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Fandom Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla

Hurr... I know nothing about special weapons in Fire Emblem, so just throw something at me bro. (Sword for Villy and a Lance or sword for Ed?).
Wavebird said:
Hurr... I know nothing about special weapons in Fire Emblem, so just throw something at me bro. (Sword for Villy and a Lance or sword for Ed?).
I can make some suggestions for you.

For Villy, a sword with lighter weight would be best given her frame and stature. Sure the Spirit Weapon gives her strength normal humans won't have, but that means nothing when her anatomy is taken into account. I'd recommend either Falchion which you can look up and which has various forms depending on the game, or Vague Katti (which looks like a straight blade Katana).

For Edmund, a sword for him would be pretty much anything on the list save for Ragnell since that's Kyo'da's blade and I'm sticking to it. I could imagine Mercurius being a good fit for him. Lance wise, either the Wing Spear (which is good against heavily armored units and cavalier type enemies in the games) or the Wishblade (which is just a large, ultra badass lance which can also be thrown like a Javelin) would be a good fit as well. And no, Wingsear was never a javelin type weapon so no throwing it. It don't work. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

So, take your pick from the listings and we'll make it happen. Also, you can feel free to give their weapons special capabilities if you wish. Examples would be Ragnell being able to use an energy wave type attack for ranged enemies. Same damage as normal attacks, but at a distance. Something like that, but be creative and see what you can come up with.
Ah the wishblade, never played the game that had it but damn if I hadn't read up on it, beauty of the thing.
Orikanyo said:
Ah the wishblade, never played the game that had it but damn if I hadn't read up on it, beauty of the thing.
Wishblade attached to Nephenee = Indestructible Badass Country Chick
Nephenee is that naturally. From what i read and what i hear anyways. high str, def and skill if I remember is what she was made of?
Orikanyo said:
Nephenee is that naturally. From what i read and what i hear anyways. high str, def and skill if I remember is what she was made of?
Nope. Nephenee is all Strength, Skill and Speed along with the Wrath Skill which increases her critical hit chances by 50% when HP falls below half (in Path of Radiance anyway, Radiant Dawn changed it to 30% health which was bleh). Add Resolve to that, multiply her Strength, Skill and Speed by 1.5x when health is below 50%.

If you maxed her stats in PoR, they came out to 25 Strength, 28 Skill, and 26 Speed as a Halberdier Class. Multiply all those stats by 1.5, and you get 37 Strength, 42 Skill, and 39 Speed... Yeah, that makes Nephenee a MONSTER with those two Skills attached to her in Path of Radiance capable of killing literally anything with a nearly 100% crit rate when maxed out and equipped with the Wishblade.
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Jesus almighty christ, I keep saying spears should get more love, but then I missed that goddess.
Having had a look at the weapons I am quite certain that I'd prefer Falchion for Vilhelmina and Alondite or Wing Spear for Edmund.
Zelda18 said:
Just thought of something... if they're spirits, they wouldn't need to eat/sleep/drink, would they? @Kyero
No they would not.

And uh oh... Looks like Zakai putting some moves on Daire! Sneaky little archer devil boy! Lol!
All right kiddos!

We're back in the world of the living and ready to progress!

Get your thinking caps on, cause it's going to be a long and bumpy ride!
Ok, so things starting out for reals! :D Going to put a post together as soon as I can ^^ It is getting a bit late here, so it might be till tomorrow :o

Turns out I'm staying up to write anyway. Can I safely assume that poor Fjalar was killed and eaten by the dark spawn?

Did anything survive at all but our characters?
Wavebird said:
Ok, so things starting out for reals! :D Going to put a post together as soon as I can ^^ It is getting a bit late here, so it might be till tomorrow :o
Turns out I'm staying up to write anyway. Can I safely assume that poor Fjalar was killed and eaten by the dark spawn?

Did anything survive at all but our characters?
There are a few animals here and there that would have survived. It was mostly a surface wipe on the part of the hordes. But no, Fjalar would be dead and gone still.

Also, while it's true that cities were attacked, the buildings will be largely in tact. Only light damage throughout cities and towns as it was the humans and living creatures the hordes were after. So you can still find shops and blacksmiths which are in tact and have inventory with nobody to buy anything. *hint hint for anyone with a sense for "They don't need it anymore"*

There might be a few stray humans alive still who managed to hide themselves, but you can guesstimate that 99.99% of the human and Laguz races are all gone.
God damn it all, no notifications fo this at all. For gods sake.

THERE back in action, this shant happen again or I'll....I'll....

Okie dokie!

So guys, given that the notification system has been faulty at best, it might be a good idea to start tagging people here in the OOC and keeping conversation active. It'll also be a good way to keep the RP itself alive. If the chatter dies down in the OOC for too long, bad things happen. Trust me, i know it from experience.
I found a RPG-portrait maker online, so I decided to make the cast of this RP xD Did I do good or not?

Beside Villy is Cal? I like him!
Wavebird said:
I found a RPG-portrait maker online, so I decided to make the cast of this RP xD Did I do good or not?
Nifty. I have RPG Maker VX Ace myself, so this is doubly entertaining.

I only wish they'd added more face options. They have a decent pallet for faces including the eyes, eyebrows, hair in the front and back, nose and mouth, but each one is fairly limited and not many of the options are flattering. Even the best characters look kind of goofy, even by anime-ish standards. They could do much better with how popular the software is and how versatile it can be. I was really impressed with it, but its character limitations make it difficult to make a full game out of it because you run out of good faces and individual identities really quickly.

Still, nice job with the cast given the limits you had to work with.
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Thanks :) I'd rather draw all graphics on my own if I ever decided on making an RPG. But for now I'll stick to Metroidvania and Endless runners xD (Not that it is much easier... The Metroidvania thing we're working on is freaking huge, and I have to do all the damned graphics). Not sure I'd use RPG-maker though since I'd like to adjust most things I'd have to go with my own engine anyway.

But hey, did you ever make any game yourself? I'd love to play one :)

Perhaps we should turn this RP into a RPG-maker made game? Like when it's all done :P Could be a fun project
Wavebird said:
Thanks :) I'd rather draw all graphics on my own if I ever decided on making an RPG. But for now I'll stick to Metroidvania and Endless runners xD (Not that it is much easier... The Metroidvania thing we're working on is freaking huge, and I have to do all the damned graphics). Not sure I'd use RPG-maker though since I'd like to adjust most things I'd have to go with my own engine anyway.
But hey, did you ever make any game yourself? I'd love to play one :)

Perhaps we should turn this RP into a RPG-maker made game? Like when it's all done :P Could be a fun project
Could be.

I managed to make around 2 hours of gameplay on RPG Maker VX Ace based on a story I'm writing called "Assassin's Pledge" (take a wild guess what it's about, lol). But the damn thing got corrupted and I had no backup file. I made an entire intro cutscene, over a dozen quests, 8-10 maps, 40+ events... And it got corrupted.


After that happened I lost my drive to continue and didn't bother with it again.

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