Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla

[QUOTE="Black Masquerade]I'm still obsessed with this new Dancer girl...

I know!

I want to know who the lone swordsman facing off against the cavaliers in the trailer was. Perhaps another main character or another My Unit?

Fire Emblem should ALWAYS have a My Unit from now on! THEY MUUUUUUUST!!!
I think it was actually. Throughout the trailer there's a certain grey haired unit that changes hair while retaining the same clothing.
[QUOTE="Black Masquerade]I think it was actually. Throughout the trailer there's a certain grey haired unit that changes hair while retaining the same clothing.

I hope so. I LOVED the My Unit mechanic in Awakening. It's my favorite part of starting the game.
hmm, any idea when this is coming out? talking about it jsut gets me more and more excited.
Ooh, then its going to be fighting persona 5... guess I'm gona have to choose.
Not quite yet, sorry to get your hopes up, it is said to be released 2015's winter.
...ah.... my ehart goes out to you man... did you figure out what happens after?
nope, and I refuse to

I plan to wait until I remember as little plot as I can, then I'm going back

I DO have a backup save

in Yukiko's castle

Listen, this shit happened to me with Pokemon xD : Gale of Darkness

I will come through. A little memory corruption means nothing to me.


Well then, good luck, I'm gona do my post and try to use Franny's absolutly STELLAR acting skills to try and recruit people.
*pats* I wish you good luck my friend. Though, Al won't take too much convincing since he's itching to ditch Brutus somewhere at this point.
Alrighty, I'll work on a post saying Tyrin's fine on sleeping with the White Wing

You know it's a good thing there aren't any racists in the cast so far

Al did say he doesn't "particularly dislike" Laguzs...but disliking a race and having prejudice against them are two different things. (I think?)

Sort of like how people can get away with expressing belief in certain stereotypes because the stereotypes are prejudiced, but not clearly derisive.

(The stereotype of all Asians being doctors vs the stereotype of black people being uneducated. One of them is an 'okay' stereotype, and one of them is considered 'racist'. Though on second thought, both seem racist...)
You have a point there, predjudice and disliking a people is indeed different, but people can still do prejudice without hating soemone as well. Following a crowd in a way, which many would do in the world were rping in right now, they don't feel the same as others, but they don't want to be ridiculed for thinking different, so they cave and do as others do.

Franny is simply interested in the Laguz, she doesn't hate them, she doesn't love them, she sees them as a interesting article of study, Cyrus probably is trying to make do for previous injustices his family and people did to them, each character has different reasons for doing as they do. And so do people, I feel that people are people, we all have different cultures or life styles, but underneath our skin were all red, and thats good enough for me.

Sorry got abit heavy there, nonetheless I'll get to finish it off now.
Nah, I like this: Each character's opinion on Laguz

Tyrin is probably best akin to Stahl. He wants to learn more, and figures the best way to do so is befriending them (Talking bout Panne and Stahl here btw) Tyrin genuinely wants to befriend some Laguz, and his kindness extends from that

Does anybody else's computer seem to think Hearted isn't a word?

Like Warm hearted or something
Same here, its a grammar thing, something can't be hearted, so it messes with it's auto correct. In anycase we all know the old saying so it should be fine.
I am torn: do I wait for Black Masquerade, since Mai's been standing outside for a while, or should I respond?

Ah...choices, choices... (Franny should be careful though. If Al knew she thought his height was 'cute', he'd probably murder her. No...he wouldn't, really, but he'd be more than a little mad.)

Also, @TerraBooma 'hearted' is a word, but it's informal and not commonly used on its own, so maybe that's why?
I dunno, I use it quite a bit for RP (My characters can normally be best described as Warm-hearted)

It's annoying

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