's Sei'Rina
A-a-are you saying dark mages are mean TT~TT

how dare you say that about my darling Franny, Will destroy your soul!

Well... now that i think of it thats pretty violent... err... I'll destroy your soul... lightly..

I'm bad at this..
Exactly, to boot she's almost over observant, a lot like Mireil.

She'd scare some people off

actualyl between Cyrus and Franny, it's not suprising nobody joined the White Wings xD
Oh you be quiet you, also Sei'rina would be good for talking to people, while shy she is rather charming, a natural charisma is almost as more powerful then a learned one, both is great to have though. We found our two salespeople fo the group.
true, but only people who know is Cyrus, after that scene and of course having to go kill something to regain lost man power from his tears. In deed he was foolish to travel in such a state, he should have just ate 50 steaks to regain his power instead, without his manly man strength he couldn't.. okay i'm stopping now.. but it also puts on the table an new character idea.

A pirate character, the overly manly man.
That'd be a great character

But yah, I'm curious who will figure it out next, Tyrin will probably be the last, simply because he doesn't go looking for small details in people, nor does he know anything about Laguz.

I have a feeling Mai will just let it slip and that'll be it
Either way, if the group knows or not, doesn't change much really, aside from the gladar is now common knowledge.

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