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Fandom Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla

And the element of surprise is the only thing we have at the moment. If we preserve this element and drop on her with these weapons we seek. Then we'll have our best chance.

*insert now that's strategy*

We'll be staying on the low road for awhile perhaps for the whole time even... hopefully the forrests are still alive to provide cover if not mountains will be our friends.
RubyRose said:
Ohhhh... Gotcha.
I may have Zakai ask about that then, to clarify in game but I wanted to know now so that I didn't spend time trying to figure out where everyone is just to realize that 'hey, they're all being sent back together' you know?

Thanks Kyero :)
Not a problem.

By the way everyone!!

I was thinking of coming up with a music theme for this RP, but I'd like opinions and suggestions from all ya'll on it if you don't mind providing them. I don't want to use any original FE themes, but I'd like to stick close to the formula used in much of the Fire Emblem music throughout the years to keep the vibe.

So, which themes from Fire Emblem do ya'll like the most? If you don't know of very many, or any, look up "Fire Emblem music" on youtube or something and see what themes you like best out of those you find. There are bound to be a few good playlists there from various games and such.

If you already know a little something about music, then feel free to collaborate more directly with me on what you think would work! I'm using the East West Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra software to write the music, so it's orchestral all the way.

Let me know if you've got ideas okay!

Thank ya!
I think all of the gaming music is fantastic... so just as long as you have something upbeat and 'actiony' I think you'll be golden!

And I can play music! But I haven't really ever written it before :P
RubyRose said:
I think all of the gaming music is fantastic... so just as long as you have something upbeat and 'actiony' I think you'll be golden!
And I can play music! But I haven't really ever written it before :P
Well I'll do my best, but I have to admit that writing in the kind of upbeat war-march kind of style is new to me so this might be a bit shaky at best. Still, I doubt I'll do anything but enjoy the process.

Still, any more in depth ideas or suggestions on themes would be appreciated and I'll see what I can do!
I'm not amiss to the idea.

Did my best to register Cal as the hype master of the group, kinda was going to try for it anyways but we always need a loud mouth silly person in the group. Makes war/absolutedestructionofthewholentireworldandallthatyouhaveheldsacredandlovedduringyourlifetime that much more bearable.
So, I was going to draw other characters (Cal'vina was first in line I think), but I can't seem to draw manga/anime-style faces without making them look generic! (In truth, this is an artstyle which is lost on me, and the fact that I never watch anime or read manga doesn't help this fact). But I've been practising, and now think I am going somewhere! So, since this concerns this RP I'll just boldly post an image and hope that you guys can give me feedback on it! So, how does it look? Rip it apart if you must :P

it looks very good, though in truth the eyes seem abit doll like, but thats the only thing that vexes me, just feels abit strange to see them in a way that i cannot place fully.
I did have some problems with the eyes. They either came out to realistic or too cartoony all the time :P I guess I'll have to keep at it then
Wavebird said:
I did have some problems with the eyes. They either came out to realistic or too cartoony all the time :P I guess I'll have to keep at it then
My main concern with the eyes is the direction they're looking. A more classic look which almost never fails is to have them looking directly out from the angle of the head. What I mean by this is that if the head it tilted at an angle such as it is in your image, the eyes should be looking exactly 90 degrees from the centerline of the head itself. It gives the feeling of purpose to the expression rather than the kind of glassy and almost stoned appearance of the image as it stands now.

My advice for the image as it stands is to allow the black part of the pupil to partially disappear beneath the lower eyelid, giving the feeling of looking forward rather than up.

Hopefully that last bit didn't sound harsh, but to me she does look a little out of it like she's had a few too many joints or something. Lol.
Meant you, noticed I worded that wrong, we brought up the same point so I wrote/typed what have you to let you have the stand in a way that didn't do so at all.

Tl DR: sorry brah.
Whoo that was a doozy!

So much lore dumped into one post! But it's all good! Enjoy the read! You'll need it!
Details it pretty well, as for the weapons themselves are we to create them or are they from the game?

I'm fine with either truthfully, though some weapon classes have very much less options then others (poor axes.).

And I was gona ask about the laguz, good to see they get support aswell, fitting to. Humans get the tools to move forward, the Laguz have their bodies.

And is it bad that I can call Kyoda and Sei'rina facing off against the goddess from miles off? Ain't meant as an insult in anyway, in truth it's the best way to have it "Cinematic."

I'm also a cynical asshole, but that's beside the point.
Orikanyo said:
Details it pretty well, as for the weapons themselves are we to create them or are they from the game?
I'm fine with either truthfully, though some weapon classes have very much less options then others (poor axes.).

And I was gona ask about the laguz, good to see they get support aswell, fitting to. Humans get the tools to move forward, the Laguz have their bodies.

And is it bad that I can call Kyoda and Sei'rina facing off against the goddess from miles off? Ain't meant as an insult in anyway, in truth it's the best way to have it "Cinematic."

I'm also a cynical asshole, but that's beside the point.
The weapons are from the games, hence their listing in the tables in the "Mechanics" page in bold.

Speaking of which, ya'll who haven't chosen a weapon yet who plan on using one need to make your choice and let me know ASAP so I can mark them down! Hop to it kids!

As for Kyo'da and Sei'rina, in truth it will depend on what our characters agree on as they travel. I plan on having Kyo'da take around a 10-12 day detour to find Ragnell with Rhe'sia by his side before he heads for the others. By the time they all get the weapons they need, who knows how they'll decide to go from there. Kyo'da may very well take a supporting role and go for the Breach.

It all depends on how we interact IC.
Um.. how would you like us to claim the weapons?

I mean... Zakai uses bows so Parthia or Lughnasadh would work for him.
The only ones who have to hurry are the sword wielders... even then one of them can ise lancers.
RubyRose said:
Um.. how would you like us to claim the weapons?
I mean... Zakai uses bows so Parthia or Lughnasadh would work for him.
Simply tell me which one you'd prefer and that will be it. Also, I'll give you some creative liberty with the weapon, but only a little bit. With Ragnell, the ranged attack is the liberty taken, if you will. So come up with something interesting for the weapon of your choice and that will be its specialty, so to speak which we will discuss. Obviously if I think it's a bit too much I will ask for a change, but so long as it's reasonable and doesn't make the weapon grossly overpowered, I shouldn't have a problem with it.
i shall take up the Hauteclere, as for the liberty... would its ability to recover the wielder be all it can do?
Well, if it's ok to just pick Parthia, then that's the one I'd prefer for Zakai. And since it's know to the epithet as 'Bow of Flame' perhaps it's special ability is a flame attack from the arrows fired?
Orikanyo said:
i shall take up the Hauteclere, as for the liberty... would its ability to recover the wielder be all it can do?
I'm not going by the abilities they use in the games. You're free to make your own for it if you want it to do something particular so long as it's not grossly overpowered.


RubyRose said:
Well, if it's ok to just pick Parthia, then that's the one I'd prefer for Zakai. And since it's know to the epithet as 'Bow of Flame' perhaps it's special ability is a flame attack from the arrows fired?
You can make it so, yes. The Guardian Spirit can be the source of the flame when Zakai wills the tip of the arrow to alight.
perhaps... anti armor? nah to plain... Could give it the anti undead/revenant/unholy addition some holy weapons have, though that would be... very effective, though i wonder if to effective. it fits Cal's whole monk class, holy weapon for holy warrior... and occasional theif.
Orikanyo said:
perhaps... anti armor? nah to plain... Could give it the anti undead/revenant/unholy addition some holy weapons have, though that would be... very effective, though i wonder if to effective. it fits Cal's whole monk class, holy weapon for holy warrior... and occasional theif.
Perhaps. Keep thinking on it and let me know when you make a final decision.

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