Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla

Has anyone here played Awakening on Lunatic or Lunatic+?

I played through on Lunatic once and... Oh. My. GAWD!!

tried Lunatic once, still have yet to comeplete it... thank you based fredrick..
Lunatic mode is just plain stupid in my opinion. I've beaten it, but I had more fun playing on Hard.

It practically asks you to grind or else it's almost impossible.
TerraBooma said:
Yah, I heard he's a live saver on that difficulty
That pretty accurate?
Oh you have no idea. The first 3 chapters are literally impossible without Frederick...

I am thinking about trying Lunatic+, just to see how mind bendingly aggravating it is.

Someone I know did Lunatic+ without using DLC and it took him 250+ turns for one chapter. 250+ turns. One chapter.

Orikanyo said:
I know, right?

Right now I'm playing Hard Mode and grinding for Say'ri's max level and stats with Limit Breaker and then I'll continue to finish up the storyline so I can start a new game on Lunatic+... I must be MAD!!
When I really hate myself for whatever reason I'll punish myself with Lunatic+. Till then, I'm going to hide here from it.
I'll stick on easy, occasionally fairing up on normal

I'm playing these games for awesome characters and story.
I got time as well. I am moving back to Chico for school tomorrow morning but I'll be back later that afternoon.
Chico? Well, in anycase good luck man.
university eh? Good for you man, I'm going through College here.
Orikanyo said:
university eh? Good for you man, I'm going through College here.
Thanks. I have three semesters left (this Spring included) before I get by BA in Recording Arts.

But that aside! Re-hyping for the new Fire Emblem game on the 3DS!!!

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