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Fandom Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla

Dude, are you telling me we're up against Captain Freaking Falcon? Because he is the only one that can do that.
Wavebird said:
Dude, are you telling me we're up against Captain Freaking Falcon? Because he is the only one that can do that.
Haha! Not quite. There's something in the quote I gave that should tip you off we're not facing one enemy like Captain Falcon.
Wavebird said:
Ah. "Enemies" So, several Captain Falcons then. You're a picky one, ain't you? You should cut me some slack, after all, how am I supposed to keep up with pluralis and singulars in a language that isn't even my native tounge! :P
Someone took this too seriosuely...

Hahaha!! I love that movie!
Wavebird said:
Though it is a bit wrong. Like, you know.... Robin doesn't have anything on Captain F :P
Fan preference.

I'm a realist. If CF got struck by magic, especially lightning magic, he'd be a dead man walking.
I have to ask you Kyero, do you know what scientific means?

(Hint: It does not mean realistic or probable or anything along those lines)

I don't mean to be a jerk, but when people use the words such as "science" and "scientific" the wrong way I get sort of annoyed. :P

I'll spare us the discussion and say that something is scientific when it has been researched and cataloged. And at that it has to be reasearched in such a way that it is repeatable, say, if you do the same thing you will get the same results (It's falsifiable or confirmable). For example, we try heating water to 100 degress (Celcius of course, because we're intelligent people) and it boils. We try it over and over and works every time, so it seems to be a rule. As such, the claim "Water boils at 100 degrees" is scientific. :)

I know I am making a fool out of myself, but I find it annoying when people confuse scientific facts with reality. It's actually different things. Science is but a tool with wich we can try to understand the universe, and sure, it may be the best way to understand it, but we can't call something scientific when it is not, that is called guessing and it is dangerous ^^

Now, let me just leave this mess I've created :P
Wavebird said:
I have to ask you Kyero, do you know what scientific means?
(Hint: It does not mean realistic or probable or anything along those lines)

I don't mean to be a jerk, but when people use the words such as "science" and "scientific" the wrong way I get sort of annoyed. :P

I'll spare us the discussion and say that something is scientific when it has been researched and cataloged. And at that it has to be reasearched in such a way that it is repeatable, say, if you do the same thing you will get the same results (It's falsifiable or confirmable). For example, we try heating water to 100 degress (Celcius of course, because we're intelligent people) and it boils. We try it over and over and works every time, so it seems to be a rule. As such, the claim "Water boils at 100 degrees" is scientific. :)

I know I am making a fool out of myself, but I find it annoying when people confuse scientific facts with reality. It's actually different things. Science is but a tool with wich we can try to understand the universe, and sure, it may be the best way to understand it, but we can't call something scientific when it is not, that is called guessing and it is dangerous ^^

Now, let me just leave this mess I've created :P
When I say my reason for saying that CF would die from electricity or thunder magic, I mean scientific as in theorized, tested, repeated successfully, and proven true beyond all doubt.

When your body is exposed to too much electricity for too long, you die. That's a fact science has proven time and again. Your brain fries. Your blood boils in your veins. And your muscles and soft tissue (including your internal organs) begin to char and burn like a piece of old tinder.

When you're exposed to extremely brief shocks, even at high voltage, you stand a good chance of survival because the exposure was so minimal. Even people struck by lightning have survived thanks to the minimal exposure, though the degree of the consequences vary from individual to individual based on circumstance.

But when electricity is allowed to course through your body for extended periods of time things go bad very, very quickly for you the longer you're exposed.

One reason we know this to be true is because of a little device called the electric chair, a method of execution which is rarely used today but used to be commonplace in the US, and for a brief time in the Philippines. It was created by employees of Thomas Edison during the War of Currents in the late 1880's, and became very popular as a method of execution during and after that time until the lethal injection replaced it in more recent decades.

Strap you into a wooden chair with a helmet conducting a charge as well as a node on one or both legs, and let her rip. The first charge in the helmet is the biggest, frying your brain and causing instant brain death as well as unconsciousness. The fact that this single charge is enough to fry your brain instantly speaks to the validity of electricity's influence on the human body.

But without the helmet, brain death will not be instantaneous, and may not even occur at all allowing you to feel your organs charring inside your body before you die. If it was just nodes in the arms and legs for example, brain death would not likely happen fast enough to prevent you from feeling the effects of everything I've mentioned up until this point, and it would lead to a most agonizing death.

Science is an ugly thing sometimes.
Before you read this, know that I mean no offense to anyone. Try not to imagine my "tone" as one that'd offend you. :) Though, this is probably my bad side showing.

Kyero said:
When I say my reason for saying that CF would die from electricity or thunder magic, I mean scientific as in theorized, tested, repeated successfully, and proven true beyond all doubt.
If this is what you truly meant than I hope that you some day change your view regarding science, for this way of thinking is extremely harmful. And If so, I now know I was right to ask you if you knew what scientific meant, for I am sure you’re not completely familiar with it (even if you certainly seem to think so). Please read on as I try to explain!

Sure, the claim that electricity can harm a human body in several ways is to be regarded scientific, we could call it a fact. And the examples you provide, such as incidents with lightning strikes and The Chair are great for showcasing this! But something is not right with the way you use this data to say something about Robin’s Lightning Spells and their effect on Captain Falcon.

But let’s get back to the The Chair for a while! As you say, there is no doubt that this (horrible and utterly savage) invention have been proven to kill people and inflict enormous harm on human bodies. That is completely correct. But, can we use this knowledge to say ANYTHING about magical electricity and a fictional figure? Not really. And in from a scientifict perspective? Absolutely not! That would be crazy!

Why? Well, the thing is you’re changing the subjects of study completely, and also the way the will act upon each-other. This renders a situation which is far from the one where the data (which you rely on in your claim) was collected. See, by using The Chair as an example of where people have died from electrocution, you completely disregarded several important aspects. First of all Robin’s lightning magic probably does not act upon a human body as it The Chair would, right? One reason for this is because it lacks the mediums with which electricity is transferred to the body (The wet sponge on the head for example). Speaking of which, you elegantly explained that the absence of the helmet-contraption was enough to alter the results vastly, which just further proves my point here.

So, by changing the entire nature of the electrical force (Lightning spell strike compared to electricution by The Chair) are we not to expect change? Well, in fact you gave us that answer too: Lighting bolts have much more electrical power than the electric chair, and yet people tend to survive them (And I will just point out that voltage is not the main factor of how likely you are to die from or get harmed by lightning, in fact, the ampere is much more relevant to discuss in this case) In addition, there is no saying that Captain Falcon’s body is anything like that of an ordinary human, in fact, there are few game characters we know so little about as Captain Falcon, so this assumption is just not valid.

In short, the data you refer to is farfetched as best in this instance, and as such you are not correct to call your claim scientific.

Since you call yourself a realist, perhaps you should know that this is what should be regarded as an unintelligible topic to begin with? We can’t really study said subjects and as such we can’t prove or falsify anything, and as such, a realist wouldn’t deem it worthy his time. Unless you philisohpise, but since you said that your claim was scientific as in theorized, tested, repeated successfully, and proven true beyond all doubt, I guess we can rule that out.

So, why do I bother about this enough to get this grumpy? I don’t know. But I guess when people falsely claim to things to be scientific, and claims that scientific studies proves this and that, I get very annoyed. Such behaviour is dangerous (not that this case is at all dangerous :P of course). And instead of trying to explain it, I'll quote Will Rogers (who said it better than I ever will):

“It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we know that ain't so.”

And no, science is not ugly, but it may help us gain understanding of seemingly ugly phenomena.

On a side note:

After checking quickly in-game I see that Robin’s magic is much more similar to a lighting bolt than to the electrical chair in most aspects. And since the bolt itself is so small and not very bright there is much to say that it is actually not as potent as most naturally occurring lightning bolts (then again, we can’t be sure for several reasons, this is only speculation). But in all, it would suggest that chances are that Captain Falcon would survive Robin’s Lightning Magic if he was in fact an ordinary human being. So, Robin has nothing on him. ;)

Wavebird out.

(Didn't proof-read this, so have fun with that xD )
And now that I've written all of this crap I need to focus on getting some posts up xD Maybe later tonight!
Wavebird said:
Before you read this, know that I mean no offense to anyone. Try not to imagine my "tone" as one that'd offend you. :) Though, this is probably my bad side showing.
If this is what you truly meant than I hope that you some day change your view regarding science, for this way of thinking is extremely harmful. And If so, I now know I was right to ask you if you knew what scientific meant, for I am sure you’re not completely familiar with it (even if you certainly seem to think so). Please read on as I try to explain!

Sure, the claim that electricity can harm a human body in several ways is to be regarded scientific, we could call it a fact. And the examples you provide, such as incidents with lightning strikes and The Chair are great for showcasing this! But something is not right with the way you use this data to say something about Robin’s Lightning Spells and their effect on Captain Falcon.

But let’s get back to the The Chair for a while! As you say, there is no doubt that this (horrible and utterly savage) invention have been proven to kill people and inflict enormous harm on human bodies. That is completely correct. But, can we use this knowledge to say ANYTHING about magical electricity and a fictional figure? Not really. And in from a scientifict perspective? Absolutely not! That would be crazy!

Why? Well, the thing is you’re changing the subjects of study completely, and also the way the will act upon each-other. This renders a situation which is far from the one where the data (which you rely on in your claim) was collected. See, by using The Chair as an example of where people have died from electrocution, you completely disregarded several important aspects. First of all Robin’s lightning magic probably does not act upon a human body as it The Chair would, right? One reason for this is because it lacks the mediums with which electricity is transferred to the body (The wet sponge on the head for example). Speaking of which, you elegantly explained that the absence of the helmet-contraption was enough to alter the results vastly, which just further proves my point here.

So, by changing the entire nature of the electrical force (Lightning spell strike compared to electricution by The Chair) are we not to expect change? Well, in fact you gave us that answer too: Lighting bolts have much more electrical power than the electric chair, and yet people tend to survive them (And I will just point out that voltage is not the main factor of how likely you are to die from or get harmed by lightning, in fact, the ampere is much more relevant to discuss in this case) In addition, there is no saying that Captain Falcon’s body is anything like that of an ordinary human, in fact, there are few game characters we know so little about as Captain Falcon, so this assumption is just not valid.

In short, the data you refer to is farfetched as best in this instance, and as such you are not correct to call your claim scientific.

Since you call yourself a realist, perhaps you should know that this is what should be regarded as an unintelligible topic to begin with? We can’t really study said subjects and as such we can’t prove or falsify anything, and as such, a realist wouldn’t deem it worthy his time. Unless you philisohpise, but since you said that your claim was scientific as in theorized, tested, repeated successfully, and proven true beyond all doubt, I guess we can rule that out.

So, why do I bother about this enough to get this grumpy? I don’t know. But I guess when people falsely claim to things to be scientific, and claims that scientific studies proves this and that, I get very annoyed. Such behaviour is dangerous (not that this case is at all dangerous :P of course). And instead of trying to explain it, I'll quote Will Rogers (who said it better than I ever will):

“It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we know that ain't so.”

And no, science is not ugly, but it may help us gain understanding of seemingly ugly phenomena.

On a side note:

After checking quickly in-game I see that Robin’s magic is much more similar to a lighting bolt than to the electrical chair in most aspects. And since the bolt itself is so small and not very bright there is much to say that it is actually not as potent as most naturally occurring lightning bolts (then again, we can’t be sure for several reasons, this is only speculation). But in all, it would suggest that chances are that Captain Falcon would survive Robin’s Lightning Magic if he was in fact an ordinary human being. So, Robin has nothing on him. ;)

Wavebird out.

(Didn't proof-read this, so have fun with that xD )
And now that I've written all of this crap I need to focus on getting some posts up xD Maybe later tonight!
I've seen in more than one instance Captain Falcon labeled as a "human" in the "species" category. The F-Zero franchise never directly states what he is, but it's not so far fetched to call him human when you see him without his helmet and living the life of a thrill seeker with the racing and the bounty hunting. Given that, I'd still say it's possible to kill him.

But I digress.

No sense arguing about a topic that's unrelated to the RP. Anyway, do get a post up soon everybody. Death Incarnate doesn't want to wait too long to meet you guys.
Good call, sorry for making all the fuzz :P I'm looking forward to what is about to come! ^^ And as I said, I'll try to get a post up soon

It's no problem, Daire's emotions would've caught up to her at some point anyway~ I think Zakai is completely adorable and I wish he were real so I could hug him and pat his hair if he'd let me xD
I'm just going to let you know that I will reply as soon as I can, but I have so little time right now that I can't garuantee it will be very soon :P Feel free to skip me this once (bunny my chars if you want)
Wavebird said:
I'm just going to let you know that I will reply as soon as I can, but I have so little time right now that I can't garuantee it will be very soon :P Feel free to skip me this once (bunny my chars if you want)
No worries.

Chronologically Kyo'da and Rhe'sia are a couple days ahead of everyone so I'm sitting tight and letting you guys take the reins for a bit.

Feel free to keep posting when you have time everyone. I'll be watching and waiting to find a good opening to involve myself again.
Ok! Great :) I've got work over my head, and is rushing a game project right now (I want to be done with it before I really start up the next one). So I really don't have much time to put here at all. And on top of that, I'll have guests over the coming weekend, so well. I'll probably get something up the coming days tho, but I won't be able to reply very quickly again after that. I promise that I will be back on track and actively posting in a week or two :)
(:<) How dare you poke me!

(> :D ) Hey Kyero, how's it going?

*has been patiently awaiting replies to Fire Emblem*
RubyRose said:
(:<) How dare you poke me!
(> :D ) Hey Kyero, how's it going?

*has been patiently awaiting replies to Fire Emblem*
School starts Monday, but it's my last semester before I get my degree so I'm stoked! But yeah, my posting will slow down for a while until I get settled into my schedule and stuff. Sorry.

But otherwise, I'm still lurking and waiting for everyone's characters to advance another day or two IC before I post anything further.
Okay, so I've been trying to find time to write, but it is impossible for me to come around right now. I've been feeling very bad to leave this story hanging, but the truth is that life is very busy and I have a few other projects that demand my spare-time attention right now. I wish that this RP continues despite the fact that I am not posting actively. This RP is great and it would be a shame if it came to an early end! I promise that I will do my very best to get a post up soon, but I can't guarantee anything as of now. You guys can feel free to disregard my characters for a while, or you can take over them, have them killed or whatever works. Really, don't wait for me.


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