Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla

Well, its a conveinient rallying area for us, plus it goes along with the goals of many the people around.
...So since it's an RP, how would the support system work, and how would we determine which conversations are 'support conversations' and which are just normal 'getting to know the other party' conversations? Also, would the support convos be just for fun, or are we going to gain boosts in our stats from them as well? And are support relationships going to be furthered by the characters' proximity in battle and how often they double-team too? I can't really imagine we'd be keeping points for this, especially since we aren't going to have definite levels...

Ahhh. I admit I've never played any of the recent Fire Emblem games, so I don't even know how this system has evolved from its original mechanics. The only thing I know about FE: Awakening in regards to new support features is S rank relationships.

Is there anything else I should know before I screw this system up royally?

Well, in any case, I'm off to write another post. @Black Masquerade, I'm planning to have Brutus lose, though I think that's what you were thinking too? Either way, I thought I'd give you a heads up in advance, in case you want to change the outcome of the game.
I probably think its just gona be for fun or personal character development, whatever we want really. hell not all a ranks have to be bridging on realationship.
Trignome said:
...So since it's an RP, how would the support system work, and how would we determine which conversations are 'support conversations' and which are just normal 'getting to know the other party' conversations? Also, would the support convos be just for fun, or are we going to gain boosts in our stats from them as well? And are support relationships going to be furthered by the characters' proximity in battle and how often they double-team too? I can't really imagine we'd be keeping points for this, especially since we aren't going to have definite levels...
Ahhh. I admit I've never played any of the recent Fire Emblem games, so I don't even know how this system has evolved from its original mechanics. The only thing I know about FE: Awakening in regards to new support features is S rank relationships.

Is there anything else I should know before I screw this system up royally?

Well, in any case, I'm off to write another post. @Black Masquerade, I'm planning to have Brutus lose, though I think that's what you were thinking too? Either way, I thought I'd give you a heads up in advance, in case you want to change the outcome of the game.
Yeah, that's what I had in mind. I'll have Mai destroy him and his pride. :3
Poor guy, the pretty kitty is strong it seems.
Trignome said:
...So since it's an RP, how would the support system work, and how would we determine which conversations are 'support conversations' and which are just normal 'getting to know the other party' conversations? Also, would the support convos be just for fun, or are we going to gain boosts in our stats from them as well? And are support relationships going to be furthered by the characters' proximity in battle and how often they double-team too? I can't really imagine we'd be keeping points for this, especially since we aren't going to have definite levels...
Ahhh. I admit I've never played any of the recent Fire Emblem games, so I don't even know how this system has evolved from its original mechanics. The only thing I know about FE: Awakening in regards to new support features is S rank relationships.

Is there anything else I should know before I screw this system up royally?

Well, in any case, I'm off to write another post. @Black Masquerade, I'm planning to have Brutus lose, though I think that's what you were thinking too? Either way, I thought I'd give you a heads up in advance, in case you want to change the outcome of the game.
The "Support System" in this RP is basically nonexistent and instead I am leaving it up to natural progression. Certain characters will be drawn to one another be it for friendship or love, and come what may that's how it's going to be. There will be no boosts to stats or any extra special bonuses of any kind for having a strong friendship or budding love.
Okay. :) Thank you for the clarification, I was having a bit of a spaz-attack over the mechanics of an RP support system.

So, is it safe to say I can just proceed normally with my character's relationship developments?
Aye, its your character, just don't get the guy's heart broken.
Ufufufufufu...I am a sadistic RPer, so all my characters inevitably suffer...*Hellfire burns in the shadowy backdrop of my mind*
Sounds like fun, i wonder who will be tied together first in the realm of loooooooo~~~ve~!
I'm just gona take bets, god help whoever wants to be with Franny... An uphill battle, with the hill made out of loose wet gravel.
Orikanyo said:
I'm just gona take bets, god help whoever wants to be with Franny... An uphill battle, with the hill made out of loose wet gravel.
With a tiny hint of lubricant for good measure.
Of course i may just be bluffing and she falls for the first thing that bats an eyelash her wa-... okay yea thats a lie.
Notifications weren't popping up, weird

Good thing I checked manually! :P

I think by the end, our crew will just be one big happy family

Except for the dead ones
and i say this, and then watch who gets hitched first, such is my luck.

unless we find necromancy spells, and then everyones still a big happy family, but a big happy family with parts of the family put far away from the others for safety measures.

i don't think necrom ancy is a thing.. but still, would be funny
I bet there will be a lot of branded children. :P

(Laguz mother and Beorc father or vise-verse )
[QUOTE="Black Masquerade]I bet there will be a lot of branded children. :P
(Laguz parent marries a Beorc)

Only time will tell.
Hmm, we have Kyero who has three, black has two characters.. maybe I shall start thinking up a second one myself, we do need a cavalier yet right?
TerraBooma said:
Branded is a term created in Path of Radiance to describe a child born to one Laguz parent and one beorc parent. They are born with a brand, or a mark on their bodies resembling the Laguz side of their blood, but their bodies are indefinitely human in shape with no outward Laguz traits. Their very existence is often thought of as an abomination, as the Laguz can sense the difference and the beorc would grow wise to it after a while because they age very, very slowly and have an extended life span compared to normal beorc.
Ah, so they're not people in the royal family xD

That's a confusing change of pace

So Yarne is branded right?
Orikanyo said:
Hmm, we have Kyero who has three, black has two characters.. maybe I shall start thinking up a second one myself, we do need a cavalier yet right?
We do not have one, no.


TerraBooma said:
Ah, so they're not people in the royal family xD
That's a confusing change of pace

So Yarne is branded right?
Technically yes, he is as Panne is the only "Laguz" in the entire game aside from Nowie and Tiki being Manaketes.
Hmmm...couldn't tell what color font Mai has, so I went with a dark red. It seemed accurate, given her psychotic personality.

Anyways, once Brutus is gone, I can finally start cutting my posts down a bit. Nearly half of my current posts involve reactions to Brutus' self-assured shenanigans. It's rough, RPing multiple characters. How in the world do you guys manage it so well?

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