Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla

Is it alright if I just win the contest? I don't see any point in take two posts to do a simple arm wrestle. :P


This is her colour. :3 (bottom right corner)
YES, by all means. You know what? Do what you will with Brutus, I mean to wash my hands of him as soon as possible. So beat him at arm wrestling, stew him alive, launch him into the air with a cannon. Do. Whatever. You. Want.

Ah, so it was a dark pink... *scuttles away to edit post*
Of course, Orikanyo. You are absolutely right. What would Brutus do if he couldn't flex for the ladies?

Anyways, a heads up for post-Brutus posts: I'm going to switch Al's font color to black. It's easier to see, I think.
Trignome said:
Hmmm...couldn't tell what color font Mai has, so I went with a dark red. It seemed accurate, given her psychotic personality.
Anyways, once Brutus is gone, I can finally start cutting my posts down a bit. Nearly half of my current posts involve reactions to Brutus' self-assured shenanigans. It's rough, RPing multiple characters. How in the world do you guys manage it so well?
Done it for 16 years.
Time is the greatest teacher of all, just have to keep a proper balance.
hes going to come back as a ghost, not to haunt but jsut to sing background music for the group.
That sounds exactly like Tyrin

You know the more I think about him the more I realize he's a less-religious version of Libra
Okay, my plan is to post one more time for today, just to get rid of Brutus, and also to give you guys something to work with, so I don't end up leaving you guys hanging there, waiting for a post that would otherwise happen tomorrow.

Yup. I am determined not to check this thread until I have posted again in the RP.
But I msut sleep, for I am human, or somewhat, kind of a skeleton really... but ehy who cares.
To late, i am indeed already asleep, gone for the night, never to be seen this night again, not a single hint of Ori at all...nope.... god I'm so tired..
*candle rolls into bed* G' night, my fellow RPers. May your muses bless you with perpetual inspiration to write.
I am finished moving back to Chico!! Woot!

Okay then! Interaction can continue! Speaking of which... Lunatic+ play through on Awakening starts today... WHY AM I DOING THIS?!?
*pats* Good luck, my friend. I will take a few moments out of my day to think of you, and the wonderful Hell you are undoubtedly going through.
I salute you sir... have... fun?
Premonition and Prologue weren't so bad... Chapter 1, not so much. Enemies have Luna+, Hawkeye (always hit), and Vantage+ (always strike first).

Come back while you still can

imagine some of the other missions

the final boss guy with even worse abilities

think about it
just looking at his abilities in lunatic+, bring magic, alot of it, and save that book of naga for the love of god do so...

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